Monday, October 31, 2022

Twitter... the End? October 2022

This may be the last month of what has become my overwhelming Twitter round-up, because depending on what happens with the Elon Musk takeover of the company, a significant proportion of my favorite people may choose to leave the platform, or — if it gets bad enough — I might as well. I've built my current news habits around it, so I have a hard time picturing what I'll do without it, but if most of the reliable sources of information leave, and many of the local and national voices I value the most do as well... what use would there be in staying?

I keep trying to verbalize what it is that I love most about it, in addition to using it as a news source by following specific journalists. 

  • I connected with dozens of local people I would never have known otherwise because of our shared interests.
  • I learned a lot from experts on a range of topics over a long period in small amounts.
  • I got to eavesdrop (in a good way!) on communities I'm not part of without having to interrupt them.
  • I found out about too many writers to mention, whose books I have since read.

I can't visualize what it will be like if I leave it, but having lived this long, I know things will just be different. I think it will be worse, on average, but I've been wrong before. 

As far as the month of October 2022 goes: we ended with the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband (meant for her), the continuing run-up to the mid-term elections with all the GOP's cries of crime! and the economy!, young climate activists throwing liquids on art objects and gluing themselves nearby, the continuing moral panic about trans people, voter suppression, Britain's prime minister drama, Kanye West's spewing of antisemitism…plus the forever climate crisis and white supremacy and all its manifestations and effects.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed Twitter account, despite the fact that it is not in block quote format. The tweets are shown generally in reverse chronological order, with a few of the more timeless image tweets moved to get better distribution of the visuals.


Every single story about the affirmative action cases should make it absolutely clear that they were organized by Eduardo Blum—who also brought the case that gutted the voting rights act. Both “causes” are about restoring white dominance.

Pay attention to who gets to be afraid and have their fear dictate policy and law as well as act on their fear. Afraid of fentanyl-laced kitty litter? Must have laws. Afraid of cops shooting your child who isn't white? Can't change policy.


Not weird or upsetting or telling that the Right’s response to the attempted brutal assassination of the Speaker of the House is to promote baseless conspiracy theories or turn it into a joke. Listen. Things are falling apart in a hurry.
Jared Yates Sexton

Odd how often claims that "the media aren't covering Subject A" translate to little more than "I don't remember, on cursory reflection, a lot of talking about Subject A in my particular little news bubble."
Charles C. Mann

I ran queries on the Pelosi attack and Scalise shooting in gold-standard media analytics tool Quid. As control I also ran ones on the Salman Rushdie stabbing and Queen Elizabeth II's death.
QE2: 6511
Scalise: 3900
Rushdie: 3023
Pelosi: 1700
Jeff Yang @originalspin (posted on Oct 29)

"Pedestrian collisions kill more Americans than fires, cervical cancer, or homicide by gunfire, according to the Centers for Disease Control."
Angie Schmitt

When white southerners of a certain age discover I teach history, they’re quick to tell me how their family didn’t believe in segregation. Based on these interactions over 20 yrs, I can now conclude that segregation in the South was enforced by three guys and a basset hound.
Charles W McKinney, Jr.

Traffic is caused by two things:
1. People living too far away from where they need to go for work, school, and utility trips
2. People being too scared to walk or bike for short trips
It's really that simple. Both of these are imminently fixable by local government, who instead makes choices to further separate uses and widen roads, doubling down on the causes of traffic, exacerbating the problems rather than addressing them.
Warren J. Wells

Obligatory "it's not quite that simple." I'd probably modify it to like "80% of traffic is caused by..." Obviously we need better intercity transit, but that isn't the cause of most congestion.
Warren J. Wells

People love retail in neighbourhoods. We should allow way more of it:

Alex Mather

There's a reason suburbs are located directly adjacent to density and not islands of development in the middle of nowhere. Suburbs survive by proximity to density and, in most cases, pay little or no taxes to support that density. Further, they use the state (via zoning laws) to prevent the natural development of more housing within their borders, guaranteeing a perpetual state of dependence, and ensuring that prices stay high enough to keep out the riffraff. It's a fundamentally parasitic arrangement.

