Friday, April 16, 2021

This Is Exactly Who "We" Are

My fellow white people, you know it is common to hear some of us say — each time a Black or brown person is killed by police (or some other outrage happens) — "This is not who we are." In Minnesota, the same thing is said about our state in particular. In case you didn't already know it, "we" are wrong.

This graph came through my feed yesterday, which makes it clear that this is exactly who we are:

(Click to enlarge for better viewing. I assume the data is based on the Minneapolis/Saint Paul metropolitan area, rather than Minneapolis specifically, since that is usually how national statistics are done.)

I saw the graph in the Twitter feed of Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey. He posted it in the context of news about the killing of 13-year-old Adam Toledo, and accompanied it with this comment:

Chicago police kill Black people at a rate 22x higher than white people and kill Latinx people at a rate 6x higher. This is the most extreme racial disparity in fatal police violence of any major city. The only place that comes close is Minneapolis.  

His stats came from The running ticker on that site reports that as of today (April 16), police have killed 268 people in 2021.


Late addition: I saw this illustration of Minnesota's exact dichotomous treatment of Black and white people in police interactions just after I made this post. 

These two real situations and their outcomes happened a couple of days apart this week:


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