It's the last Twitter round-up of the year. The wounded platform has made it to the end of another month: December 2022.
Stories late this month were George Santos and his lie-a-minute coverage, the Southwest Airlines breakdown over Christmas, and the giant winter storm, particularly in Buffalo. There was the impending release of Donald Trump's tax returns and the final report of the January 6 committee, the crypto currency meltdown, and the ongoing Melon Husk stupidity that trashed Tesla's stock. Oh, and Trump called for overturning the constitution.
Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed source, and is in reverse chronological order.
Argued with someone who called the woodlands of Wisconsin “beautiful Norwegian woods” and I said “you mean Ojibwe woods, Norwegian woods are in Norway” she said Norwegians had been there for generations. Cried when I corrected her again and now I’m the mean one…again.
Indigenous Public Health Consulting @ProjectMosaicCO
Illustrations from Japanese fireworks catalogues (ca. 1880s):
The Public Domain Review @PublicDomainRev
Remember when Pope Benedict gave a speech in Brazil in which he insisted the Church had not imposed itself on the indigenous peoples of the Americas, instead indigenous people had welcomed the arrival of European priests because they were “silently longing” for Christianity? Aaah good times
The more I learn about public policy, the more I understand how poverty is a series of deliberate policy decisions.
Ahmed Ali
The fact that we have freeways through our cities but not high-speed rail through our cornfields says something about the balance of power between urban and rural areas in America.
Queen Anne Greenways
a good friend of mine told me you can try to be the best model rule-following bicyclist but it will never make drivers like you more. they'll always find some reason to be murderous towards you
Æthelred the UnPreddy
Sort of messed up that you kinda need a car to access nature now (SUV commercials live to remind us) but it’s because of cars there isn’t much nature left.
Angie Schmitt
What these anti-masking pieces really seem to be arguing is “People who still mask are weirdos who care about other people, but *I* don’t care and you shouldn’t either.”
Celeste Ng @pronounced_ing
At this point, Southwest Air needs to pay everyone’s students loans. I do not make the rules.
Tiffany Jeffers @LawProfTJ
Whiteness has no definition outside the practice of possessing space and excluding nonwhite people from that space. Racial exclusion at swimming pools and beaches is one of the simplest examples for people wanting to understand this.
Here’s a nice festive dinner I made:
Jack Spicer Adams
During his campaign, Santos spent $30,000 on hotels, $40,000 on airfare and $14,000 on car services. For comparison, Nick LaLota, another representative-elect from NY, spent roughly $900 on hotel stays, $3,000 on airfare and $900 on taxi services.
Kaitlan Collins
People really don't understand how far we had already come on cleantech and sustainable design by the late 1970s, and how utterly disastrous for the planet the Reagan administration actually was, setting back progress by at least a decade. #predatorydelay
Alex Steffen
Why make an intersection safer when you can just put up a yellow sign?
Jace @bikeinCO
The George Santos phenomenon is important because it represents a part of Trumpism that still must be tackled: shamelessness. Trump’s invitation to shamelessness has been received by elected officials, parents who scream at kids who wear masks, or who threaten librarians, lawyers and judges.
Sherrilyn Ifill
Cannot believe we now inhabit a world where if someone refers to the "pizza human trafficking story" you'll have to ask them to be more specific.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark
Okay, I did not have “A pathetic, misogynistic ex-kickboxer would try to insult Greta Thunberg, but instead becomes forever associated with ‘small dick energy,’ is located by a pizza order, and is arrested by Romanian police on charges of human trafficking” on my 2023 Bingo card.
Dr. Jonathan Foley @GlobalEcoGuy
Today's inspirational message ;)
Pete Brown
George Santos pretended to be a gay Afro-Latino Ukrainian Brazilian Catholic Jew whose mother died on 9/11, whose ancestors survived the Holocaust, whose employees died in the Pulse club mass shooting, and whose net worth rose by millions overnight. Am I missing anything?
