Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Twitter, February 2023

(Am I the only one who doesn't quite believe it's 2023? I keep thinking about years and somehow these years in the 2020s don't seem real, even as I type them.)

Scanning back over these tweets, it looks like it was "just" another month of the march toward fascism on the Right during Black History Month, while the Super Bowl and Presidents Day occurred. Mainstream media continue to facilitate the march through both-sidesism, fawning reporting on DeSantis, and moral panic coverage that helps the Right. 

In other news, Ilhan Omar was voted off the House Foreign Relations Committee during the first few days, the State of the Union address happened, and Fox News was outed as the lying liars we all knew they are. There were no mainstream stories about climate (as if those are very frequent) or other important topics that made their way into notable tweets. Or maybe Twitter wasn't showing them to me. Who knows these days.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account, and is listed in reverse chronological order.


Fascism can be *both* terrifying and stupid (in fact, hilariously stupid). The fact that it's stupid does not mean that you should ignore it. A problem ignored is not in fact a problem solved, any doctor will tell you.
Tom Tomorrow

Having to stand in a 10 minute line to pass through metal detectors to see someone at the hospital is some the most American-style normalization of gun violence solution that I’ve seen. And yet if I was here with a Republican they’d be throwing a hissy fit at the mandatory masking at, again, THE HOSPITAL
Elie Mystal

The abortion pill mifepristone is safer than Viagra. No one's trying to ban Viagra.
Women's March

Music fun fact: The oldest flute is 60,000 years old, while the earliest indications of humans wearing pants date 20,000 years ago, indicating an approx. 40,000-year historical period where we had music, but no pants:

Robert Komaniecki

Starting grad school: "I want to explore how people develop their political beliefs!"
Several years later, the final dissertation topic: "Brasski's Model of Sociopolitical Identity: The Case of Hungarian-American Adolescent Males in Wheeling, WV - 1924-1926"
Alfie Kohn

At this point, "anti-wokism" is more of a coherent ideology than wokism. This is because what is called "wokism" is really generational change. Meanwhile, "anti-wokism" is coalescing around a series of strategies to combat that change - instituting illiberal state policies.
The Neighborhood Sociologist @roderickgraham

Wow. In an explosive new court filing, Dominion claims to have evidence that Rupert Murdoch provided Jared Kushner with ADVANCE COPIES OF BIDEN'S ADS BEFORE THEY WERE MADE PUBLIC. Keep in mind, FOX NEWS HOSTED A PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE IN 2020, as if they were a neutral, legitimate news organization. Democrats have played into this fantasy as well. Meanwhile, Murdoch was providing Trump with advance copies of Biden's ads and advising him on debate strategy
Judd Legum

Children are not “scholars,” they are students. Might as well call them “Doctors” or “Professors.” A scholar spends years of study to earn that title. No child is a scholar. Pretentious verbiage.
Diane Ravitch

A very proud mother!


Cancel the colonial Debt. Africa owes no one but the global north that owes my peoples for not only colonialism but also also for the destruction its companies are imposing on our continent. The global north is holding our countries in the global south hostage with their debt. Germany’s debt was cancelled, why not ours? Cancel the Debt! #DebtForClimate #DebtCancellation
Ina-Maria Shikongo

Pro tip for reporters/editors: when quoting a Republican politician referring to "Democrat" when the correct word is "Democratic," you should add "(sic)." That way we won't think that you are so ignorant you don't know the name of one of the country's two major political parties.
Dean Baker

These corporations and subcontractors repeatedly and openly keep using trafficked child immigrant labor because they know fines are a joke and mean nothing. Fines are quite literally a way you make crime legal for the rich

First electric car with cheap sodium-ion battery offers 157 miles of range.
Mark Z. Jacobson

just want to report that being a shameless beginner at something is pure joy
Michelle Allison @fatnutritionist

Behind every GOP education *move,* K–12 to higher ed, can be found a single, urgent question: how do we produce kids who grow up to vote Republican???
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire

not a single day passes when i don't think about this medieval bunny drawing:


The text of DeSantis' higher education bill has been released. It's as terrifying as the press release suggested it would be. Florida HB 999 would enact the most draconian and censorious restrictions on higher education in the history of this country.
Jeremy C. Young