It is possible and urgent that black folks interested in strength and survival in this moment cultivate a spirituality that is not incumbent on the oppression of others
Hi I’m Solomon @solomonmissouri

I honestly think Grand Old Party is way too genteel of a nickname for the party threatening us with fascism
Mary Annaïse Heglar

Yes, I would expect a nation with a major political party openly promoting antisemitism and assassination to be “deeply divided” at the very least

The thing I can’t stop thinking about is how different it would be if some far-left radical had tried to assassinate McConnell. It would be covered as devastating for Democratss. They’d spend a week denouncing themselves. The midterms would be understood to be lost.
Will Stancil

Where car parking pushes a community apart, bike parking knits it together; creating a more compact and attractive urban form, enabling active and sustainable travel, and supporting spontaneous social and economic activity at street level:

Melissa and Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife

I often say the most mind-bending fact about climate is that half of all emissions came in the last 25 years. Maybe even more startling: the weight of that carbon is more than the total mass of everything ever built by humans and still standing on earth.
David Wallace-Wells

“Crime” is the lowest it’s been in decades but political violence is the highest. Lumping these things together to downplay the rise of fascism serves no one but those who want to overthrow democracy and install a dictator

I believe in free speech but I also don’t want to spend the rest of my life debating the Jewish Question with people who don’t believe in the concept of truth
Natalie Wynn @ContraPoints

I don’t think presidents have much effect on crime. But if we’re going to play that game:
1. Obama left Trump with the lowest murder rate of any president since LBJ.
2. Trump was the first president in 28 years to leave office with a higher murder rate than when he started.
Radley Balko

the actual data just blows up the entire rightwing narrative on crime. if increasing police budgets and incarceration reduced crime we would be the safest country in the world. these states have higher crime rates bc crime is mostly an economic issue and they’re starving people:


Important to remember that the [New York] Times sent a climate change skeptical columnist on safari to Greenland before hiring a single Indigenous person to the newsroom.
Julian Brave NoiseCat

In the last few years, progressives mounted massive protest movements against racism and sexism. In both cases, the right-wing backlash ended up being louder and more lasting than those movements. The US seems to be going backward on both counts. What lessons are/should Democrats taking from it? My nutshell take: the center left elites in media and the Democratic Party seem to have concluded, "oops, activists went too far." What they should have concluded is, "hm, the right has developed the ability to crush all efforts at progress under a tsunami of misinformation and resentment." What I will go to my grave repeating is that there is no politics — no choice of issues, no quality of candidates, no clever messaging, no method of protest — that can succeed if its enemies have developed the near-total ability to dominate primary information streams.
David Roberts @drvolts

It looks increasingly likely that America is going to slide fully into chaos and rapid decline. We should never forget that while this was starting to happen, the media was normalizing fascism and promoting moral panics about "cancel culture" and "wokism" on the left.
Dan Mitchell @_GreatDelusion

In a Just in Time world, the truck drivers who haul containers between ports and warehouses are at once vital players in the supply chain, and people whose own time is treated as both limitless and valueless. I rode along with a driver in Southern California. My story.
Peter S. Goodman

One of the greatest threats to the US is that billionaires and Republicans have no idea what freedom means or what it looks like. Authoritarianism is a blinding feature of excessive wealth and conservative ideology. They can only impose themselves in the world
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

A trip to Greenland brought [Brett Stephens] to the same conclusions he previously held about what to do about climate change, which won't solve climate change. He's merely gone from serving climate change deniers to serving climate change solution deniers.

One way to explain the Trump era in the US is all the country’s many grifters finally found a leader and protector.

I saw the best writers of my generation become ‘content strategists’
Jean Hannah Edelstein

if you’re wondering how insanely low the Mississippi River is right now here’s me on a massive sand dune in the middle of it near rosedale, mississippi:

Virginia Hanusik

Part of what we are interested in understanding (and measuring) is the economic cost of people who don't have access to driving not being able to fully participate in public life because walking/rolling/transit aren’t prioritized or even available choices... Just based on people without driver licenses, it's close to 30% of our national population and that doesn't count people who have licenses but can't afford or don't have access to a private vehicle for other reasons. Recognizing that there are so many of us for whom driving doesn't work can start to shift the conversation that driver's speed should always be prioritized.
Anna Zivarts

“No one can force me to quarantine, get a vaccine, wear a mask or register my gun but you need to consult your political leaders before having a baby” is peak Republican.

white people think crime is a problem ONLY when it reaches their consciousness, their only consideration of crime, only when they imagine themselves as the victim. And whether that imagination is reasonable or delusional, it drives public policy and why we have poor policy
D.A. Bullock @BullyCreative

They really tell on themselves sometimes...

