Monday, May 30, 2022

What Good Is an Unintelligible Cartoon?

I may be a bit self-deluded, but I think I'm fairly informed on what the crazy Right thinks about a lot of things. So when I see a right-wing political cartoon running in a mainstream publication that I don't understand, it's a bit disturbing.

This happened a few days ago when the Star Tribune ran a cartoon (so-called) by Joey Weatherford:

Aside from the fact that it's unintelligible to anyone who hasn't bought into some conspiracy fever dream I've never heard of, it's also hard to deny that Weatherford can't even draw. Is that deformed alien creature supposed to be the Democratic donkey? Is that womanoid person labeled with a Hillary Clinton H button supposed to be Hillary?

Like Fox News, Weatherford appears to still be obsessed with Clinton, even though she is not in office and not involved in anything to do with the FBI, let alone Elon Musk or Twitter.

Why did the Strib's opinion page editor decide to run it, especially when they have yet to run a cartoon by a single woman cartoonist in a year (except... as always... the awful Lisa Benson, and they haven't even run her lately)?

All this cartoon does is prove that there are no funny or clever right-wing cartoons in existence. Maybe that's the point of running it?

A day or so after this cartoon appeared on the commentary page, that page's editor wrote a column about what he tries to accomplish. He ended by saying they are trying to figure out how (or whether?) to replace their recently retired cartoonist, Pulitzer Prize-winner Steve Sack. 

He said they welcome our thoughts on Sack's replacement, so I suppose I should write to him with my comments and even give him my count of their gender imbalance. 

If you want to write in yourself, the address is


One amusing thing: when I searched Joey Weatherford, my first page of search results included links about 1960s sex symbol Joey Heatherton. Not as amusingly, I found out that one thing Weatherford is known for is an antisemitic cartoon about Michael Bloomberg.

1 comment:

Michael Leddy said...

I think — emphasis think — it’s supposed to be George Soros. They should be ashamed of themselves publishing such dishonest (libelous?) garbage.