What a long month November 2022 has been.
It started before the mid-term elections, when "everyone" thought Republicans would come out ahead, and while Twitter was already in Elmo Tusk's clutches, but hadn't yet set it on fire. Then the elections turned out kind of the opposite from what had been predicted, and Elmo proceeded to begin burning his $44 billion investment. We had at least two notable mass shootings, at Club Q and the Chesapeake Walmart, and had to listen to the continued ramping up of rhetoric against trans people that undergirds one of those shootings. The crypto bubble burst (yay!). A man who should already be indicted declared he's running for president and later had dinner with men who should be denounced rather than fed. And a pro-labor president is going to force a bunch of union members to take a contract they don't want.
All of the tweets below the line are quoted from the attributed account and are in generally reverse-chronological order as I saw them in my Twitter feed.
"The consequences of a rail strike are unbearable" is why strikes work come on now people
Sarah Jaffe
my galaxy brain take is that allowing an open-ended $2 billion-a-day rail strike is a better way to cool down the economy than fucking up everybody's interest rates, plus rail workers would get some paid sick days out of it. win-win.
Jonah Furman
This illustration by Eugen Hurtung is so much what I wish actually happened to animals in space:
Baby Boy Monaghan
If Herschel Walker lives in Georgia but claimed homestead in Texas, that’s tax fraud. If he lives in Texas but is registered to vote in Georgia (he is, registered in 2021), that’s voter fraud. He definitely committed one of these crimes, so which is it?
Farron Cousins @farronbalanced
"An NPR analysis of this fast-changing landscape found that over the past two years, state lawmakers introduced at least 306 bills targeting trans people, more than in any previous period. A majority of this legislation, 86%, focuses on trans youth."
David Roberts @drvolts
When people look back on this moment 50 years hence, they won't care much about the vast majority of issues and controversies we're arguing about today. What will define our time, a half century from now, is a series of catastrophic failures of climate/sustainability leadership. That failure of leadership is indefensible now. It will be seen as unforgivable in 50 years.
Alex Steffen
If a judge is going to block a woman’s abortion access, that judge should also be on the hook for child support. Yes, this includes the SCOTUS judges who supported overturning Roe. Maybe with some skin in the game they’d grow some semblance of empathy.
Alexandra Herakai @quoting_mungo
Beautiful Roman gemstone cameos, carved probably of carnelian semi-precious stone with engraved portraits and representations of Roman deities, 2nd–3rd century AD, found in ancient Singidunum, Collection of Belgrade City Museum:
Cory Doctorow
New York City has approximately 3 million parking spots, and 97% of them are free parking. A standard parking spot is 180 square feet. The average price per square foot of land in New York is ~$1000. New York City has an invisible $500 BILLION car subsidy.
Free speech these days mostly seems to be people with awful opinions screaming that we’re legally required to be their friend.
Brexit has led to 4285 fewer European doctors choosing to joining the NHS — at a time when we're short of over 10,000 NHS doctors. And a staggering 58,000 fewer European nurses have joined. What a spectacular act of national self-harm
Rachel Clarke @doctor_oxford
I feel like if Democrats sprouted a communist wing, it'd be national news. Meanwhile an American fascist movement is about to control the House of Reps and it's crickets.
Rachel Bitecofer
It shouldn’t be normal for any politician to meet with a Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist and a. Not know it when that anti-Semite is a public figure and b. not denounce that person’s hateful statements.
Maya Wiley
A brief update on Fox’s very serious and very legitimate coverage of crime over the past few months. (Washington Post chart):
Philip Bump
Worst part of this chart is the mid-September bump where other news sources jump on
craig breslawski @Cee_raig
One day I'm going to write a reverse Christmas movie about a girl who goes home to the big city and discovers that her career IS more important than her relationship
Ashley Nicole Black
Have you noticed the people who don’t want to help refugees because we “have our own poor” also don’t want to help our own poor?
Mohamad Safa @mhdksafa
It really sucks that we didn’t care at all about community input when we were destroying our cities and making them car dependent but now that we’re trying to fix them a tiny bit there needs to be 5 years of community input at every step
Jordan Burns @WalkableCityBoy
Good climate news this week
1 150 nations to cut methane 30% by 2030
2 Australian court blocks new huge coal mine
3 London extends ultra low emissions zone
4 EU approves €380m for 168 new climate projects
5 Australian gas power plants to shut down 10 years earlier than scheduled
Assaad Razzouk
Always remember that we ask everyone outside of the car to be safe, so that drivers can be dangerous. If only we blamed city leaders for their reckless design the way we blame those outside the car for not wearing special fabric.
It’s actually insane that fully self-driving cars will be everywhere without our consent but a bus or bike lane goes needs years of community and environmental outreach. It’s honestly cruel.
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy
It's hilarious to watch the richest man in the world successfully recruited by white supremacists the exact same way they recruit teen boys: targeting the angriest, loneliest ones they can find and flattering them endlessly while feeding them talking points.
Ed Burmila
"If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most of the other monkeys starved, scientists would study that monkey to figure out what the heck was wrong with it. When humans do it, we put them on the cover of Forbes."
Man Who Thinks Drag Queens Are Groomers Asking 7-Year-Old Niece if She Has a Boyfriend:
American cities have parking minimums and housing maximums, and then wonder why there are so many cars and not enough places to live.
Queen Anne Greenways @QAGreenways
I’ve worked in and for hundreds of cities all over the world. The cities that are doing amazing and innovative things aren’t cities with ideal weather, or topography, or regulatory systems/powers, or even politics. They’re the cities that have stopped making excuses.
Brent Toderian
The problem is not simply that capitalism produces too much, but that it produces the wrong stuff: SUVs, fast fashion and planned obsolescence instead of public transit, affordable housing and universal healthcare. It overuses resources and still fails to meet even basic needs.
Jason Hickel
I have never been groomed by anyone from the LGBTQ community, but I can’t say the same for the churches I attended. I was taught to be meek and submissive to men. That my body caused men to sin. That a woman was responsible for the fall of man. That women were meant to be led.
Piper for Missouri
Patty Squillante
do residents of real big cities know that the anti-city racist crime propaganda extends to every urban area in the country? there are people in small towns around here who are afraid to go to Cedar Rapids
michael aggression @justinkcomer
What’s really absurd is that they somehow think it’s more macho to be be afraid of cities and that the liberal elitists are weak for not admitting that cities are scary. It’s completely backwards.
Adam Villani
Thanksgiving is a holiday when we ignore racism and genocide eat lots of unhealthy food. It’s like the history of America in a day.
