Sunday, September 27, 2020

Quite a Name

The back pages of the Star Tribune's Metro section are generally where you see stories about deadly car crashes and murders. So at first it wasn't too far beyond the pale to see this headline a couple of days ago:

Charges: St. Paul man poisoned ex-wife at Roseville park

But then you get into the details of the story:

  • He poured the poison on her during a custody visit while their two children were present (and got some of the poison on one of the children, too). 
  • It was an organophosphate poison, possibly sarin or one of a couple of other ones I've never heard of. 
  • The woman had remained in the park during the visit because she didn't trust her ex-husband to return the children to her.

And all of that is bad enough, but I wouldn't be posting about this if it weren't for one additional detail in the story. 

The accused man's name used to be Trevor Alexander Bain, but at some point in the past, he had it legally changed to Thorbjorn Vandis Koyen MacBain. According to several other news sources, he made the change during their divorce, which was seven years earlier.

I for one wonder about the reason for the change to such a name, and I don't think it's unreasonable to suspect the rise of Norse-god-valorizing toxic-masculinity groups has something to do with it.

We live in interesting times.

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