@TalkHeathenlive (Photo: Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church)

Herschel Walker, Mehmet Oz and Kari Lake polling as well as they are is a far greater indictment of the American education system than any NAEP score.
Jersey Jazzman

“We must protect our children except when it comes to things like rampant gun violence and the destruction of a livable planet”

Reality is not a bias
Brent Toderian

Surprising absolutely no one, Sigmund Freud insisted a woman’s purse “was a substitute for her genitals” and that a woman rifling through her purse was “representative of masturbation.”
Meg Conley

This country was built on centuries of raping women, forcing them to carry pregnancies and then selling their children. No, I’m not surprised the idea that our bodies belong to us is a concept many still struggle with in the USA

Democracy Dies in False Equivalences
His Dudeness @ATLGreg1

Don't mess with people's rituals! Fascinating new studies show that any changes to (religious or nationalistic) rituals  - even "minor alterations that are accidental, well-intentioned, or beneficial to the group" - unleash moral outrage and punishment
Alfie Kohn

This machine fights Climate Change. (and air pollution, excessive public infrastructure costs, increasing public health costs, social and economic inequity, loss of public space from cars, etc etc…) This machine is fuelled by safe infrastructure. HT @JimDensham pic from #COP26:

Brent Toderian

W/o Social Security: Poverty rate for people 65+ would exceed 40% in 1/4th of states.
W/ Social Security: Poverty rate for people 65+ is less than 10% in 3/4ths of states.
Dems: Let’s strengthen social security
GOP: Let’s end social security
Qasim Rashid, Esq.

When you steal the Supreme Court you do it to have backend control. And when you do, it doesn’t matter what lower courts say, what legislation passes, what happens in elections, or especially what the people want. It’s the ultimate minoritarian weapon and it was designed that way. To be frank, our shock over what this SCOTUS does has to change to outrage. We have to start talking about alternatives, whether that’s expanding the court, imposing term limits, or simply dismissing any semblance of legitimacy and ignoring their rulings.
Jared Yates Sexton

The kinds of people who push for social change — high in openness to new experience, willing to delay cognitive closure, etc. — need to recognize that they are unusual and that even the victims of unjust social systems are, more often than not, going to cling to those systems.
David Roberts @drvolts

"With the kids seated in a line stretching forward from the vehicle’s front bumper, it took nine to 11 of them before a 5-foot-2 driver could see a child’s head":

Ryan J. Reilly

Just once I'd love one of these allegedly serious journalists to actually engage with the way Democrats talk about rural working-class voters and how Republicans talk about educated urbanites.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

Rishi Sunak and his wife sit on a fortune of £730,000,000. That’s around twice the estimated wealth of King Charles III. Remember this whenever he talks about making “tough decisions” that working class people will pay for.
Nadia Whittome MP

People are getting mad about my "But the price of gas" tweets. Too bad. The same nation that blew the GOP out over Watergate in 1974 by 17 pts and 49 seats now can't even keep the party of January 6 out of power because of inflation. (Which was TWELVE percent in '74.) Shameful.
Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom

A newly hatched baby snapping turtle. (Photo David Moskowitz):

Weird Animals

Trump has a secret plan to steal the 2024 election. You can read all about it in our book, to be released in February 2025.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

So interesting to watch reactionary centrists trying to drive a wedge through a community in real time.