Hari Kondabolu
North Americans look around and assume that the car-centricism that surrounds them is this emergent phenomenon, the pure result of revealed preference, when in fact it's the most heavily planned/subsidized/regulated pattern of development in human history.
M. Nolan Gray
It's interesting how the "righteous" can act on abortion, but want to pray about racism. Act on the queer community, but have no power to address poverty.
Harrison Pinckney, IV @HPPIV
The longer I work as an historian the more I keep reconfirming that one of the top rules of history should be: "Always look up everybody's mom." *So much* that doesn't quite make sense makes more sense when you look up mothers and sisters and the connections that get left out!
Ada Palmer
Car culture in the USA: “I didn’t see you” is taken as an exculpation rather than as an admission of fault.
Tony Corsentino @corsent
On car-dependent cities: "They exclude children for the first 16-18 years... and the elderly for the last 7-10 years of their lives. They disproportionately exclude people with disabilities, women, and those with lower incomes":
Melissa & Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife
the end of twitter is taking forever did tolkien write this
The men who built America weren't permitted to own anything, let alone a billion of anything. You're probably thinking of the men who kidnapped and tortured the men who built America.
@pseupseudio (replying to someone who claimed billionaires built America)
I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to think Silicon Valley DOESN’T have all the answers.
Brent Toderian
Fox dropped the crime coverage as soon as the election was over, because that was just nonsense to boost Republicans. They're still doing the LGBTQ stuff—even though voters didn't care about it in the midterms, even after the massacre—because they want gay and trans people dead.
Tom Scocca
It’s bizarre that a $75,000 vehicle to go get a cappuccino downtown is for those salt of the earth folks but the $200 bicycle for the daily commute is for the privileged few.
The Right is grooming mass shooters.
John Pavlovitz
I feel like when reactionaries come along and pick a new group to Other, harass, and dehumanize, and you think, "hm, maybe this time they have a point," you should reflect on the historical record, which makes it pretty clear that they don't.
David Roberts @drvolts
I think it’s strange that the evangelical culture which invented Purity Balls at which girls would promise their virginity to their Dads until their husbands “took it” are now worried about “sexualizing” children.
I was told it was absurd to suggest a public car share program, by a person who also thinks it's absurd not to offer free parking for private vehicles on public space.
Costa Zafiropoulos @ParcExCosta
Weird how any negative framing of our auto culture is automatically anti-car and radical yet the billions of dollars spent on violent car ads and auto-first infrastructure isn't framed as anti-pedestrian, anti-bike, anti-transit, anti-person, anti-senior, anti-child or anti-planet.
That’s THIRTY BILLION $, too. Spent per year. Just to advertise cars. Pretty sure that figure is just US. $30 billion would build a LOT of bike lanes
That tells you how much money automobiles stand to make that 30 billion is their advertising budget.
Bikes Are Freedom @NickelInDime
Yellow-footed green pigeon from Papua New Guinea (Photo by Prerna02):
Weird Animals
The GOP squeaks to victory to recapture House leadership and immediately promises to resurrect The Salem Witch Trials and access journalism's response is "OH MY GOD, WE DIDN'T GET AN INVITE TO NAOMI BIDEN's WEDDING"
Ragnarok Lobster @eclecticbrotha
Non-Indigenous scholars like to “listen” and “learn” but sometimes, there isn’t a lot of “doing” that comes out of all that listening and learning. Action is the third, and most necessary part of being better.
What academics call stochastic terrorism is not actually all that novel or convoluted. It's just the time-honoured activity of inciting a pogrom against undesirables as it would appear in the era of global communication through the internet.
the constant mix of "why don't kids play outside anymore" and "if a kid is outside for even one second then the parents should be arrested" is very strange
You can’t keep saying the hateful rhetoric has to stop and then continue to regard the party of hateful rhetoric as a legitimate part of the body politic. None of these people are serious.
The idea that atheism is a gateway to liberalism says more about religion than it does about atheism. And it’s not good.
Rebekah Kohlhepp
Car-centric cities don’t happen by accident. Car and oil companies lobby for a world where driving is mandatory so we are forced to buy their products
Tesho Akindele @Tesho13
There's been such a coordinated effort to convince you that progressive Black and brown women in office—who serve and lead from lived experiences—are the Democratic equivalent of white supremacist right-wingers who persecute, marginalize and incite violence on the rest of us. Stop it.
The biggest danger of taking your child to a drag show is that a Christian could show up with a gun.
Amy Coney Barrett refuses to recuse herself from an LGBT case, despite being paid 5 times by the anti-LGBT group involved. Ketanji Brown Jackson recused herself from a Harvard case cuz she sits on its Board of Overseers. Barrett is a religious extremist, Jackson is a true Justice.
Lindy Li
Should pedestrian deaths caused by faulty, unregulated self-driving cars be considered a form of protected free speech? This Federalist Society judge thinks so.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
Every time the details of legal immigration comes up, people are shocked. Reminders:
1) H1B visas are tied to their employers — if they lose their job they have 60 days to find a new one
2) If you’re from China or India it’ll take you ~15 years to get a Green Card
Almost every white person in this country has ancestors who immigrated under far, far looser rules. There’s really no reason to be this punitive. We should radically reform immigration TODAY.
Trying to imagine if in 1989 you had told me that in 33 years, three of the wealthiest men in the world with powerful influence in U.S. politics and control and power over the most important communications platforms in the U.S. would all have personal foundational ties to apartheid South Africa.
Sherrilyn Ifill
Sean Masterson
Billionaires must be taxed out of existence with the tax revenue going toward public services and the social safety net. It needs to happen now. It is the only nonviolent way to resolve this problem. Philanthropy is insufficient at best, harmful at worst. It can not be for billionaires to decide how much of their obscene fortunes to give away, in what timeframe and where. That only leaves us with the same problem — people having unethical amounts of $$ they use to influence global policy.
Good climate news this week
1 Lula: zero Amazon deforestation by 2030
2 EU ups 2030 emissions cut to 57%
3 Vietnam gets $11b to exit coal
4 China to curb methane emissions
5 UK: £6b for energy efficiency
6 US DOE in $350m for storage
7 UN agrees climate fund for poorer countries
Assaad Razzouk
Breaking my self-imposed Twitter silence to offer some context for last night's mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs. Since early 2021, the right has increasingly mobilized against the queer community, with drag shows being a particular focal point:
Jay Ulfelder
Post IRA, NextEra expects wind with storage will cost $14/MWh-$21/MWh late this decade. Solar with batteries: $17/MWh-$24/MWh. Down 35%-44% from before IRA.
