Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Just a Day Protesting at the Post Office, as We Have to in 2020

Who would have thought we'd need to be defending the U.S. Postal Service from the federal government?

Yes, I know it's been under threat of privatization for a while and I've known about the prefunded pensions B.S. for years in the back of my mind. I admit I haven't paid enough attention to it.

But among all of the things I predicted Mafia Mulligan would do during his presidency (like screwing with the Census, and just about everything else he's done), I missed this one. 

So there I was on Monday at the downtown Minneapolis Post Office at noon with a bunch of other masked demonstrators showing our support for USPS and postal workers and decrying Mulligan and his party. 

This was the sign I brought (this is a screen snapshot made before I did a printout):

I was trying to make two points... that this wouldn't be happening to USPS in the current moment if McConnell and others weren't letting it, and that it's part and parcel (no pun intended) of all the other voter-suppression efforts by the Republican Party for the past decade or more. Republicans individually may not hate democracy, but the party as an entity clearly does.

Some of the socially distanced signs along the street in front of the very large, Art Deco post office building:

Not everyone who showed up was old... I think you can figure out what the rest of the sign on the right says.

Today DeJoy or someone else at USPS put out an announcement that they will be stopping the destruction. I'll believe it when I see it, and even if they do stop, they've already done a bunch of damage. They need to restore equipment and budgets need to be funded so postal workers can get the mail through.

The song “Put ’Em Back the Way They Was” from the musical Li’l Abner keeps running through my head... I think I see a good opportunity to make some appropriate alternate lyrics there.

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