Thursday, April 27, 2023

More News from the Death Throes of Twitter

As Twitter continues to devolve, the ads ("promoted tweets") get worse. I keep blocking them. Sometimes there are none, and other times a lot of them, almost always totally irrelevant and bottom-feeding. 

I've noticed that I don't even have to read them anymore to know which tweets are promoted. It used to be just a little difficult sometimes, until you got to the bottom of the tweet and saw the "promoted" label. 

Now, though, they usually look like the online equivalent of slot machines, strewn from the first line to the last with emojis, plus many links and hashtags:

And they often have an embedded snapshot of their profile, which is not only boring but screams "visual spam."

I thank them for saving me time in identifying them, but at the same time, I curse them for afflicting my eyes.

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