Ritchie Torres
I’m sympathetic that flying really does suck and airlines deserve the book thrown at them but the debacle sure does highlight which corners of the electorate politicians cater to when they flip out about airlines but haven’t ever given a shit about transit or sidewalks. can you imagine if 40,000+ Americans died in plane crashes every year? I cannot!
If we believe covid to be so harmless we cannot be bothered to wear masks indoors, what is the point of requiring travelers from China to test negative? To avoid new variants? To decrease burden of disease? Doesn't make sense if we don't invest in widespread prevention efforts.
Stella Safo, MD MPH @AmmahStarr
Welcome to kindergarten. Over the next 13 years we will discover all of your deficits and then go about trying to cure you.
Transit and bus agencies across the country are understaffed, unreliable, and continue to cut service and miss trips
One airline cancels flights and experiences delays during the holiday season
If all our students submit their work using ChatGPT (and other AI apps), while we (as faculty) use automatic assessment marking, does that mean we can all just go outside and play, learn and create like we're supposed to in higher education, and let the machines fight it out?
Mark Deuze
Religious people who accuse LGBT people of recruiting are... projecting. We're not the ones who send out missionaries to convert people. You are. We're not the ones who come knock on your door and hand you tracts. You are.
Dan Savage @fakedansavage
The irony is not lost on me that an infrastructure attack putting power out for thousands is referred to as “vandalism” but spray paint and broken windows are called “violence”
dismal niche
The entire genre of parents pranking kids on Christmas is mean-spirited and depressing. Treating children's vulnerability and emotional trust as the butt of jokes seems profoundly disrespectful, and you're especially not a good person for putting it on the internet. Just stop it.
Nick Covington @CovingtonEDU
There really should be a little a little compass at every subway exit. Such a invaluable wayfinding resource!
M. Nolan Gray
The transit workforce shortages, the railroad union contract, and airline storm recovery are connected by how workers are scheduled in transportation. Cost-cutting, in technology systems and work rules, has created conditions that are harmful to workers and have no resiliency. As disruptions grow more frequent, the transport sector needs more workers. Schedules need rest and recovery time built-in. Just-in-time doesn’t work for people! More slack in the systems will keep them from completely breaking.
Laurel Paget-Seekins @LaurelinTransit
People wondering why every snowstorm is a total disaster now but happily vote to have 86% of their municipal budget go to the police
daniel @escargotpro_
Intolerance of ambiguity is one of the most powerful psychological needs that predicts right-wing conservatism. It’s also why there are so many reactionaries in STEM fields, there I said it
Matt Salomone @matthematician
If a child is too young to know they are gay, they are too young to know they are straight.
If a child is too young to know they are trans, they are too young to know they are cis.
Stop treating being cishet as the default.
Nelson Flores
The 2020 demonstrations and riots caused $2 billion in damage. The 1992 LA riots, $1.4 billion (adjusted for inflation). The riots of 1968, total maybe $500 million.
The Enron scandal destroyed $110 billion and over 100,000 jobs. 20 people went to prison. (zero teargassed.)
Resume “embellishment” is something like, “I am a highly skilled professional” when maybe you’re a medium skilled professional. Making up jobs, degrees…That’s just lying.
Maya Wiley
‘Opinion’ is not a useful way to describe things like whether some groups of people are fully human, deserve death and suffering, etc.
The Gumball Gangster @DavidKaib
Everyone freaking out and demanding government intervention about the Southwest cancellations: welcome to the life of transit users for the past year+. We would have liked even a fraction of this reaction.
Men: I will run for office and lie about my entire origin and resume.
Women: The job says 7-10 years of experience. I’m just reaching 7, I’m probably under-qualified, if I apply I’ll def disclose this in my cover letter.
Heather Joelle Boneparth @averagejoelle
"It's a population problem." [skeptical face]
Sarah Colenbrander
Consider the following: the adults in the room are prohibiting young people from developing into good young leaders and then complaining with the results.
The best part of the tax returns is that Trump WROTE OFF the payment to Stormy Daniels. Wow. The cojones.