Stop making sewers for cars in your city. Start making streets again.
Brent Toderian

Yes, we are now in the reverse reparations moment. Black people disproportionately qualified for Pell Grants because they were disproportionately poor. Now the argument is that extra debt cancellation for Pell Grants is wrong because Blacks disproportionately hold Pell Grants
Pamela Oliver (sociologist)

When the history of how fascists came to power in the United States is written, it will be particularly unkind to the liberal academics, journalists, and politicians who fear-mongered about "crime" by the poor and pushed surveillance and state violence as the solution.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec

“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.” –Daniel Kahneman
Ethics in Bricks

The CROW Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic dictates any successful network must reflect five principles:

Dutch Cycling Embassy

stop playing it cool just be passionate and intense and insane and whoever sticks around is meant for u
grace @brainsoupp_

I’ll say it again — don’t called it urban sprawl. It’s suburban sprawl, or possibly exurban or rural sprawl. If it’s really urban, it’s probably not sprawl.
Brent Toderian

No GOPer gave a shit about Trans people one way or the other until they needed a wedge issue to distract people from their current descent. The fact that anyone falls for it is pathetic.
Gail Simone

I don’t know how to explain to people that if you’re willing to support fascists when the economy is bad, it incentivize fascists to ruin the economy.
A.R. Moxon @JuliusGoat

Let's get this straight: the Republicans are NOT better at handling the economy. Out of 17 recessions over the last 100 years, 13 of them were under Republicans.
Victor Shi

Mainstream news orgs, especially print, run piece after piece on the dangers of wokeness, while Tucker and Fox News and politicians deal in white nationalist, racist, anti-democratic, anti-Semitic rhetoric that has led to violence before and will likely lead to violence again.
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

One easy way to identify a Real American Alpha Male is that they're terrified of US cities where tens of thousands of people live perfectly ordinary lives.
David Roberts @drvolts

New shirt day!

Joe Cutrufo

The governor who committed mass kidnapping wants to imprison people for voting with his state's permission.

A major analysis of hospital records finds that a staggering 84% of pregnancy-related deaths were preventable. More than half of deaths occurred well after delivery — between 7 days and a year later.

While we’re talking about Liz Truss, now seems like a good time to remind people that the Republican Party is running on an economic/tax platform that is virtually identical to the one she just resigned over.
Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists

A whataboutism often heard in urbanism is how some disabled people need cars, but car centric neighborhoods are designed with home architecture very hostile to disabled people.  Buildings with elevators tend to be in crowded areas where finding parking requires long walks.

And this is the real reason why there is so much pushback:

Kyle Hillman

I would like a bit less chaotic evil in domestic and international politics, please.
Leah McElrath

America winning WWII and the prosperity that followed was an unfortunate detour for the American Fascist Machine (whose playbook Hitler himself cribbed for much of his own policy). But they’ve been methodically setting the stage for a comeback basically since Reagan.
Rachel Klein

Imagine being able to get rid of a tragi-bad leader in 44 days because their own party rose up against them…and tell me again that the American constitution is some kind of gospel of good government that doesn’t need to be improved.
Elie Mystal

women’s loneliness is treated as a personal failing and men’s loneliness is treated as a societal failure

The anti-woke thing was the permission structure white elites had been waiting for, to start saying whatever they want. In a matter of months everything from open antisemitism to "white lives matter" to criminalizing LGBT people has been broadly normalized.
Will Stancil

I have an idea: Let’s all work together to make the world better. It could be fun
BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!

To see Claudette Colvin — or Rosa Parks — as significant because they were the “1st” misses the point that no single act of resistance could have changed segregation in the buses. It took an accumulation of outrage, a collective breaking point, an organized movement.

Occasionally it truly blows my mind to think about how those in power are consistently choosing chaos over planned transition, short-term power and wealth over long-term survival
Amy Westervelt

Shit Planning

basically women are gonna be charged for murder over something smaller than an egg white
Tal Lavin @swordsjew

Reminder: Florida did a voter registration drive in jail. Then Florida charged the inmates...for illegally registering. 8 of 10 are Black. They've been sentenced to years in prison. Also in FL: 2 white guys in The Villages voted 2x. They got community service
Eric Umansky

Keep in mind that Trump is *still* overcharging the taxpayers for his Secret Service detail.

