Thursday, June 15, 2023

Purging the Women

It takes a lot to shock me these days, but every time I see news about the Southern Baptist Convention voting to oust churches with women pastors, I do a double-take as if I've never heard it before.

The men voting for this believe that woman-led churches automatically go to the left. According to the New York Times story about the vote when it was still upcoming, they argue "that female pastors are a precursor to acceptance of homosexuality and sexual immorality."

I would be less surprised if these retrograde men made the argument from some scriptural basis (women should remain silent in church, etc.). What gets me is the fact that they're making a straight-up attack on what women supposedly do as pastors: an assumption based on nothing but bias. And that's ironic when we have lots of examples of women who enforce right-wing rules better than men.

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