For those not steeped in this stuff, this means uninterrupted, non-polluting power for around 2 cents per kWh. Most of us pay retail rates in the 12–15 cent range (CA higher). Even with distribution charges, we’re talking about halving people’s power costs, if we pass on savings.
Mike Carr @micarrdc
A friend is arguing with a relative who says Covid is "just a bad flu," so I made him this. Even now, in the lowest sustained period of "low mortality" we've had (after the lowest-low blip of mid-summer 2021), it's like the peak week of a bad flu season... every single week:
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field
The Twitter alternatives are what happen when you design for who people say they are. We think we are serious, high-minded people. Twitter’s design-by-accretion is for who people actually are. We are actually messy queens who sometimes read books.
Tressie McMillan Cottom @tressiemcphd
I mean… I’ve said this before but my concern is how we alleviate human suffering, not how we save the institutions that are so often the source of suffering. Collapse is not necessarily a bad thing when so many of your nation’s institutions are corrupt at their core
Election Day passes and suddenly, the “epidemic of violent crime in America” ends (at least in terms of its coverage on Fox “News”). Incredible how that works:
Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists
I think the thing about Twitter that's hardest for other places to reproduce is that it's one of the few places people can learn from in-group conversation from groups they're not a member of.
Danielle Evans @daniellevalore
I believe [Ray Kurzweil's book The Singularity] holds a central place in technology’s pivot to fascism
Emily Gorcenski
When we were in Iceland there were areas of "new" volcanic rock 700 years old and it was just some thick moss, really barren. And people want to terraform much harsher Mars? Just take care of our planet! The most harsh parts have 02 and H20.
Without twitter, we’re at the mercy of news outlets for reporting and you see how they publish police reports as fact. Twitter has been a broadcast network, and the federal government has utterly failed us in not regulating social media
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein @IBJIYONGI
Without Twitter, Ahmaud Arbery’s killers would’ve never been arrested.
George Floyd’s death, even with the video, likely wouldn’t have sparked
national outrage.
I love how every diet study concludes with, "Participants did not lose any weight ... but perhaps this means that they lost weight." "At the conclusion of the safe-driving course participants got in more car accidents than before, but if you divide them into arbitrary tranches it could mean that they're better drivers."
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark
The two fastest ways to make our cities better:
1. Vote in officials who spend more time being leaders than worrying about being re-elected.
2. Institute "regime change" at local, county, and state Depts. of Transportation, putting in people who don't just think about cars.
Lou Miranda @TheNewLou
"The levels of racism and sexism that came before me were bad. The levels of racism and sexism that I was socialized to find normal are appropriate and good. Efforts to reduce racism and sexism to levels lower than what I find normal are 'woke' and bad." –Everyone
David Roberts @drvolts
I just heard someone call Texas the land of gun care and health control; never heard something more true.
banks in 1929: well look at how many people want to visit our banks right now
Can we just muse on the fact that when faced with the possibility of losing touch with the thousands of strangers we've grown affection for, the vast majority chose to express love, kind-hearted humour, and gratitude for the spaces we occupy in each other's lives? Love y'all.
V for Vaughndetta @gvaughnjoy
Twitter flourished because of the free labor of the people who tweeted and now it is foundering because of the greed and narcissism of a billionaire who bought it.
Lawrence Glickman
What's happening to Twitter is not the same as what happened to MySpace, LiveJournal, Tumblr, or other faded sites. People gradually moved from those sites on their own accord to better options. What's happening to Twitter is a controlled demolition.
Sarah Kendzior
if this is the last night i just wanna say: i confused children of the corn with field of dreams until i was 27 years old
johnny panic and the bible of memes @nezumi_ningen
We should probably have a serious discussion about the ease with which a billionaire haphazardly purchased and immediately destroyed a company that employed 7,500 people and facilitated essential communication for hundreds of millions.
Avi Bueno
Hey in case this whole [Twitter] thing ends ...
Tom Tomorrow
Not even just the jobs at twitter, so many figures and companies have dedicated specialized teams for their social platforms. From customer service to branding and marketing this will cut jobs across industries for The Ego of a man with no plan
The destruction of Twitter is an extension of colonialism. This site was targeted and destroyed because it was a gathering place for activists, intellectuals and the marginalized. It was a tool used in multiple protests and uprisings for a decade. It parallels the loss of housing, community centers and public gathering spaces that has occurred during this same period in marginalized, low wealth neighborhoods as part of gentrification and displacement. It’s all colonialism.
I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges with far right propagandists tell you who he sees as new arbiters of information. Authoritarians create crises and situations of mass destabilization: that's what's going on here.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat
if your 14-day-old embryo has big wide eyes and a full set of teeth, you absolutely must get an abortion immediately because that is a demon and you will be consumed from within before the second trimester
molly conger @socialistdogmom
I came late to Twitter (2014) and immediately jotted down somewhere: "This is way too openly Black to last."
Brent Staples @BrentNYT
billionaires don’t make money by being smart, they do it by hurting other people
jourdain @judysquirrels
It's bad that Twitter's being killed. But it's really good that the world is witnessing, in real time, the myth of billionaire exceptionalism explode before our eyes. And the reminder that as long as billionaires are allowed to exist, the days of our liberties are numbered.
Rafael Shimunov
If we take nothing else away from this, let's all remember that. A man amassed so much money (thru inherited wealth and a whole lot of shadiness) that he could end world hunger, but instead, he bought an app people have treated like the digital commons for years, and broke it.
Puff the Magic Hater @MsKellyMHayes
We all agree that Apartheid Andy purposefully crashed this site…but I can’t tell if the motive was to crush a popular tool for organizing and registering dissent OR he was mad someone tweeted that he smells like pee.
Dave Zirin @EdgeofSports
weird that “work around the clock for a capricious weirdo” didn’t appeal to folks
jason concepcion @netw3rk
The collapse of twitter and ftx in the same month is the best evidence that billionaires are a policy failure
Emily Gorcenski
You know, maybe inheriting apartheid cash isn’t a skillset.
Shout out to all the workers at Twitter. You all built a vital place for connection and deserved so much better. Millions of people appreciate the space you built and the hard work that went into it. Thank you
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Let's put this into perspective — at the beginning of this month, Twitter had 7,400 employees. Barely half way through the month, if 75% do actually stick to their decision today, the company will have shrunk by a whopping ~88%
Kylie Robison @kyliebytes
My ongoing theory about why Americans are so cynical and convinced they are getting taken advantage of at every turn is because they get treated like garbage by major corporations, and no one does much of anything to help them. Witness: Ticketmaster and the Taylor Swift fans.