It blows my mind that some Americans would be OK with life in a dictatorship as long as they saved 25 cents on a gallon of gas.

being “good at game theory” means being selfish. being “good at econ” means you hate poor people. being “good at sociology” means saying those things about game theory and econ. being “good at poli sci” means you are handsome. why this is so hard for some of you to understand
Jake M. Grumbach

People calling themselves queer is roughly 1/1000th as obnoxious as boomers [like David Sedaris] whining about it.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

So the accountability results are showing that “reading and math proficiency” is getting worse but “college and career readiness” is getting better… That incongruence should tell you these system isn’t actually a gauge of either of those things.
Ryan Davis @DavisTeaching

Inflation is temporary. Fascism is forever. Vote accordingly.
Mueller, She Wrote

holy fucking shit, the people who told us not to worry about Roe are now telling us not to worry about Social Security and Medicare. excuse me but I'm going to fucking worry. worry and vote
Jeff Tiedrich

Protestors get vilified if they're posh people targeting elite things or ordinary people affecting other ordinary people.

People have always cited economic reasons as justification for supporting Nazis. So again what are we talking about?

So, will DeSantis arrest Mark Meadows when he’s in Florida?

With its colourful murals, graffiti, and frescos waiting to be discovered around every corner, Brussels is essentially an open-air art gallery. These artworks can be found in the most unexpected of places: walls, façades, shop fronts, lamp posts, and benches all around the city:

Melissa and Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife

In transportation, people bandy about bonkers $$ for highway projects and talk about “this highway wants this” like highway are sentient effing beings, which THEY ARE NOT. Meanwhile actual people whose civil rights are being denied for lifetimes because we don’t value people with disabilities

I just continue to be amazed at the amount of people having meltdowns over Twitter specifically simply because this is the only space they encounter leftist intellectualism. If you’re genuinely concerned about “free speech”… Have you examined why it is that a single social media platform has caused so much upset simply because it’s the rare space where the dominant narrative faces direct challenge from people armed with things like facts and degrees?

Just noticed that GM still uses the old "human error" line as its justification for autonomous vehicles. Reminder: Even if AVs do reduce crashes (they might not), other approaches are much simpler (like slowing down streets).
David Zipper

Anybody who is sitting on a billion dollars and not taking actions to alleviate mass suffering right now is not your friend no matter how much you like their music or art sorry

There is this enormous social pressure to not name the harms of religious trauma in particular, because people who are still in that system have their entire identities wrapped up in the system. So critiquing white evangelicalism is received as personal attacks.... (The hell thing alone is so messed up, I can't even get into that here!). Religious indoctrination does not work at creating safe and secure attachments. What it DOES do is traumatize kids and create people who are ripe for exploitation by authoritarian leaders.
D.L. Mayfield

To those sitting in their armchairs criticizing climate activists, if you can do better, show us. I'm being completely serious. We desperately need you to pitch in and demonstrate how to do it. Bring your brilliant ideas out into the world before we all lose it
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

It's wild how many people run for offices they don't respect
Mary Annaïse Heglar

This is the priceless work of art you should be worried about:


I wish they’d cared this much about the sacredity of other cultures' art, museums etc when they totally destroyed places. Planetary endgame and we will still be putting art into vaults, and letting people drown at our borders.
Imandeep Kaur

Whether it’s Herschel Walker failing to acknowledge his children, or Joe Biden telling his children that he loves them, both sides have engaged in some very unorthodox parenting techniques.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

That people are more triggered by soup on a sunflower
Than millions dying from climate change
Than a million species going extinct
And carry on
That a sunflower painting can be ‘worth’ £80 million
Life on Earth is worth more:

Alex Morss

There’s a difference between genuine high self-esteem and being extremely self-congratulatory. Those who are most comfortable in their skin simply live without declaring to everyone they’ve got life all figured out. No one has life all figured out. No one.
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas

is it me, or did the tomato soup action get more public attention than Wynn Bruce? The climate activist who died after setting himself on fire just a few months ago?

