Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Philando Castile, Six Years Ago

Today is the sixth anniversary of the day Philando Castile was shot and killed by a cop in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. 

Since I wrote last year, a peace garden has been created in his memory next to the spot where he was killed. 

The entrance is marked with one of the street signs marking the recently renamed street, which is adjacent.

Fresh flowers were turned into sculptural elements for the anniversary.

Permanent sculptures in metal flank the center of the park.

The concrete arching sofa (described in my earlier post) surrounds a small tree, which was specially decorated today.

A utility box next to the park carried this sticker, which isn't part of the park design, but harmonizes perfectly.

A fading version of a spray-painted Philando portrait almost escaped my notice until I was leaving. He is still there.

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