Helaine Olen
The fact that oil and gas wells can be "net zero" tells you everything you need to know about how meaningless that term is.
Amy Westervelt
This is just sad. 92% of highly religious Americans believe God gave them a duty to protect the planet. Fewer than half of them say climate change is a serious problem or that humans contribute to it.
In case you're wondering, 88% of atheists view climate change as a serious problem — more than any other group. Only 34% of evangelicals feel the same way. Even more of them (38%) say it's not a problem at all.
Hemant Mehta
If you've heard crypto is bad for the climate, you don't even know the half of it. Crypto has has created more climate pollution than ALL electric cars have saved — EVER. It's literally keeping coal plants open in America.
Dr. Leah Stokes
our entire financial system is just shoveling giant piles of money at crazy looking white guys:
Oliver Willis
The governor of the seat of the former Confederacy [Glen Youngkin] doesn’t think Virginia children should learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This is the way white supremacy becomes embedded in curriculum.
Maya Wiley
really wish that amy coney barrett's belief the 14th amendment was improperly ratified due to uh, treason and civil war had made it into her confirmation hearings
a vindicated archaeologist @merovingians
Voters should not have to defeat Donald Trump again. That’s why we have a fucking Justice Department. Do your damn job and prosecute him.
Jason Overstreet
The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but they haven't stopped even one school shooting. Instead they've arrested over 1 million kids, mostly students of color.
This interchange project in Texas was a national finalist for a “Quality of Life” award in case you were wondering where this country is at:
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy
I like this trend of painting"unauthorized" crosswalks. Cities almost always rush to erase them. That shows local agencies *can* move quickly to change streetscapes — they just choose not to when residents request safety improvements. People should know that!
David Zipper
[Painting over crosswalks] admits this road is unsafe as is yet chooses to leave it open to cars - the element that poses a threat. If you are unwilling to make it safe, remove the dangerous element - cars - from the road until you have the institutional capacity to re-introduce them safely.
Kuan Butts @buttsmeister
Flexible spending accounts are a bizarre and insane scam wherein you guess how much money you’ll need for medical emergencies in a year and when you guess wrong your employer takes all the leftover money like a casino
Jerry Iannelli
crypto guy 2016: hell yes this is unregulated as fuck. this rocks. this is the future to decentralization
crypto guy 2022: why is no one investigating the FTX collapse. all my money gone, my child lost his college fund, help
Never forget that America got Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential announcement BEFORE America got the January 6th Committee report or an indictment from the DOJ.
Don Winslow
We are going to the moon “to answer the biggest philosophical questions of our time” - NASA person on NPR. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to fully fund graduate philosophy programs?
Chris Steller
80% of Black Americans said social media help shed light on rarely discussed issues; the same share of White Americans said these sites distract from more important issues
Conrad Hackett
Leave Twitter just because it’s losing its entire infrastructure and is terribly understaffed? Babe, I’m in libraries.
After the 2016 election, lots of political media asked its audiences to empathize with white men, with the fear and rage they felt at their loss of status in a changing country. After Dobbs, will we be asked to empathize with women’s fear and anger at their lost status?
Moira Donegan
Everyone keeps saying goodbye on Twitter but so far, we are all still here. I feel like I'm at a dinner party in the Midwest.
Lucy Huber @clhubes
What's happening at Twitter should make us think about economic democracy. Bosses shouldn’t be able to fire you just for pointing out their mistakes. Workers should have real power, control, and ownership of our workplaces.
Colourful buildings can be a challenge to design but this one in Vancouver gets it right:
Brent Bellamy
Bees were electrified before it was cool. Plants are negatively charged while bees are positive, so pollen is electrostatically attracted to them when they land.
Brendon Slotterback
for my non tech friends: usually when we deprecate services we write a plan, we talk to downstream consumers, we verify and double verify, we send outwards communications, we do a brown out and flip it back on, if nothing goes wrong we finally turn it off. and that’s for ONE service
What if Twitter collapses, and we're all happier and saner as a result — but we have no way to share with each other the news of this wonderful development in our lives? Will we then be sad?
Bill McKibben
As usual with Republicans, every accusation is a confession. Democrats are not "controlling" women. But Republicans are desperate to control women by forcing them into unwanted childbirth and economic dependence on men.
Amanda Marcotte
Let me see the Venn diagram of people who thought John Fetterman was losing because he debated and Katie Hobbs was losing because she didn’t debate.
Brian Schatz
Bruh. Did y'all know bears DON'T HAVE collarbones and can fit through your DOGGY DOOR? Because I didn't.
Georgia DNR Wildlife
Let's speak it plainly: We are watching a wealthy man haphazardly strip-mine an app built and popularized by people of color and activists and relied on in the Global South as the last public social app that can still deliver news and information in 2G.
Ryan Broderick
Glad to see [Arizona Republican Kari] Lake is concerned about voters waiting in long lines to vote. After she loses this election, will she support federal legislation guaranteeing that no voter should wait more than 30 minutes in line to vote?
Marc E. Elias
One lesson I think everyone should take from the SBF [crypto] story is that the need for diversity is no joke. It's not just a nice extra. Groups of privileged Ivy-educated white dudes sitting around talking to one another produce disasters. They all share the same blind spots.
David Roberts @drvolts
I used to think that Dickens' names were over-the-top literary in-jokes, and then:
* Madoff
* Bankman-Fried
Cory Doctorow
I was just thinking how great this country is at ginning up concern over imagined threats to our safety — immigrant caravans! Fentanyl Skittles — while blithely ignoring the real ones.
Jennifer Mendelsohn @CleverTitleTK
Please stop defending antisemitism by pointing out that Jews in fact exist and have jobs and stuff.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
There is no “good” version of crypto. It has been a fraudulent project from the jump, and anyone who failed to see that over the past decade should not be in the business of thinking and writing about American political economy.
Zachary D. Carter
I think the polls accurately showed Democrats are unpopular among people who pick up a call labeled Spam Risk.
Queen Anne Greenways
I see life as a shared gift, received from others and passed on to others, living and dying as one process, in which lies both our suffering and our reward. Without mortality to purchase it, how can we have the consciousness of eternity? I think the price is worth paying.
Ursula K. Le Guin bot
This whole crypto debacle makes Elizabeth Holmes seem like a visionary. Her fraud was at least pretending to solve an actual hard problem.
Stephen Diehl
Pollutionary zoning: when you only allow apartments to be built next to highways and other big streets.
