Saturday, May 21, 2022

No Musk, No Fuss

I used to think Elon Musk was okay, or positive even: that through Tesla he was helping to bring more rapid development and scaling of battery technology. When Tesla turned over the plans for its batteries to be use by other car companies, and they were able to produce vehicles with extended ranges really quickly, that was good.  

I didn't realize then that Musk doesn't have anything at all to do with the good parts of what Tesla has done, technologically. Naive, I know.

Since my disillusionment about his role with Tesla, it's gotten worse. I learned where his initial wealth came from, which he used to bankroll PayPal, and then in turn Tesla: South African emerald mines.

Then he I found out about SpaceX, which has gone from questionably useful to completely useless as a billionaire ego trip. And the Boring Company that keeps trying to reinvent the idea of mass transit with the mass, never understanding the essential geometry of cities.

Now there's the whole Twitter magilla and his idea of "free speech," which I won't get into. And most recently, last week, the accusation that he harassed (or worse) an employee, then got her to sign an NDA. Given the description of her case, do any of us think she is the only one who signed away her right to disclose?

This thread by journalist E.W. Niedermeyer sums up my current thinking on Musk, who I generally do not want to give my brain power to. I don't want to see his picture.

Yet here I am, writing about him for what I hope is the last time.

In 2015 I decided on a whim to check out Tesla's battery swap station that was earning the company 9 figures in California Zero EV credits, and found it wasn't real. Instead Tesla was using diesel generators to charge cars. Here's how this changed my life.

Up to that point I had been skeptical that any startup automaker could succeed. That view wasn't about Tesla, it was about the car biz. But what I found at Harris Ranch [the battery swap station] was shocking — a cockroach — and I decided to follow a life-changing instinct: THERE IS NEVER JUST ONE COCKROACH.

Journalists are like investors, but instead of money they bet their time and effort. What I saw at the battery swap station was so at odds with the image of Tesla in 2015, I knew there was a good chance investing in scrutiny of Tesla would pay off. It did.

A year later I found another big cockroach: Tesla was hiding defects by requiring customers to sign NDAs in exchange for free repairs. This cut off the auto safety regulator's only independent source of information about defects. This led to a couple of important lessons...

First: MUSK'S KEY SKILL IS CONTROLLING INFORMATION. It's not just crafting appealing narratives about himself and his companies, but also silencing anything that contradicts them. Tesla's entire history is lined with NDAs, backed by sheer terror of what Musk will do when cornered

That terror comes from another lesson: MUSK DOESN'T REFUTE, HE ATTACKS. I learned this after the NDA story, when an official Tesla blog post accused me of fabricating the reporting and doing so for financial gain. Zero evidence was offered to support this attack on my credibility.

What happened next taught another lesson: MUSK FANS DON'T CARE ABOUT FACTS. I was mobbed by online attacks that could not be dissuaded or mitigated by facts. My claims had evidence and his didn't, yet hardly anyone knows my reporting and his 2016 lies are still repeated today.

My book [Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story About Tesla Motors] made some key claims that have proven true: Tesla can't make affordable cars, Tesla can't make its "Full Self-Driving" work, Autopilot has real safety issues, Tesla is fundamentally weak on manufacturing, and more. Here's the hardest lesson: NONE OF THAT HAS MATTERED.

As I realized this, and as I realized that Musk and Tesla were on a trajectory toward increasingly implausible and fraudulent claims (which massively enriched Musk), I realized: TESLA IS NOT AN AUTOMOTIVE STORY, IT IS A CELEBRITY STORY. Faith in Musk personally was what mattered

Along my journey I have heard a lot of rumors, evidence of big cockroaches, that I chose not to hunt down because I wanted to cover the automotive/mobility tech story, not Musk's personal life. But his personal life, who he really is, is what actually matters here.

If Tesla printed cash like Amazon or Facebook, Musk's character and personality wouldn't matter. But Tesla has always been financially precarious and dependent on valuations based on Musk's dream weaving: saving the planet, self-driving cars, Mars colonies, etc.

In short: TESLA IS A CONFIDENCE GAME. Confidence in one man and the image he so ruthlessly controls is what holds it all together. Understanding why Musk's dreams are bullshit is hard ..., but anyone can grasp a person's character

Like all human behavior, journalism has crowd dynamics. Every cockroach killed motivates other cockroach hunters to mount up, but celebrity journalism takes this to a new level. EVERY CELEBRITY STORY IS THE SAME: FIRST THEY ARE BUILT UP, AND THEN THEY ARE TORN DOWN

If celebrity journalists smell Musk's blood in the water and start a feeding frenzy, they will find more cockroaches. Why? Because Musk's history makes one lesson undeniable: HE DOES NOT BELIEVE THE RULES APPLY TO HIM. That is the core belief of every abuser.

That is ultimately why my view has evolved from mere skepticism about Tesla as a business to a belief that Elon Musk demands firm justice: his impunity and ability to meme reality to his will is making his behavior worse all the time. HIS TRAJECTORY IS UNSUSTAINABLE.

Even more importantly: his abusive behavior, his impunity and the unfathomable wealth they have generated for him create incentives for everyone else to mimic his behavior. Even if you think Musk deserves special treatment, do you want a society where everyone acts like him?

I don't want a society with one Elon Musk in it; I definitely don't want one where everyone acts like him.

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