“Stop doing traffic studies. Stop trying to improve flow. Stop spending people’s tax dollars giving them false hope that you can cure congestion, while mutilating their cities in the process” –Jeff Speck
Cassie @ceesmidgins

New study on gender-affirming care regret just dropped, and the numbers are staggering in showing how little regret there is. This one has 6 out of 1989 patients detransitioning.
Sydney Bauer @femme_thoughts

knee replacement has a ~10% regret rate
prostate cancer treatment has a 13% regret rate
gender affirming care has a 0.3% regret rate
Cara Esten

It is striking that records of white ancestors were available that far back, but Angela Davis still left [Henry Louis Gates's show Finding Our Roots] not knowing her mother's mother's name. That's the real story.

(looking at an empty space where there is no racist statue)
how am I supposed to know slavery is bad
Ken Cheng

A car moving at typical city speeds uses 75 times more space than someone walking. Mobility in cities is about space. Via @thehappycity:

Brent Toderian

You gotta respect Facebook's arc. Started as a place to rate people's hotness, then helped the country slide into fascism in 2016, and is now a website to buy used furniture
Kevin Farzad

Amazing to see how quickly the argument that SCOTUS now requires states to fund private religious schools (and that those schools MUST be allowed to discriminate because of the 1st Amendment) is being enshrined into law.
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire

Nothing says "I hate cancel culture" quite as loudly as having a teacher fired for criticizing policy. Nothing says "power to the parents, not the education bureaucrats" quite as loudly as having a teacher fired for telling people what's happening in schools.

I can not stress enough this point: Literally every last person in the United States who complains about how “crowded” our cities are, is talking about cars. America is not crowded, anywhere. Half the land in our cities is four-lane roads and parking lots!!!!!!!!!
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

Economists love to apply Occam's razor, unless the answer is “racism.”
Dr. Trevon D Logan

On Presidents Day, it is important to recall that at least twelve U.S. presidents enslaved Black people, eight while in office. Two-thirds of the first 18 presidents collectively enslaved nearly 2,000 Black people. We know what largely built this nation, and it wasn’t freedom:

Ibram X. Kendi

The phrase “parental rights” came from the Christian homeschooling movement. This is partly what they mean when they tout “parental rights” (as distinct from “children’s rights” which they refused to endorse in a UN Resolution). They want the right to beat their children.

How do you know that we're facing a right-wing moral panic over trans care for minors? Well, there are probably more articles about the danger of gender dysphoria surgeries than there are ACTUAL SURGERIES
Will Stancil

President’s Day was created to honor a man who personally enslaved 577 people and took their teeth for his own mouth. This country needs new foundations.
Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis

Black history is the Tougaloo Nine. The nine students who, in 1961 while undergraduates at Tougaloo College, staged sit-ins at the all-white Jackson Main Library in Jackson, Mississippi. Prior to the sit-ins, African Americans were prohibited from using the city’s main library.
Kenny Akers

It's hard to explain to folks the range of the magnitude of changes they are soon to experience, when their mental models don't allow them to acknowledge the huge discontinuities they're living through now — or even what's actually already happened.
Alex Steffen

There's nothing wrong with asking questions. I'm a cis hetero male, i didn't know jack about trans issues. I asked the question, got the answer via a quick google search of studies, and accepted it. The problem is people who "ask questions" they don't want answers to.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

The shallow diss the Carter Administration as a failed presidency, but that's context collapse. I suspect those were the last years the USA still functioned as an actual country, with shared concern for a common future. Fair winds, Pres. Carter.
Alex Steffen

This landlord just gave the best indictment of capitalism I've ever seen:


Let’s talk about sexual dimorphism in humans. This is something that comes up a lot in Jordan Peterson and incel circles. And it sets you up for terrible answers, because it fundamentally misunderstands the question. A better question: why are human males and females so SIMILAR.