Dan Keshet
"Librarians are kind of upside-down cops: public employees who are stepping in wherever the rest of our services have failed." –Cory Doctorow
Never forget "defund the police" was deemed a historic error from which no recovery is possible while "coach has to check every girl's genitals before they scrimmage" was just one more wacky right-wing idea, no big deal. Why did the former do so much more damage to Dems than the latter did to Rs? Is it objectively worse, intrinsically more repugnant to suburban moms? No. It did more damage because *the press, aided by a bunch of self-flagellating Democrats, discussed it constantly*.
David Roberts @drvolts
i would like just one (1) person who wrote pre-election that “defund the police has doomed democrats” to write about how extreme GOP rhetoric is responsible for their midterm disaster
Andrew Lawrence
as someone who has learned so much on twitter from listening to people whose voices i would ordinarily never hear because the system silences them, i just don't feel like any social media platform which encourages silo-ing can replace the education that's possible on here
Claire Willett
Anti-Blackness is to America what y’all think apple pie is.
Dr. Frederick V. Engram Jr. @VanCarlito2003
One of the things I'm appreciating about this difficult period is finding out that most people really do use this site the same way I do.
Naomi Kritzer
See, here is what I’m freaking out about [about moving from Twitter to Mastodon]! If I’m on mastodon, how can I follow random medievalists and eel historians and also election news and baby goats
Tessa Dare
Become unmonetizable
Boba Yaga
Majority white opinion and majority American opinion are no longer the same thing. This is what folks gotta come to grips with. The era of white supremacy and colonialism is on its way out, globally.
Ok I’m in Stockholm and my first question is: are the explosions normal?
I have consulted three different sources on this and the answers I received were:
- yes there is a lot of construction blasting
- yes this is a ceremony for the royal family and
- yes there is an issue with black market yugoslavian hand grenades
but the answer was always yes
Emily Gorcenski
Ray Kurzweil did get me into eating a lot more raw greens though and I appreciate that. Now I am praying the singularity does not achieve sentience in my lifetime, it is bound to be a racist trumper.
Kevin Hebert @Kevkevofkevs
A lot of people on this site who spent the last three years making a bunch of money calling content moderation a censorious communist plot got impersonated once this week and are now desperate for some of that content moderation.
Ben Collins @oneunderscore__
I share your prediction [about Elon Musk] often:
The best futures still available to us this century aren't just far better than the worst futures but likely better than present realities for most of humanity. It's not only not "too late", but the best is likely still ahead. Speed is everything. Optimism is political action.
Alex Steffen
Twitter Blue is really a great deal to be honest. For $8, you can make
an insulin company lose $20 billion dollars market cap in a day. Pretty
much the most valuable subscription in the history of the internet.
ahmed ali akbar @radbrowndads
We apologize to those who have been served a misleading message from a fake Lilly account. Our official Twitter account is @LillyPad.
Eli Lilly and Company
Let's be clear. Eli Lilly should apologize for increasing the price of insulin by over 1,200% since 1996 to $275 while it costs less than $10 to manufacture. The inventors of insulin sold their patents in 1923 for $1 to save lives, not to make Eli Lilly's CEO obscenely rich.
Bernie Sanders
my dad just likened Twitter right now to an ’80s kids movie where a greedy builder buys the land the kids playground is on to convert it into a mall and they team up to make his life miserable and ykw, for a guy who consumes almost no pop culture that man nails it way too often
Shiv Ramdas @nameshiv
Can’t keep track so if everyone would fill out my Google doc that would be great
Chris Steller
If wages had kept pace with US productivity growth, as it had before 1968, minimum wage would now = $52K. If just on par with inflation since then, $24K. Instead it's $14K. Doesn't make for a happy electorate.
Remember when Andrew Yang’s big idea during his mayoral campaign was turning New York into one of the crypto capitals of the world? There couldn’t be a better sign that he’s clueless about basically all policy.
Matt O'Brien @ObsoleteDogma
Suzannah Banana
"What troubles me most about my lovely country is that its children are seldom taught that American freedom will vanish, if, they insist that our courts and policemen and prisons be guided by divine or natural law." –Kurt Vonnegut
Tim Mocarski
I’m literally not going to wait five days for legacy media to report on the things I see on twitter in five minutes. That’s another reason it’s vital.
Lindsey Boylan
almost everything you know about the talent and genius of the ultra-wealthy is a staged production for image purposes which is why what is happening here is so special because we are actually getting to watch an alleged global business genius trying to run a business in realtime
Shiv Ramdas @nameshiv
Twitter just has too many things that other mediums don’t. You don’t have to show your face or produce images all the time. You can lurk and still keep up with current conversation, news, and communities. You get in the moment updates to world events. And instant reactions/jokes.
Zito @_Zeets
Billionaires are a cancer. Capitalism metastisized. Tax them, prohibit them, outlaw them, confiscate their shit, regulate them, I do not fucking care. Billionaires are literally killing us.
I would love to see the general public asked how they explain this — or will explain it to their children #JustStopOil:
Matthew Todd
Friend's report from #COP27: Mostly awful...lots of individually smart and passionate people have gathered together, again, to be collectively stupid. Individually, and even in small groups, everyone knows what needs to be done. And then collectively 'in public' we don't do that
Shaun Chamberlin @DarkOptimism
I am enjoying Twitter-on-the-brink, but for serious, I met, in one way or another, half the people I know here in the twin cities through Twitter — through people and events I never would have found without this cursed community bulletin board
This is just to tweet
I have ruined
the site
where you spent
your days
And which
you were planning
to use
Forgive me
I was
So rich
and so stupid
Kelsey D. Atherton
If I may be earnest, there's something sweet and tender about everyone talking about how much they actually love being here and will miss it when usually we're just constantly posting about what a hellsite it is.
Chris Hayes
Twitter introduces me to things I don't even know exist
Mastodon lets me find the things I know exist
That, to me, is the difference
Imagine getting inside one of this mfer's spaceships
jason concepcion @netw3rk
I wonder if people who never lived in a world without Twitter understand what a unique, precious thing it has been. For activists — especially those for global concerns like human rights and climate change — the ability to connect with others internationally in real time was unprecedented. Of course, given that fact, I don’t think it’s purely coincidental it’s being destroyed at a time when power is being ever more consolidated in the hands of a corrupt few.
Leah McElrath
What’s amazing to me about Musk's purchase, a lot of the crypto financing, WeWork, and Trump's entire business history … is how willing banks are to throw away billions of dollars.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
My generation basically had all the information it needed. We had books like Silent Spring and Limits to Growth. We could have tamped down consumption, but instead, we threw the biggest party in all of human history and we're leaving the next generations to clean up after us.
