Monday, September 7, 2020

A Sinking Tide of Elitism

It's Labor Day, and this has nothing to do with that day and what it represents or how it came to exist, except that it's about how we conceive of elitism these days and how that term gets used in politics. So maybe related a bit, but not really.

First, from Andisheh Nouraee on Twitter:

In 2004 John Kerry windsurfing supposedly symbolized his elitism. In 2020 a bunch of people parading their $40k-$100k on lakes docked at their second homes symbolizes Trump's popularity with “regular” Americans.

Then this, from someone named Scott H Sexton (who lives in Austin, Texas), which was shared by a Facebook friend:

Since I live on Lake Travis where the recent Texas boat parade fiasco happened, several people have asked me for my take on the situation, so here you go: 
Most importantly there were no deaths. There is at least one person still in the hospital, he is still in the ICU with a broken back. I heard of 13 vessels that were swamped or sunk, law enforcement has not released an official number yet. 
Before the parade started, Lake Travis was CALM with no waves larger than ½ foot, the maximum wind gusts were less than 10kts. When the parade started multiple boats cranked up their motors to show off and began creating excessive wakes. Vessels were driving at unsafe speeds in close proximity. This is what created the dangerous conditions that swamped/sunk vessels. 
Even after vessels started sinking, there was no cooperation with law enforcement and emergency personnel to slow down and/or reduce the wakes. First responders had to deal with rescuing people out of the water from sinking boats WHILE OTHER BOATS passed at close distances at speeds that created more wakes and even more dangerous conditions. The majority of vessels involved showed ZERO CONCERN for the well being of others, or the damage that they were causing with their wakes. 
All of this could have been averted had they driven their vessels at slower speeds and at safer distances. So far, I understand that all of the damaged vessels were involved in the parade. We are still awaiting the official report from the Travis County Sheriff's office that has jurisdiction over Lake Travis.

The result:

1 comment:

Michael Leddy said...

There must be a joke about a blue wave that someone has already made.

So instead, I will think about this sorry, soggy affair as Trump*’s Wake.