For every €1 the Dutch government spend on enabling everyday cycling, they make a saving of €32 in public health care costs. As government spending options go, a 32:1 return on investment seems pretty good. Maybe they're onto something.
Jon Owen @anotherJon

In Dublin: A new bike library at a school invites parents to borrow (for free) a cargo bike, e-bike, or folding bike. "It's about giving a choice to parents, when they are traveling to school with their kids, a choice to use a bike rather than a car."
David Zipper

Hot take, if some kids want to throw soup at the glass covering of a fully-protected masterpiece to remind us that we are making their planet unlivable, good for them.
Jeff Speck

saw ted chiang give a talk yesterday where he basically told a bunch of ai bros, "we are nowhere near having real ai, and what we call ai today is just a tool of capitalism. i don't fear ai, i fear capitalism" and the ai bros got their feelings hurt. it was great.
darryl li

It's like something from dystopian science fiction: people are violently dying all around us, for no reason other than we've made powerful weapons incredibly easy to get, and we can't seem to do anything about it except try not to think about it too much.
Peter Sagal

At the infrastructure symposium in Miami watching this right now!

Jonah Susskind

It’s mind boggling that not wearing a helmet on a separated bike path will receive public scrutiny but driving 80mph on a highway with your toddler is considered perfectly fine.
Dr. Natalia Barbour

Imagine taking a few Bible verses on human sexuality as literal divine commands from God for all society, but minimizing the +3,000 verses calling for the care of immigrants, the marginalized, the oppressed, and the poor to a personal choice.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer

Marjorie Taylor Greene called on the Supreme Court to abolish gay marriage because of “the Bible” (which does not mention gay marriage) while currently undergoing a divorce after repeatedly committing adultery, which the Bible actually does condemn.
Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists

ok so when i wished on the monkey's paw that more people would learn about auditory processing disabilities, i wasn't quite expecting it to look like THIS.
jenny from the bloc @flowerqueers [referring to the media response to the Fetterman/Oz debate]

Prager U: for people who flunked out of Trump University.
Babo @rbc2222

A diverse democracy requires pluralism, a constant give and take. To be reactionary is to demand to be given more, to angrily refuse all calls to give more, and to perpetually whine that you're being treated unfairly. And — crucially — to assume that everyone else is the same.
David Roberts @drvolts


If you’re still against safe bike-lanes, understand this — the safer and more comfortable urban biking is, the more people choose to ride instead of drive. The more people ride, the better people are able to move IN EVERY WAY, with less space, public cost, crashes, emissions, etc.
Brent Toderian

Humans, you exhaust Me.
God @almightygod

Inktober Day 12 - Forget #inktober2022 #inktober:

Ryan Dow

Kanye West has more twitter followers than there are Jews in the world. There are an estimated 14.8 million Jews and he has over 30 million followers. American Jews are experiencing a historic rise in antisemitic incidents. His actions are extremely dangerous and must be called out.
Carly Pildis

Murdering civilians through targeted bombing as revenge because your bridge was hit is both grotesque and a perfect display of the rot of authoritarianism.
Neera Tanden

Weird how all these “free, independent thinkers” always land at the same old anti blackness and anti semitism.
John Legend

don’t forget to leave out a plate of smallpox for christopher columbus tonight

To drivers everywhere:  not one single cyclist ever has "come out of nowhere".  Instead, cyclists almost always come from *where you didn't bother to look". Remember that before ascribing trans-dimensional skills to us that we don't have!
Peter Gerlings @Vreelander

This Vienna street isn’t “closed” because cars are removed. It’s fully opened to everything else because cars are removed. HT @_dmoser for pic:

Brent Toderian

A land acknowledgement that situates colonialism as only in the past is not really reckoning with the present or demanding a better future of living in good relations

Summary of 107 academic studies about e-bikes:
• Use of e-bikes "is associated with lower energy and emissions."
• E-bike riding "is a form of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity."
• E-bikes "can cause a significant modal shift."
David Zipper

Why doesn't Dr Oz save everybody a lot of time and just eat crudités while killing puppies while selling scam magic weight loss pills while kissing Trump's ass at his real home in NJ in front of Hitler's car?
Frank Conniff

"Hoarders" tv show but it's a host interrogating rich people about why they hoard wealth that could be used to eliminate suffering

Republicans aren’t “tough” on crime. They’re stupid on it. Flooding the streets with military assault rifles. Increasing inequality by heaping tax breaks on the rich, and defunding the IRS so more people can cheat. Austerity means defunding schools and anti-violence programs.
Dan Ancona

When you really, really don't want out of control cars hitting your house:


How come “we need to be energy independent” is never like let’s get busy switching cars to electric and adding a fuckton of rooftop solar?
Angie Schmitt