Abigail Disney
I am not religious and do not like holidays (especially xmas coinciding with shortest daylight of the year) but I fully endorse peace on Earth and good will to all ... Happiest to you however or whatever you believe and celebrate ... try to use it for good and love
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD
Racists act like the only option is white superiority or white inferiority and not equality. Most of the racists know society wants equality so they make up new terms like “woke” to hide behind every couple of years. They want to maintain white supremacy, just under different names
Two long-forgotten 1960s oil industry climate studies warned of "severe" damage from burning fossil fuels. The recently rediscovered papers, which predate Exxon’s extensive 1970s climate research, are now playing a key role in lawsuits against oil majors.
Yale Environment 360
If seeing your planet burning and flooding is more tolerable than seeing a person biking in front of your car, you might want to revisit your priorities.
When we get curious about our own behavior, when we ask ‘what made me do that’ rather than shaming ourselves or beating ourselves up — we heal. Defensive behaviors were created when we were helpless children just trying to survive what we didn’t understand.
Dr. Nicole LePera @Theholisticpsyc
The other day, I saw someone post, “what if the first person that saw an angel was just super high and saw a peacock?” Then, today, I saw this:
Melissa Tyndall
“The point is to get your work done, and your work is to change the world.” –James Baldwin
Dr. Frank Leon Roberts
Freedom means being free from having to see others set a good example that you don't want to follow.
Probs obvious, but I think lack of cheap housing in cities is the main thing to blame for most culture getting worse (contemporary novels, indie movies, music, less weird art, etc.) — mostly, the only people who can afford to make a career in this stuff have inherited wealth now.
move fast break things era is over. it’s time to think deeply and make generationally good decisions
The US border is secure. No one is violating US sovereignty or borders. You want a white nation with white-only immigration policy. Just say that lol
It’s the most predictable thing in urban land use, but electric car advocacy is very rapidly going to become a powerful opponent of infill housing and safe streets because they need a shit-ton of parking spots with vehicle chargers to achieve their dream of electric sprawl.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo
Just informed a teenager that your feet grow if/when one is pregnant and the look of horror I received in response should be bottled and sold as birth control. “HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??!?” Yes child, and this is one of the *least* horrifying things that happens to one’s body.
bag of moons
NY Times ran 10000000 stories about fictional crime waves and gangs of roving thugs, basically printing everything the NYPD told them to, and finally got around to investigating Santos AFTER the election
Amir Talai
We’re like two news cycles away from finding out that George Santos is actually Herschel Walker’s secret son
Santiago Mayer
Cyclist categories:
1% - Basically daredevils
7% - Will risk it if some infrastructure is in place
60% - Interested in cycling, but need to know it’s really safe
33% - no interest
If you build good enough for that 60%, your entire city will change.
Rik Adamski
Chichen Itza 1892 and now:
Old Photos In Real Life @OPIRlife
All thanks to the NRA and the GOP, guns are now the leading cause of death for children.
Robert Greenwald
Many in US see those with huge privilege and say "But they are talented and work hard," ignoring that it is the privilege that allowed them the space to appear/become talented and to work hard (a much different/easier "hard" than working while disadvantaged)
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD
The House report on IRS not auditing Trump left unanswered whether the “mandatory” presidential audit program was generally broken or Trump got special treatment. Turns out Obama got audited all 8 years and Biden’s already been audited twice.
Charlie Savage
It’s still fascinating watching the American right, whose hatred of Russia drove the politics of my youth and whose anti-appeasement rhetoric dominated all discourse, side with Russia in its unjust invasion and widespread mass murders.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
One of the biggest lies we’ve been sold is that talent is rare. As someone who works in the arts, it’s absolutely not. Once you realize that, you’ll understand how much luck (and privilege) is involved in being chosen to be one of the few who get the limelight.
Andrew Chung @thisisandrewc
Fun fact: none of the millions of felony crimes committed by unnamed bankers at Well Fargo over more than 10 years will be recorded as crimes by police or reported in the media as part of the property "crime rate." The media won't call where they live a "high crime neighborhood."
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec
The IRS is required to audit a sitting POTUS's tax returns. Under Trump's IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, they never did until D's asked for info in 2019. So:
* Trump lied when he said his returns were being audited
* Rettig, a wealthy L.A. tax atty, should be indicted.
