Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Get Beyond Fear

I've been a bit overwhelmed lately, basically maintaining the minimum. I know I let the fire hose of bad news in the world get to me more than I should, but living within the rise of white supremacist fascism and a climate crisis, it feels irresponsible to do anything else.

Speaking of which, did you know the Republican candidates for both attorney general and auditor in Minnesota are members of the Federalist Society? That the AG candidate was the national editor of the Federalist's journal when he was in law school (only 12 years ago)?

How can people consider voting for these unqualified wreckers of government?

Anyway, I was out and about yesterday and I saw this bumper sticker, which explains it, if anything does:

In Minnesota, and in enough other states to make a difference, I hope there are sufficient numbers of people who get beyond fear to vote for a pluralistic future where we all have rights.

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