Richard Heinberg
That it took a shitty midterm and not a deadly insurrection for the Republican Party to finally walk away from donald trump tells you everything you need to know about them.
That MAGA candidates everywhere are largely graciously conceding underscores just how much Stop the Steal was a one-man, top-down phenomenon in 2020. If Trump had conceded, even begrudgingly, it wouldn't have spun out of control. It's really that simple.
Benjy Sarlin
The stakes are far, far smaller… but in terms of management style, Elon’s 2022 Twitter takeover has similar vibes to Trump’s 2017 arrival in the White House. Chaotic announcements. A war on the existing staff. The belief “I alone can fix it.” A sense that everything could crash.
Dan Diamond
So the Democrats won statewide with 51% of the vote and earned 30% of the state house. Can someone explain to me how Wisconsin is a democracy?
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy
Also, notably, the Indian Child Welfare Act has become the child welfare standards for nearly half the states in this country. It works extremely well. This case isn't about the best interest for the child. IT'S ABOUT WHITE GRIEVANCE AND ENTITLEMENT TO INDIGENOUS CHILDREN.
Rewire News Group
8% more white women voted Republican this time than they did in 2018. After SCOTUS obliterated their right to abortion and is threatening to kill contraception. If you're wondering if "voting against your own interests in order to preserve white supremacy" is still a thing.
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
A lot of things about the United States make more sense when you remember that for nearly a century after the nation’s founding, white people didn’t even systematically educate their *own* children. Public schools didn’t proliferate in the south until BLACK PEOPLE made it happen.
Crystal Fleming @alwaystheself
What does gerrymandering look like? In U.S. House races, 1,093,808 Tennesseans (65%) voted for the Republican candidate, 581,111 (35%) for the Democrat, according to AP results.
But the GOP gets 8 out of 9 (89%) of the congressional seats:
Always easy to bash the south and engage in thinly-veiled antiBlackness. But the places where civil war could actually break out tomorrow are the places where white ppl fled to be away from Black folks— the north and the west
Americans, 2 months ago: “stop fucking with women’s rights”
Americans, 1 month ago: “stop fucking with women’s rights”
Americans, yesterday: “stop fucking with women’s rights”
Pundits, today: “there was simply no way to predict that Dem voter turnout would be so high.”
Get ready for the words “inflation” and “crime” and “gas prices” to drop out of the news for 18 months
Will Stancil
i expect as much introspection and recalibration from the gop after this election as they did after 2012 when obama smoked them and they said "let's get more racist and nominate trump"
Oliver Willis
White voters were the only demographic group that supported Herschel Walker.
Keith Boykin
The Republican takeaway is that they should now go with a guy who is the outlier in last night’s election results. Outstanding lol
France just legislated that every parking lot for 80 cars or more must be covered by solar panels. That’s 11GW of new solar (same as 10 new nuclear reactors) powering millions of home - zero new land needed. Climate action is happening, just not at #COP27
Assaad Razzouk
I’m increasingly uncomfortable with the following formulation: “the rise of the civil-rights movement sparked a powerful backlash among some white voters.” This phrasing suggests that the movement caused the white backlash. This is how backlashes are often framed: agency is assigned to the activists who set it off, rather than where it properly belongs, namely to the participants in the backlash. This view suggests a hydraulic process in which backlashes are almost a natural response to freedom struggles, rather than movements whose causes need to be studied rather than assumed. By attributing causality to the civil-rights movement we can skip over the peculiarities of each backlash and focus less on the agency of those who participate in so-called backlashes. We should not naturalize backlashes as a normal or expected response to freedom struggles. We can often turn this formula around and examine how the behaviors we associate with backlashes can themselves “spark” demands for equality. This is especially so because so many backlashes are preemptive rather than reactive.
Lawrence Glickman
I’m sure Dr. Oz will definitely stay in Pennsylvania and continue to volunteer with communities here and continue being really close to working class people.
kevin kerr
88% of evangelical Christians voted for Herschel Walker, not Warnock, the candidate who has devoted his adult life to Jesus Christ. Let that sink in.
Stacey Abrams didn't lose because of Black men. Stacey Abrams lost because white people (especially men) refuse to see Black female political leaders as legitimate and viable candidates for office.
dr. jenn m. Jackson (they/them) @JennMJacksonPhD
Twenty percent voted to maintain slavery as a punishment in Tennessee. Let that sink in for a minute.
Kevin M. Levin
Keith Edwards
Stacey Abrams has always deserved more than she has been given. Always.
Candice Marie Benbow
Vermont will be the first state to enshrine abortion rights in the state. I really do think these ballot measures are the way to go for lots of states.
Jessica Valenti
Trump has been soliciting ideas for how he might be able to imprison journalists should he retake the White House, a knowledgable source tells Rolling Stone.
Rolling Stone
musk's basic problem is that twitter was not being run by lefty SJW types supressing free speech, it was being run by business people who were trying to make money. with the same aim he'll end up trial-and-erroring his way back to their exact policies
i'm sure the articles have already been written explaining why literally any outcome from tonight actually means that the public wants more police
The Portone del Melograno (Pomegranate Gate) from 1907 is a door in Liberty Style (Italian Art Nouveau) designed by architect Pietro Fenoglio in Turin, Italy:
It's a failure of media to not report that San Francisco — which has now become synonymous with anarchy and petty crime — had a police force that intentionally ignored crime in order to create popular sentiment to oust a DA who treated police and civilians equally under the law
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking
Until the COP system produces a binding agreement to actively scale down the fossil fuel industry, on an annual schedule and in a fair, just and scientifically informed way, it's little more than hot air.
Jason Hickel
Museum in Japan that showcases various naturally formed rocks with faces on them:
The Museum of Curiosities
If I were the government, i would use the cooling off in silicon valley to hire a bunch of folks to do the very useful work of overhauling government IT infra
Alex Williams @vebaccount
One thing nobody will state clearly about all the social-media agita is that an aspiring social-media site really only needs to attract the left (broadly speaking). Why? Because reactionaries are fundamentally parasitic — they follow the left around. But if you build a social media site for educated city-dwelling liberal elites, the reactionaries will 100% trail along and show up. Their raison d'être is "owning the libs." They will go wherever the libs go, envy and resent whatever the libs have. It's a parasitic worldview. Thing is, if libs could go to some magic country without reactionaries, they'd never think about reactionaries again. But reactionaries are bereft without libs -- it's right there in the name. They cannot be generative, cannot build. They can only resent and tear down. This is what "free speech" means in reactionary hands: "wherever you libs go, whatever you're doing, you have to let us come there and shit on it. If you try to avoid us or build something without us, it violates our rights." The demand is not for speech but for *attention*.
