Sunday, February 20, 2022

622 Pages of Time, Wasted

It's been a while since I've read a book that I didn't mostly enjoy and wouldn't recommend, but Michael Cobley's Seeds of Earth qualifies as one.

Like many of the other commenters on Goodreads, I was taken in by its cover blurb from Iain M. Banks: "Proper galaxy-spanning Space Opera."

As far as I was concerned, it was 622 pages whose best parts were concepts ripped off from other writers and whose worst parts were unintelligible lists of alien names strung together to sound impressive.

It's the first book of a trilogy, and I dislike it enough to not read the other two books, even though I already own them. (What a mistake that was. I think they were on the end-cap of recommended books located near the cashier at Uncle Hugo's about 10 years back.)

Instead I'm going to give them away to my local library's book sale. From what I can see on Goodreads, about half the reviewers feel the way I do and the other half liked Cobley's turgid writing, flat characters, and unoriginal world-building. So I hope someone will be happy with them.

Do you think they'll wonder why the first book looks like it has been read, while the other two seem to be untouched?

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