I'm sorry but "non-fungible" will always mean "impossible to turn into a mushroom" to me

Nationwide, police car chases now kill more people than tornadoes, lightning, and hurricanes combined. If you give police larger and more powerful cars, even more people are going to die
Alissa Walker @awalkerinLA

Silicon Valley investors keep blowing billions on transportation ideas that are pyramid scheme level bad. And no one ever questions their genius, smartest guy in the room brand. Why is that?
Angie Schmitt

White people often get really offended by being called white or settler. They say it's racist because for white people racism is about hurt feelings. Being excluded. For Black and Indigenous people it is about dying. Big difference.

This is a bad trend that shouldn't be continued. Police driving bigger and bigger vehicles for no real reason. More blindspots, more weight, not much utility:


I'm just a biker/pedestrian/driver, and it's becoming clear to me that traffic engineering standards for how close vehicles can park to intersections and allow visibility of the cross street are based on shorter, more transparent vehicles than the current average American vehicle
Evan Roberts

Holy cow. “Residential segregation alone explains more than 100 percent of school segregation in the U.S.”
Scott Imberman @imbernomics

Climate obstruction is not just an outcome, it’s also an industry. According to Naomi Oreskes, there are over 8,000 firms, front groups and think tanks dedicated to blocking climate action.
Christine Arena

[Charles] Krauthammer got syndicated because newspapers realized it was too costly to search for local writers who could be so easily angered by anything at will

While Brett Favre was getting Mississippi to spend over $5 million of federal welfare funds in a new volleyball stadium (and receiving $1.1 million himself), the state approved just 1.42% of the poor people who applied for assistance. [Mississippi Free Press]
Mark Elliott @markmobility

Police killed at least 881 people through September 30, 2022. Police killed more people over the past 9 months than at any other point in the past decade. There have only been 10 days this year where police did not kill someone:

Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey

I would like editorial boards to stop pretending we have a Supreme Court interested in addressing whether a policy is constitutional, rather than acting as the judicial arm of the Republican Party.
David M. Perry @Lollardfish

The GOP want to police what you wear, what you read, what kids learn, what we say, who we marry, and what we do with our bodies. That’s not freedom no matter how you slice it. The Democrats are the REAL party of freedom. Vote accordingly.
Mueller, She Wrote

Based on NYT numbers, there have been about 30K U.S. COVID deaths reported in the last two months (August/September). For context, that’s 10x 9/11s. It’s double flu deaths last flu season. It’s about 2/3 of last year’s gun deaths.
Walker Bragman

Mistrust those who promise continuity in an unprecedented and accelerating planetary crisis.
Alex Steffen

What mystifies me most about WhiteSupremacy™ is how whiteness is held up simultaneously as
The Bestest Damn Thing Ever
The Most Pathetically Fragile/Endangered Thing Ever
How do its proponents somehow NEVER cope with that fundamental cognitive dissonance?

Trans teens have the *highest suicide rate* of any group of adolescents. And I promise you it’s not because their parents let them use pronouns and supported their transitioning. These kids are vulnerable and there is also a risk of *not* taking their gender identity seriously.
LadyGrey @TWLadyGrey

Instead of saying "Women slept their way to the top,” we say "Men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favors." Because that is what it really is.

Dems: Climate change is a serious threat. Immigrants and trans kids are human beings. Stop cops from shooting unarmed Blacks.
GOP: Distribute assault weapons to all white Christians. Install Trump as Pharaoh. Let embryos vote.
Media: We're so polarized! Extremists on both sides!
Alfie Kohn

Here is the companion map showing the September precipitation ranking compared to all Septembers since 1895:

Brian Brettschneider @Climatologist49

I worry that a political system incapable of letting investors lose when their climate-impacted investments fail will grow more rapidly brittle than it would have otherwise.
Alex Steffen

Mitch McConnell didn’t defend his wife. Ted Cruz didn’t defend his wife. Josh Hawley ran. Jordan Peterson cried. Abbott refused to debate in front of an audience. Are these really your alpha male heroes?
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

Coca-Cola is the world’s biggest plastic polluter - and a sponsor of #COP27
Extinction Rebellion

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