Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Men Had Babies in 1958

Local Twitter-man-about-town Chris Steller tweeted an image of Prince's birth announcement from the Minneapolis Star on June 7, 1958:

Old newspaper clipping with many baby notifications by father's name, including John L. Nelson, 2201 S. 5th Av.

(Click to enlarge.)

Which was cool to see, but the thing that a modern reader notices first — especially when your eye is drawn to the red circled area — is that the births are listed under the fathers' names.

If you go back to the beginning of the text, you realize that the convention was that the entire section was set up with a single Mr. and Mrs. under the GIRLS subhead. That lead-in is not repeated under the BOYS subhead, and it somehow it's made to apply, illogically, to the one instance where Dr. Albert Greenberg is also a Mr., I guess. 

But the women who birthed all those babies are invisible in the text, and that was natural at the time. No one thought anything of it, most likely.

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