In 2010, the world's top chicken breeder tested restricting birds' sleep from 7 to 4 hours per night. The change doubled mortality and hurt every welfare metric. But it increased weight gain. Today almost all chickens are only allowed 4 hours of sleep.
Lewis Bollard

Vouchers do not equal school choice. Parents have choices now. What they can’t do is ask for my tax dollars to fund their choices. That is what a voucher would change.
Tricia Cave @tdcave

The “cancel culture” and anti-“wokeism” moral panics rely on a complete inversion of the actual balance of power, portraying traditionally marginalized groups as mighty forces that urgently need to be reined in – and those in elite positions as desperately in need of protection. These moral panics appeal to (predominantly white, predominantly male) elites because the threat to elite impunity is real - “cancel culture” and “wokeism” may have made it slightly more likely that people get in trouble for racist, misogynistic, disrespectful behavior.
Thomas Zimmer @tzimmer_history

Republicans: Trans people are too immature to have any medical autonomy until they're 18. Or 21. Or 26.
Also Republicans: 14 years-old is enough to die in a hazardous job or get married off in an arranged marriage.
Brynn Tannehill

To nutshellize it for you: Under Merrick Garland, DOJ decided to prosecute Andrew Gillum for allegedly getting Hamilton tickets from a donor, but NOT to prosecute Matt Gaetz for sex trafficking. PONDER THAT SHIT!! Really think it through.
Pam Keith, Esq. @PamKeithFL

Once again thinking about how Lexington destroyed its beautiful Union Station and replaced it with a parking garage. We really did just lose our minds for 50 or so years there, huh?

M. Nolan Gray

A Pennsylvania mother (with the help of Stephen Miller's legal group) is suing her child's school over a social skills curriculum, alleging it's emphasis on compassion violates her "Christian" beliefs because "not every human is deserving of my child's empathy."
Gillian Branstetter @GBBranstetter

Just a reminder folks - "anecdotal evidence" is usually just a synonym for "I selectively picked some stories that support my preconceived notion while ignored the actual data or anything that didn't fit my narrative." In other words, bullshit.

Since Jesse Single is melting down about the NYT letter I'll just reiterate that he has admitted that the Times' coverage of trans issues — as well as his own — is based exclusively on anecdotes. Every major medical association supports gender affirming care for kids.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

Why are ethics questions always like:
"is it ethical to steal bread to feed your starving family?"
And not:
"is it ethical to hoard bread when families are starving?"
Existential Comics

Just to recap the latest [absurdly regressive] conservative ideas in 2023:
* We should use child labour to solve the worker shortage
* Poor people should skip meals
* Old people should commit suicide
* Everyone should live with widespread viral infections
T. Ryan Gregory

Africa doesn’t actually export much in the way of resources; despite being 17% of global population, it exports only 5.5% of the world’s minerals! The predominance of resources in their economies has more to with the small size of the rest of the economy, than with anything else:


Listen up dipshits, if my kids gotta do active shooter drills, your kids can definitely handle some lessons about Martin Luther King Jr.

From the pages of the New York Times to the legislative hearings across the country to kitchen table conversations — trans people became the endless fixation of those looking for a place for their fear about a changing world of increasing possibility.
Chase Strangio

The Biden-Harris Administration took action to reduce exorbitant bank fees by pushing banks to end bounced check fees and moving to ban surprise overdraft fees – saving consumers more than $5 billion a year compared to pre-pandemic.
The White House

If Jesus can afford to advertise during the Super Bowl, he can afford to pay taxes.
Michael Blalock @mikeosu02

Guys, there’s a reason [young kids are being found working in meat-packing plants and other places] now, and it’s not a worker shortage. It’s that the meat packing companies got caught. In short, no little white kid is going to get a job working third shift at the local meat packing plant. Companies are paying politicians to make it legal to employ the brown kids already working 3rd shift at their plants. They’re trying to make ‘getting caught’ go away. Guess what. It’s already legal for kids as young as four and five work in the fields. I am positive that meat plants are like — why can’t we do that too??
RustBelt Rebel

I love how many issues in society are something like:
"Fixing this problem will cost 2 billion, not fixing this problem will cost 8 billion"
"Sorry we can't fix the problem, it's too expensive"

the turbotax ad campaign where they're like "think of all the stuff you could be doing instead of your taxes" just reminds me they lobbied to make sure the government couldn't just do our taxes for us

An underappreciated reality of American life is that you spend a lot of time in buildings that look like this:

M. Nolan Gray

If ever there were a time to admit that our tax system is a complete clusterfuck that the worst of society are incentivized to overcomplicate, it’s when multiple tax preparation companies can afford multiple Super Bowl commercials.
feminist next door @emrazz

North American streets are unsafe and unproductive. We get the worst of both worlds. They’re wide, auto-oriented, and incentivize reckless driving. They’re also crumbling into debt and taking up valuable land that could be productively developed. It doesn't have to be this way.
Strong Towns

The last few years of news have been so wild that the government is shooting unidentified flying objects out of the sky, and we’re all like, Yes, but what’s for dinner?
Anand Giridharadas @AnandWrites

15 minute city? how UNAMERICAN!
i should have to DRIVE my SUV at least THIRTY MINUTES to get to the grocery store

"Over a 15-year period, 6,253 cars crashed into 7-Eleven storefronts in the U.S. – an average of 1.14 per day."

“World War III, Erection, They threw beans on him!” At this point I’m just laughing at word’s because funny:


The numbers in the headline are just for 7-11 stores, but there are 30,000 car-into-business crashes in the US *every year* killing 2,000 people. And the crazy thing is that those deaths are not included in state crash databases because they occur on private property.
Warren J. Wells

The illusion that humans are somehow not animals is fucking wild
Sophia Benoit @1followernodad

a lot of people are comparing the east palestine disaster to chernobyl but I think it's more like the bhopal gas disaster or deepwater horizon — it's a purely capitalist disaster caused by capitalists doing capitalism. a massive death plume spanning multiple counties in Ohio is raining down hydrochloric acid onto people because a bomb train carrying vinyl chloride was deliberately classified as non-hazardous to save Norfolk Southern money and regulatory inconveniences
Robert R. Raymond

Why is it always a sex-scandal that gets these austere male politicians to resign and it’s never that they had police on horse back trample unhoused residents and those supporting them or that they neglected unhoused people during the worst cold nights, without warming centres?
@ayasinvan (commenting on the resignation of Toronto mayor John Tory)

Bus driver:


Bills to roll back child labor protections aren't *just* about filling job openings. These are the legislators who blame schools for turning kids into socialists. One solution: get them out of school and into (non-union) workplaces as young as possible
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire

transphobia has so many people being swept up into right leaning politics. it’s scary to witness. the gateway to conservatism will always be minding/controlling someone else’s business despite someone else having no impact on your ability to live and function.

The way we don't have a political category that includes the likes of Pamela Paul, Tucker Carlson, Eric Adams, Ron DeSantis, Elon Musk, and Glenn Greenwald - even though they're all aligned on highly salient issues - is a huge blind spot that's rapidly becoming dangerous I’ve been thinking about this and I’ve decided the thing that unites them is a set of premises about how society is arranged. There are lots of ways of expressing these premised but the structure of them leads pretty inexorably to scarily reactionary politics.
Will Stancil

pretty much none of the people who try to come for fat activists on this platform have the first clue what we actually think or what our actual positions are... they're just wildly swinging at their own shadow puppets and it's fucking bizarre but also kinda funny
Michelle Allison @fatnutritionist

I cover a lot of controversial topics in my writing, from racism to Christian nationalism to authoritarianism, but nothing draws fire like drawing attention to sexual abuse and coverups in white evangelical churches.  Nothing even comes close.
Kristin Du Mez @kkdumez

Incredible. Yet completely expected by those not on the autonomous vehicle gravy train: Study subjects freed from piloting their own cars increase miles driven by 83 percent.
Jeff Speck

Climate stat of the day: Big Oil's profits were 20x larger than EPA budget in 2022:

Jeff Goodell

The intensity with which the mainstream political press is shitting all over Kamala Harris and elevating/celebrating Ron DeSantis is surprising even to me, with my extremely low opinion of the mainstream political press. I mean, I'm pretty cynical, but the guy is literally running a campaign for president *based on banning books about gay and black people* and not only is that not disqualifying but pundits are practically horny for him!
David Roberts @drvolts

Ron DeSantis is a fascist who bans books. That’s the line. It has the benefit of being true.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish

The only real parenting hack is to live close to the grandparents
Peter Yang

Whiteness isn’t politically neutral and neither are white-centered perspectives of history The classroom was engineered to erase nonwhite histories. It has been racially segregated for most of its history. It’s the establishment that initially politicized and racialized the classroom.
Bree Newsome Bass

I just saw a black man on tiktok visit Sweden for the first time, and over the course of a day, he got pulled over by Swedish police FIVE TIMES. In one day!
Ashley C. Ford @iSmashFizzle

We build vehicles that weigh 9000 pounds with 1000HP, can go 0-60mph in 3.3 seconds and market them recklessly.
We then ask people to wear construction vests to cross the street. This is all so beyond absurd and it's truly incredible that we've normalized this.

Here in Minnesota our Department of Public Safety recommends pedestrians "dress in light colors and wear retro-reflective material." We had to Google retro-reflective... and it's not "retro" like that fun costume party you went to last summer:

Move Minnesota

The only MnDOT-approved outfit I have:


Conservative judges have decided to give guns back to domestic abusers, overturning federal law. We know for a statistical fact that this ruling will lead to more dead women. And we know Republicans do not care.
Elie Mystal

"The problem here is not guessing at how people living in the 1600s or 1700s might have thought; the problem is thinking that our modern laws and lives must be hobbled by the moral and intellectual limitations of the 17th or 18th century."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders response to the State of the Union, "Democrats want to rule us with more government control. But, that's not who we are."
Ron DeSantis, "We're gonna need to keep track of your child's period, the books she reads, her sexuality, what she's allowed to learn and her political affiliation..."

If I use "woke" as a sneering epithet, it means (1) I'm white or male or straight or Christian, (2) you've just reminded me that (a) not everyone is like me, and (b) they, too, deserve respect, (3) I resent that reminder, but (4) I can't cite a defensible reason for my reaction.
Alfie Kohn

India just passed China as the most populous country in the world. Why? Because of the biggest accident in history. Look at where people live in India. What's that band up north?

Tomas Pueyo

In Unconditional Parenting, I cited data to challenge the belief that parents must punish their kids to protect them in dangerous neighborhoods. A recent study shows that such parenting is damaging even (or especially) in such places provides another link]. Children facing racism and other perils may need more structure or closer monitoring, but that doesn't mean they benefit from controlling or authoritarian parenting. In fact, the chance for kids to participate in making decisions may be *most* important in tough neighborhoods.
Alfie Kohn

Another wild day, as I read stories from red states about right-wing terrorism, book bannings, and child labor, and then turn to the punditry to find the 4,683rd piece lamenting racial sensitivity trainings. I've despaired of trying to get people in that bubble to see how surreal it is.
David Roberts @drvolts

“We have to comply with fascist censorship it’s the law” is not the defense you think it is.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish

If Emmett Till were alive today there would be four U.S. Senators older than him. The history they want to ban is still with us.
Charles Booker @Booker4KY

I shudder at what could happen to Black Studies — and all critical thinking — should DeSantis become president. And that is likely if he runs. Politicians from Reagan to DeSantis have been rewarded for their racist attacks on Black people and their intellectual traditions:

Ibram X. Kendi

We often talk of states serving as laboratories of democracy. But one prominent professor of African-American studies says, “Florida has become a laboratory of fascism."
Steven Greenhouse

Since the only constitution America has was written exclusively by white men in the 18th century, I think we should hold a new constitutional convention in which ONLY women and POC are allowed to attend and fix what the other ones broke. A modern American constitution.
Rebekah Jones @GeoRebekah

The fact that the entire Iberian peninsula was fascist from the 1930s through the mid-1970s has no hold on American memory at all.
James Surowiecki

Intoxicated driving violates the public trust and yet we let those individuals who have a DUI keep their licenses so they can go to work. If we had more transit options, licensure could be held only by the responsible.
Kate Rozen @KRDemCT

Every city needs a living room. (We have enough driveways and garages):


...and a dining room...


...and a family room:


5th Circuit: Wife Beaters Can Own Guns Since Wife-Beating Was Legal In 1791

I don't understand how minor linguistic changes "empower the right" but prominent national columnists constantly complaining about them doesn't.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

(Fact: When a country stops participating in international adoptions, the number of children relinquished to orphanages, group homes, etc. in that country tends to fall rather dramatically. Hmm, what does that suggest, APs?)  