Actually, the tax returns of all Supreme Court justices should absolutely be made public. That should be a requirement to be one of the nine people with lifetime appointments who make final legal decisions for the rest of the country.
Charlotte Clymer
Hell yes!
There are dozens of terrible things the Tories have done to all of us. But the deliberate destruction of our NHS - the most precious thing we have - is by far the worst. They deserve never to be in power again. Reminder: In 2010 the NHS had its highest ever public approval rating.
Marcus Chown
I’m done with them using the term grooming for everything while their institutions literally have groomed children for abuse in alarming numbers
Daeva @daevablacc
every time JK Rowling tweets the first part of her obituary gets shorter and the second part gets longer
Amazon produced enough plastic packaging in 2021 to wrap the Earth more than 800 times in air pillows.
I find it odd the high degree of confidence people have that the same folks who can’t/refuse to address basic needs on earth are going to save us by engineering a livable Mars.
CBO is “saying that shipping freight by rail releases 8x less GHG into the atmosphere than shipping same amount of freight via truck.” Fact is that the public sector spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually creating a well-maintained highway system for trucking—then doesn’t impose taxes on trucking at all proportionate to its costs on society. Yet we have a freight rail industry that is systematically losing market share to trucking and whose oligopolistic set of owners don’t care…
Yonah Freemark
it still strikes me how wild it is that the richest person in the world who could do anything they wanted for the rest of their life has chosen to moderate an internet forum where many or perhaps most of the people don't like him
thinking of becoming a necklace guy @fart
How most traffic engineers see your city
How cities should be designed:
Daniel Moser
From a new study examining biking for transport (not recreation) in Melbourne: Why don't more people cycle to get around town? 3 of the 4 top reasons relate to safety from motor vehicles. Lesson: If you want to increase biking, focus on the cars.
David Zipper
Musk banned journalists and brought back the Nazis, but his politics are such a mystery
Kevin M. Kruse
This feels like one of the biggest stories of the last two years. A nationwide uprising in response to blatant police brutality was suppressed by centrist media and elected politicians. Since then we've seen voters try to "roll back" progress that never happened.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark
“The Greeks referred to those who did not participate in public life as ‘idiots,’ taken from the Greek term idios, meaning ‘a private person’ or ‘one’s own.’ What we need now is a ‘civic mindfulness’ that goes beyond stress reduction, self-management, or simple self-care.”
Alfie Kohn
74 million Americans were willing to entrust this guy with the nuclear codes. I will never stop laughing at this. Ever:
Jennifer Mendelsohn @CleverTitleTK
car dependency is a trap that ensnares vulnerable and low-income people into overlapping forms of unfreedom
I enjoy when people refer to lack of flexibility and no second chances as “rigor.” That’s as good as calling it “accountability.”
If certain kinds of speech make YOU feel unsafe, who cares, suck it up snowflake, that’s just free speech. But if it makes ME feel unsafe, well that’s totally different, you really shouldn’t be allowed to do that.
Adam Serwer
So those Meadows texts are pretty bad for a lot of people. It’s everything the GOP wanted Hunter Biden’s laptop to be
Angry Staffer
There's a certain tragicomedy when posts like this blow up and attract a national audience. Folks outside of the region don't get that Milwaukee was a booming metropolis [in the 1940s] with sky-high wages and a 1 million trip-a-day transit system in their grandparents lifetimes. Then King Car:
Michael Bradley @MikeBradleyMKE
Twitter: You can’t track people in real time. Also Twitter: We are going to force you to share your real time information so we can sell it to anyone.
I’m tired of the media touting Ron DeSantis as the GOP’s hope to “return to normalcy.” There is nothing normal about the bigoted fascist Governor of Florida.
Jack Cocchiarella @JDCocchiarella
Public opposition to new wind projects? New Nature Energy study shows believers in conspiracy theories (on any topic, e.g. vaccines) much more likely to oppose wind — in fact it's a stronger predictor than anything else. Study also tests ways to overcome conspiracies.
