Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Personal Map of the U.S.

This September, I finally visited the last of the lower 48 states that I had never touched: Rhode Island. Even though I'm from the East Coast, I somehow never managed to go to the smallest state before then, and have had it on my list of things to do.

Rhode Island is, indeed, very small. I wish I had been able to spend time seeing more of it, though!

Some of my state visits are extremely pro forma, I admit. A few I traveled through on a train as a 2-year-old, for instance. Or even Florida, where I lived around that time, was before I can remember it.

Today I saw this link that lets you create your own map, showing which states you've lived in, stayed in, visited, stopped in, or passed through. Here's mine:

I'm a little unclear how they differentiate "visited" from "stopped." Does "stopped" mean having lunch? Getting gas? Or do you have to check out at least one point of interest? Or would that count as a visit? I guess we all get to use our own interpretation.

I also wish (just a little bit) for varying hues of the colors to show that you've visited or stayed in a state more than once. I know — brag, brag, brag.

Finally, I feel a need to say that I wanted to stay in Rhode Island during my recent trip, but the part I was visiting was down in the southwest corner, near Connecticut, and there were very few places to stay, so we ended up staying in Connecticut near the Rhode Island border, even the whole reason for being there was to go to Rhode Island. (I've also stayed right on the border of Vermont during a trip to New Hampshire.)

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