Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Mr. Kite in Rochdale

Local Twitter man-about-town Chris Steller responded to this tweeted question from the BeatleManiaUK — "Fact or Fiction? John got the idea for 'Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite' from a circus poster" — with something more than the usual answer.

Fact! Related obscure fact: The "Mr. Kite" poster is for Pablo Fanque's circus shows in Rochdale, England (near Manchester) in 1843 — the same year flannel workers in Rochdale went on strike, ultimately creating the world's first co-op, and launching the international cooperative movement.

Actual dates for these Rochdale events seem to be:
"Mr. Kite" poster: February 1843
Flannel workers' strike starts: December 1843
World's first co-op established: December 1844

So a sweater vest like John is wearing in the photo is fine but a flannel shirt manufactured by a cooperative would be most appropriate.

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