Willett Kempton
lol. everything going great. cutting off the T in rump is nice touch:
Josh Marshall @joshtpm
I hate how we push “financial literacy” programs on poor people. They’re not financially illiterate, they’re broke, be for real. There’s only so much managing and saving money you can do when you don’t have much
Olayemi Olurin @msolurin
With some clever maneuvering, wealthy families can use 529 plans to ensure multiple generations go to college without paying a dime in taxes.
Chris Marsicano
As of today we already have more accountability for FTX than for the Iraq war.
Matt Duss
The 1800 lb battery for a single F-150 Lightning could be split to power 300 e-bikes. For which the charging infrastructure already exists:
My god these texts between sitting GOP members of Congress and Mark Meadows between November of 2020 and January of 2021 are absolutely insane. This party needs to be collectively banished from power forever once the investigation wraps and the biggest traitors are indicted.
Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists
Personally, I have not been seeing or experiencing much of any crime or chaos on New York City transit but I witness and am directly menaced by vehicular violence and lawlessness virtually every time I step outside. Currently enjoying an extremely chill, pleasant, and speedy subway ride to Midtown after working my way around cars parked on the sidewalk and then almost being run over on my way into the subway station.
Aaron Naparstek
If you think of Mother Earth as a Black woman, it makes sense that white men don't take climate change seriously.
Mary Annaïse Heglar
Never forget, multimodal streets (aka “complete streets”) are simply more efficient, because they move, hold and serve more people within the same space. Whether you think streets are just for moving people, or are for a LOT more, they’re just better.
Brent Toderian
Hate to break it to you but when the richest people on Earth tell you the real problems are pronouns and wokeness they are trying to distract you from something
6:45pm on Sunday night, 3 minute headways between trains here in Vancouver in both directions. Just another reminder that when it comes to good public transit, frequency is freedom! Miss one train, just a couple minutes till the next. No need to run. It’s not that public transit isn’t competitive. It’s that BAD public transit isn’t competitive. Stop planning, budgeting, designing, building and operating bad public transit:
Brent Toderian
I'm a fearless, independent thinker. My pronouns are Second/Amendment. I'll never bend to the woke mob. Also, I live in mortal terror of vaccines and Minneapolis.
I remember not too long ago when I'd try to talk to a certain kind of white guy about climate change and they'd dismiss me as hysterical and point to rational "solutions focused" people like El*n M*sk as their saviors. Them fools been quiet as fuck lately.
Mary Annaïse Heglar
Every suburb: we can't fit any more housing, we are built out. Also every suburb: we should put new apartments in the neighborhood that already has the most apartments
Toby Muresianu @tobyhardtospell
American NIMBYs: separated bike lanes are "unproven" and will destroy our historic street!
Denmark: enjoy your historic bike route right through Frederiksborg Castle:
Pedaling Professor
Previous twitter management often felt incompetent, naive, ignorant, overwhelmed, etc. but now it’s malevolent.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
Fact: There is a positive ROI from funding education, protecting the environment, providing health care to all, housing the homeless, providing livable wages, promotion of legal immigration, transitioning to zero carbon energy, to list just a few. Invest surplus in our future.
JOHN55345 @jda15300
The amount of car owners who decry bike lanes because they’re “seasonal” and then park in lots designed for the single busiest day of the year, never ceases to amaze me.
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy
Humbly observe where people in the community struggle. Ask the question: What is the next smallest thing we can do right now to address that struggle? Do that thing. Do it right now. Repeat.
Shane Wedel @wedelsm
roadkill is such a funny concept: we have an entire term for the concept of routinely killing large animals with a machine
The real threat posed by AI in writing classrooms is most deans, provosts, and presidents don’t give a single flip about the labor of writing instruction.
Matt Dowell @dowellml
shaped like a friend:
sophie @OHGOD
There was a foreign-backed disinformation campaign that had an influence on a presidential election. Then social media platforms tried to account for it in the next one. Now that very same disinformation campaign is trying to make the reaction a controversy. “You tried to stop the spread of our lies.” That’s it. That’s all they are saying. M*sk, like the rest of them, is either a dupe or a participant. It’s really hard to know which.