David Roberts @drvolts
The funniest thing that’s ever happened to me as a parent is once my 2yo was having a full on meltdown and accidentally kicked an electronic toy dinosaur and it went “Can you feed me?” and my son, through massive sobs, goes “no I can’t right now, dinosaur” and continued screaming
Lucy Huber @clhubes
Wealth Management is an obscene profession.
Remember: the GOP wants to pretend this never happened:
Keith Edwards
Billionaire midterm spending:
2010: $32 million
2014: $232 million
2018: $611 million
2022: $811 million and counting
This is how democracy dies.
Robert Reich
A well-informed and objective citizen would understand that inflation is a global problem, crime is up just about everywhere, fuel prices are complex, and voting for some newcomer isn't going to solve any of this. Unfortunately, we also have a shortage of those type of citizens.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob
A town in Connecticut voted on and approved a resolution asking their local Starbucks workers to work faster because people didn't like waiting in the drive thru line. We live in an irredeemably stupid and selfish country.
Why have the right's billionaires spent decades building a vast media network that can spread and reinforce these falsehoods? Why do they continue to spend so much money on it? If false beliefs play no role in people voting R, why maintain the vast network?
David Roberts @drvolts
Twitter is by far the best social media app for calling out BS. Unfortunately the BS does often win, but being able to fight it is huge.
Michael Conway
I keep hearing how twitter is simply an echo chamber. And yet I have learned more on here and overcome more basic ignorances than any place I can think of.
Lindsey Boylan
A new study found that a reduction in childhood poverty could cut criminal convictions by almost 25%. How many more studies will it take? How many more tweets? How many more election cycles will our politicians go pretending that poverty isn't the biggest predictor of crime?
Fifty Shades of Whey @davenewworld_2
Poor people: capitalism and generational privilege has created the largest wealth disparity in human history
WSJ: oh boo hoo, you don’t all get trophies, life isn’t fair buttercup
Any white kid anywhere: I didn’t get into Yale
WSJ: the photographer will be there in an hour
August J. Pollak
This is what a walkable, sustainable, and productive place looks like. To build this in America, we need to ban minimum lot size mandates, parking mandates, and density restrictions, then legalize and incentivize the development of mixed-use, multifamily housing for everyone:
Nathan Allebach
Tldr: we could have this if we just stopped banning good shit
There’s a difference between moving on from Twitter and finding a Twitter alternative. I don’t think there is a suitable alternative.
philip lewis
There isn't a Twitter alternative. There will eventually be a Twitter successor. But those are two very different things.
Angus Johnston @studentactivism
Twitter isn't just a privatized public sphere; it is an archive of evidence. When that evidence is controlled by a billionaire acting at whim, evidence affecting millions can be easily molded or destroyed for malevolent gain. Voices can be silenced. And history rewritten.
Sarah Kendzior
By the way, I’m staying on Twitter. This is an information battleground and I’ll be damned if I’m going to cede any ground to these people.
Jared Yates Sexton
What twitter feels like now is a activist community being broken up and destroyed by infiltrators. Everyone is trying to find a spot where they can still talk to their folks while trying to escape authoritarian rule. If that sounds like a fantasy to you.. it is not.
ProfB @AntheaButler
one thing I would not have predicted is that the western world would simultaneously be experiencing a) a socially conservative backlash and b) a rapid collapse in religiosity and church attendance
Armand Domalewski
Hot take... Churches are more stable as communities of place than as communities of interest, but people typically choose a church based on commonality of interests and often live far away from their church. Churches are more stable with persistent and frequent engagement.
Streets Are For People @bnjd1837
Earlier tweets in November (there were already so many!) about the demise of Twitter
Today, the seasonal ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center opened in New York. It was 80 degrees.
David Wallace-Wells
I think it’s interesting there are constant big public conversations about how many Jews work in the media and nobody is curious what faith is practiced by CEOs running the automotive, fossil fuels, pharmaceutical, weapons, or any other big industries. I wonder what that’s about.
When, as seems likely, reactionary extremists retake Congress next week, we'll hear all kinds of corporate press nonsense about the US being a "center-right" country. This is utter bullshit. We're a demoralized, demobilized, and disenfranchised country.
Tristan Schweiger
Me? Oh I'd say I'm a centrist who turned off by all this polarizing political rhetoric, that's why I'm voting for Republicans, who say shockingly horrible things every single hour and whose last president sent a mob to try to overthrow the U.S. government and murder Congress.
A.R. Moxon @JuliusGoat
How long until investors really start asking: Wait. Why is Tesla’s market cap more than 4 times as much as the Big 3 combined?
Rik Adamski
If you believe that your candidate was chosen by your god to lead and "protect," how can he possibly lose an election? He cannot. It MUST have been stolen. How else to explain the foiling of your gods plan?
Andrew L. Seidel
This is amazing: An interactive European map showing everywhere you can go by train in under 5 hours. Here's Brussels:
David Zipper
It’s not the people shouldn’t have legitimate concerns about the economy. It’s the ridiculous game of self-delusion that electing a party whose priority will be investigating Hunter Biden and preventing illegal immigrants from getting sex change surgery is the answer.
Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom
Dumb dumb question: Why do the managers of the electric transmission system (utilities) understand the need to reduce demand, but managers of the transportation system (DOTs) only ever address capacity?
Warren J. Wells
The reason nobody keeps track of what we spend on cars, and the reason nobody wants to even talk about how much they cost, is that the amount of money is so absurd that a honest discourse would rapidly destroy car culture.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo
One is measured, metered, priced at every level
This definitely gets at the issue. One crucial difference is that, conceptually, utilities are thought of as distributing a limited *resource,* while roads are not thought of in those terms.
Warren J. Wells
No matter what happens on Tuesday, it’s bad news for Democrats.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
A suburb is in physical reality little more than just another city neighborhood that has declared itself to be something else entirely in order to shirk its responsibility to the whole. Declaring yourself independent of your metro's core city doesn't magically make it so.
Whenever "cancel culture" is brought up amongst celebrities, no one ever mentions Paul Robeson. During the height of his career, the United States government revoked his passport for eight years for being a communist, advocating for Black Americans and independence in Africa.
Charles Preston
I never knew about Paul Robeson or that Lena Horne had any connection to him. This is what I’m going to miss most about Twitter — all the amazing history I manage to completely randomly stumble onto.
thanks, Tweeps, for designing and maintaining the global town square brilliantly for so many years — we fuss about the bird app, but you are seen and appreciated by your regulars.
