Friday, June 12, 2020

No Black People Involved

One of the sponsors of the public radio show Live from Here is a product called One Drop... I guess it's an innovative testing system for people with diabetes that's more effective or uses less blood or something.

But when I hear that name over the air, all I can think of is the "one-drop" rule, which said that if a person had one drop of "Black" or Native blood in their heritage, they were Black or Native instead of white.

Did the people who named this product run the name by any Black or Native people? Were they aware of that racist rule in American history?

I doubt it, or if they were, they didn't think it was important enough to keep them from using what they thought was a catchy name. Maybe they even thought it was a clever, tongue-in-cheek reference, though I hope that's not the case.

(From what I can tell by searching, no one else has commented on this yet, though the product has been around more than five years.)

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