Adam Miller @ajm6792
In 2020 the entire country of the Netherlands (17.5M people) had 41 pedestrian deaths. The city of Nashville (700k) has that many this year.
Formerly just a wide spot in the road, Seville carved out space for cafe tables and protected it with a row of bollards:
Queen Anne Greenways
Why does it so often seem like “freedom” has become a synonym for selfishness?
Brent Toderian
Education is mired in a century-long cycle of "Boondoggle to Bandwagon" approaches to teaching and learning. See "grit" and growth mindset (like charter schools, Common Core, and now Science of Reading). A basic premise of the reading/SOR debate for me is that when anyone misrepresents terms, practices, they lose any credibility. The SOR movement is mostly misinformation and strawman arguments masquerading as "science" while depending on anecdote. Calling multiple cueing "guessing" is the same sort of lie as the caricatures of CRT in the anti-CRT movement. If you have to lie to make a case, then you have no case.
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD
Why is it that if a city wants to remove free car storage there's a long legal process with public engagement, but if they want to reduce transit service they can just do it? Seems wrong.
Check this out — major cities in North America replaced by major cities across the Atlantic at the same latitude:
Conrad Hackett
Forcing others to listen to you is the rightwing version of free speech
“Our lifestyle is not up for negotiation." This has been the basic position of the Western ruling class on the environment since it was first uttered by US president George H.W. Bush at the UN Earth Summit in 1992. The sheer violence of it becomes more apparent every year.
Jason Hickel
A jambu fruit dove. So pretty. And it looks like it enjoys lots of fruit, lol:
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
The Warnock-Walker race results are like a Green book of places to avoid in Georgia.
Robert Brown @truthtold8
Society’s willingness to spend billions on prisons, coupled with its resistance to spending anything at all in public housing, is a sign of a very sick society.
Alan Mills @alan_uplc
So apparently selling a wedding cake to an LGBTQ couple is participating in the marriage, but selling a gun to a shooter isn't participating in the crime.
New study finds that electrifying SUVs could *increase* emissions by gobbling up scarce battery material that could otherwise help electrify smaller cars (not to mention e-bikes, minicars, etc).
David Zipper
Oh my God, look at this poll! Trump has only 33%, compared with Trump's 56%:
Frank Conniff
When we see the splits between non college educated whites and college educated whites, remember that college is where many are exposed to Black people as social and intellectual peers for the first time. And remember that GOP is desperate to get rid of affirmative action.
Elie Mystal
I would suggest that if [the armed, anti-drag protest in Columbus] had turned out to be a climate protest, it would dominate the news for weeks. We would hear of nothing else. Democratic leaders would be called on to denounce it. Whole new punitive laws would be passed. Center lefties would convulse in horror. But instead, it was done by reactionaries angry about drag queens. Local law enforcement and the national GOP implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) support the ideology and tactics of these reactionaries, so the whole thing is no big deal.
David Roberts @drvolts
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" is closer in time to "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" than it is to today.
Ted McClelland
Social internet platforms that create no penalties for peeing in the shared pool tend to, over time, become pools containing more and more pee until eventually everyone who doesn't want to pee in the pool leaves.
John Green
Police are fatally shooting more people but reporting fewer every year even though there are millions of dollars in federal grant incentives and dozens of state laws. Look up if your local agency is driving that gap:
Andrew Ba Tran @abtran
Gotta love how continued good economic news, especially when it’s good for the average American, is met with huge losses in the stock and bond market
Rob Steinernomics
"Suspend the Constitution" sounds a lot more ominous to me than "Defund the police," idk
Adam Weinstein
If it were possible (it's not) to grow up in a world without gender, how would people choose to live? Dress? Play? Act? Bet a lot more of us would head to sparkles and woodworking, baking and team sports, without a care for how we mixed them together. Gender can be such a prison.
Mary Morse Marti
I remember when I was a kid, like, 8-10 years old, driving somewhere with my dad and him pointing at the power transmission pylons and saying, "that's how you know we live in a free and peaceful democracy. Power stations do not have armed guards protecting them."