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Twitter employees get endless shit, but the ones I knew — they worked hard, their work mattered, and they never stopped trying. Not until the moment their screens went blank
Casey Newton
It’s hard to overstate how bad the USA is at road safety. Americans are now ~4x as likely to die in a crash as Spaniards and ~2.5x as the French. Also, as I noted below, ~2.5x as likely as Canadians. (so much for “big countries have more crashes”)
David Zipper
I feel like too many people don't recognise fascism because they think fascism will arrive selling oppression and tyranny, but if you're part of the privileged group fascism is selling you safety, normalcy, and tradition
Byron C Clark
George Will should understand that he's spent the majority of his life in the party that is now anti-democratic and I think he should focus on fixing that within his own community first
Kyle Lysford
Always blows my mind how aggressive parents can drive around their own kid’s school. Like, what if you hit your kid’s friends? Teacher? Just any other kid?? Car brain, man.
Alex @mplsalex
Stephen Colbert: It’s fair to say Democracy is in trouble when ballot boxes have to take out a Restraining Order.
Jessica Grant @jgrant24
Every single one of the tools and technologies we need to save human lives from traffic violence has been available for decades. The car industry blocks them all — because the car industry, and the car as a form factor, precludes safety, and can not prioritize human life.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo
I like how we decided hitchhiking was dangerous but then we decided it was safe to jump in a car with anyone who had a four star rating.... The driver went through no training with a company that has gone out of its way to hold zero liability if anything bad happens.
Angie Schmitt
an underrated factor in our current society-wide collapse of trust is how basically every new commercial enterprise of the last 10–20 years has ultimately proven to be a scam
If Democrats are so good at stealing elections how come they don't control all three branches of government
Jason Dexter @jasrace10
G.M. Dark
antisemites don't believe that they are antisemites, they just believe that the jews are in fact evil.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
I love how US law goes “ignorance of the law is not a defence… unless you’re a cop, a job that’s about enforcing the law, in which case qualified immunity is expressly a defence if you violate people’s rights out of ignorance.”
Florence Ashley @ButNotTheCity
PSA: You can't claim that face masks are "useless" and "don't work" and then turn around and argue that wearing them has caused children to acquire a massive immune debt that's led to a huge influx in sick kids this fall. These are fundamentally contradictory positions.
Aaron Hoyland
“Divisive” is a euphemism for “hurt white feelings.”
saira rao
There were 8 murders on the NYC subway last year. There were over 760 million riders. Odds of getting murdered on a subway ride: 1 in 95 million. If you ride 700 times per year, odds are still less than 1 in a million. Odds of dying in a car accident: 1 in 8,500.
Radley Balko
You don’t realize how absolutely terrible American medicine is until you attempt to do something other than a routine visit….
Prairie Czar
Seems like that this site is doomed to implode in the next few months, but in the meantime its new proprietor has gotten what he seems to have always craved, which is everyone tweeting about him. This will go down in history as the most expensive clout fishing expedition ever. He thinks spending $8 a month for the checkmark is a bargain because he spent literally billions of dollars to be Twitter's permanent main character.
Ned Resnikoff
A friendly reminder of how insane property prices are. Here is 400 years of data from Amsterdam. We're living through the biggest real estate bubble ever:
Edmund Simms @ValuablOfficial
The modern condition is mostly trying to do things on your own that people have historically achieved with a large support network and wondering why you're tired all the time.
David R. MacIver
With each day that goes by, more and more people will realize how absolutely fundamental climate is to civilization and all life on Earth, and how villainous it is that fossil fuel execs have irreversibly, knowingly changed Earth's climate for their profit, and continue to do so
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman
Your Twitter feed is an interesting reflection of history in its own right. Ten years ago, it was a fun, well-curated stream of interesting historical facts and photos. Now, it’s laser-focused on saving our democracy.
There were 1,542 news stories about “rainbow fentanyl” in the two months before Halloween, most warning that dealers could slip this drug to trick-or-treating kids. There hasn’t been a single story today confirming this happened anywhere in the U.S.
Paul Farhi
We really need to talk about how the current iteration of the Supreme Court is, effectively, tearing up the social contract of the past 50 years of American democracy. In a country that is rapidly diversifying and evolving, the court is now the bulwark against popular will...
Corey Richardson @vexedinthecity
According to John Roberts, Donald Trump's taxes have a greater right to privacy than women.
Opinion | I'd like to save American democracy. But not if it means voting for a Democrat who doesn't agree with me on 100% of all issues.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
The University of North Carolina is the oldest public university in the US. Established in 1789, built largely by the enslaved, they and their descendants would be prohibited from attending UNC for its first 171 years. Today, the flagship is less than 8% Black in a state that's 21%. SCOTUS will say that doesn't matter. The US Constitution was implemented that same year — in 1789. And the Court's originalists will argue that the intent of the founders is absolute and relevant all of these 233 years later, but the fact that one fifth of the population was enslaved and barred from UNC is not.
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones
Folks, can we be clear: if the chances of 1.5C are looking lower and lower, the next goal is 1.500000001, not 2C. It's been astonishing to see the casual, chilled-out half-degree step in Aus [Australian? Austrian?] interviews on IPCC the past few days, as if it's no big deal:
Ketan Joshi
the attack on Paul Pelosi ought to be a warning to white liberals that the white privilege that once insulated them from the same sort of attacks white conservatives once reserved mainly for minorities is rapidly evaporating in favor of banal, gleeful violence against them, too. by the same token, white conservatives are presently openly joking about "hammers" and "Where's Nancy?" with the very same sort of sociopathy or gleeful sadism that they once reserved specifically for Black people, and if you're a white liberal maybe you need to take notice of that
My Dad taught me that whenever you hear "convenience" just substitute "laziness" to get the real meaning. A bit like "credit" and "debt". It sure made the banks' offers of super-lazy debt cards less appealing!
Shaun Chamberlin @DarkOptimism
no one talks about virtue in politics anymore but it actually is important for political leaders to at least pretend to care about honesty, decency, etc.
Jamelle Bouie @jbouie
a core belief of the american right: if black students are underrepresented it's evidence of a fair admissions process, if conservative students are underrepresented it's evidence of discrimination against conservatives.
Law Boy, Esq. @The_Law_Boy
The reaction to the Pelosi assassination attempt on the right is reminding me of the reaction in 1856 after slavery apologist Rep. Preston Brooks beat abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane on the Senate floor
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Twitter November 2022…Oof
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12:19 PM
Categories: Words in My Mouth
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