Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Rich Badger, Poor Badger

Long day here. I was going to include this tweet in the April round-up in a few days, but why not post it early?

The account's name is pretty rude, so I'll leave it for those who want to go look at it, but here's the tweet:

English badgers always look like proper gentlemen. American badgers always look like they’ve never had healthcare in a society fueled by war mongering and rugged, every man for themselves individualism.

The rejoinder tweet was, "Not that the British Empire did the world any favors on the war mongering part but the social safety net they have for their citizens is commendable."

When Daughter Number Three-Point-One was a preschooler, she named herself after Frances the badger from Bread and Jam for Frances, so I have a fondness for all kinds of badgers, with or without health care.

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