Sigrid Ellis
Florida's Stop WOKE Act makes it illegal for anyone who takes state money, including teachers and most college professors, to espouse that unquestionably accurate belief. DeSantis' lawyers were forced by the court to define "woke." The lead lawyer described it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."
“God ordained patriarchy.” Well, isn’t that convenient?
“The internet is a space for the public with no publicly owned spaces.” –Cory Doctorow
Jon Gluck
Methane in the air has increased 275 ppb (17%) since 1984 (7.2 ppm per year) to ~1910 ppb (NEW RECORD), and 14 ppbv in the last year alone. Methane emissions from fossil activity are accelerating, not declining
Mark Z. Jacobson
Fake History Hunter
If you poison one person it's a violent crime;
if you poison 100 people it's a nonviolent crime;
if you poison 10,000 people it's a lawsuit;
if you poison 1 million people it's the market's invisible, inevitable hand
A rough generalization, but fundamentally accurate
Stephanie Kollmann
Uber and Lyft allow Christian drivers to proselytize to passengers. An atheist group is calling on the companies to put a stop to it. "No one should have to pay to be missionized against their will."
Hemant Mehta
i kinda feel like a dude running for president calling for overturning the constitution might not be fit to run for president and that a functional democracy might have guardrails to prevent such a thing. i dunno.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
this chyron is like something from one of those 2016 thought experiments about how bad a Trump presidency could be:
Aaron Rupar
I can’t help but think that the “reading wars” serve as another way to undermine faith in public education.
The Madwoman in the Classroom @heymrsbond
NEWS: It would cost railroad companies less than 5 days of their recent profits to pay for all of the sick days 125,000 workers are demanding, according to financial records.
David Sirota
On the one hand, some cool, smart, funny people are into professional wrestling. On the other the concept itself seems deeply related to where we are in our politics.
Adam Miller @ajm6792
Südtirolerstraße in Downtown Rattenberg, the smallest city in Austria, home to 400 residents living on 27 acres:
Jonathan Berk @berkie1
Why are we supposed to care if the royal colonizers are greeted with flowers and reverence every time they travel somewhere using other people’s tax money? Why are they owed attention?
there is absolutely no way to understate how thoroughly the 2020 george floyd uprisings terrified the entire american ruling class. the entire "crime wave" narrative is just a shallow justification for pouring billions into making sure that nothing like it can ever happen again
sarah zedig @hmsnofun
Seldom have I seen racists so confident and outspoken. As mainstream conservatism fails to address our crises, and seeks to disguise its failure by diverting our attention to culture wars and scapegoats, it has opened up the game to fascists and white supremacists.
George Monbiot
OMG just abolish the monarchy already. I can't believe that in the 21st century the discourse is literally "the Queen Consort's Lady-in-waiting did a racism." Like maybe handing out quasi-diplomatic posts on a hereditary basis is the problem
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Welp, glad to see a bunch of Senators, that have worked an average of 165 days a year since 2001, vote down 7 sick days for railroaders. Here’s a big Fuck You to those that voted no! With our schedules it is pretty much impossible to get to any kind of dr. appt.
This is a photo of the death robot in question. Eight San Francisco Supervisors saw this and said "Yes. We want to have these things roaming around the city killing people." I can't believe this:
Right wing: higher ed enforces intellectual conformity and indoctrinates students!
Me: I know. Every single religious university demands fealty to hyper specific doctrine of faith. I saw one that even criticizes asexuality!
Right wing: no not like that we meant Oberlin
David M. Perry @Lollardfish
Remember — they’re turning on Trump ONLY because they believe he cost them seats. They are not rejecting his ideology. They are eager to find his replacement. These people do not care about racism.
One reason I’m disturbed by the trend for education research to be conducted by economists is that the kind of psychology in which mainstream economics is rooted — indeed, that it takes on faith — is a rusty Skinnerian behaviorism that most psychologists outgrew long ago.
Alfie Kohn
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Twitter, Finally, 2022
Posted at
6:24 PM
Categories: Words in My Mouth
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