Socialism is the word Republicans use when they're plotting to steal your retirement money. Pass it on.
Rachel Bitecofer

The same folks who call teachers groomers, write legislation to require girls prove their menstrual cycle to play high school basketball. Looking at you, Florida.

This is what indoctrination of children actually looks like. It’s also insanely cringe:

Thomas Kennedy

Turns out Minneapolis was not a model for racial justice after the murder of George Floyd, it was a model of how police can abandon their duties, scam our public funds and take advantage of the campaigns of petty Democrat politicians who will use the same fear as Republicans.
D.A. Bullock @BullyCreative

Today marks 500 days since the Taliban BANNED girls from going to school. Afghanistan is the ONLY country on earth where women and girls are banned from receiving an education.
500 days of lost dreams
500 days of imprisonment
500 days of global silence

With an average of 42 practice hours and 48% failure rate, it's hard to get a driver’s license in the Netherlands. In addition, drivers 75+ must be examined by a doctor to assess their fitness to drive—and sometimes, pass the arduous exam all over again.
Dutch Cycling Embassy

Conservatives are not against indoctrination and grooming. Conservatives want full control of indoctrinating and grooming. There is no competing indoctrination (left v. right) in the US. The tension is between those who want to indoctrinate and those who oppose indoctrination. Florida Republicans have passed bans that carry felony charges and fines. Progressive include their pronouns in the Twitter bios. There is no both sides on this.
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

Woke professor Albert Einstein going out of his way to promote diversity, equity and inclusion during the Jim Crow Era:

Kareem Carr | Data Scientist

News media sort of promote hysteria about cold weather.
Angie Schmitt

Someone who has questioned whether or not a plane actually hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and said the Parkland shooting was a “false flag” is sitting on the Homeland Security Committee, so I don’t wanna hear shit about Ilhan Omar.

Ilhan Omar being voted off House Foreign Relations Committee is despicable. Let’s be clear on the WHY. She challenged imperialism, war, flawed US foreign policy and had no problem criticizing US allies. They didn’t like the TRUTH.
Linda Sarsour

The cops that can’t stop killing us, want us to believe they’re our only defense against the “real” criminals. But am I supposed to believe the cops will keep criminals from murdering me if the cops can’t even keep the cops from murdering me? Do you hear how that sounds?
Ashley C. Ford @iSmashFizzle

Oh – study finds if we have a mass global take-up of autonomous vehicles, the powerful onboard computers needed to run them could generate as many greenhouse gas emissions as *all the data centres in operation today*

A reactionary curriculum movement is upon us. It's banning books, ethnic studies, African American studies. It's silencing the past and ongoing struggles. It's a re-Westernization project seeking to eliminate discourses against colonialism, capitalism, racism, and heteropatriarchy. Coloniality of curriculum is an enduring violent pedagogical act that systematically subjugates and destroys other interpretations. Its main goal is for everyone to interpret the world through the dominant white male gaze and its concomitant concepts, theories, and histories.
Jairo I. Fúnez, PhD

If the New York Times took a fraction of the time it spent obsessing over “her emails” and spent it right now on exposing the evils of DeSantis, this country *might* be able to avoid a deeper dive into fascism. But evidently, coddling fascism is part of the business model.

A 1st Century CE, Roman bridge, still in use today, England:

Dr. M.F. Khan @Dr_TheHistories

During the 1930s police killed 4x as many Black people as were lynched in the Jim Crow South. The police have historically been the *primary* means of inflicting deadly white supremacist violence.
Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey

Had to listen to a few coworkers this morning complain about how the government is handing $500K houses to any homeless people who sign up for it, and I honestly don't know how to even compete with a disinformation apparatus that so easily churns out that kind of credulous rube

"Most poor people are not criminals, and many wealthy people are..thefts committed by students from households with an income of $75,000 or more were nearly triple the rate of thefts committed by students who came from households earning less than $15,000." [Quoting from the book Inside the Criminal Mind by Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D., which footnoted that fact.]
Rob Henderson

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