Wednesday, June 24, 2020

COVID in Just One Day

Here are the COVID-related tweets I've marked from just the past 24 hours. Some are about the extent of the disease's spread, especially given our ineffective national government, while others are about its cultural effects:

Three times as many Americans have died from COVID-19 in the past four months than died in the first four years of the AIDS crisis. Think about that for a moment.
Leah McElrath

After waiting two months I finally received the masks promised by the Governor's Office. So... Utah taxpayers are paying for politically charged militia masks to be sent to residents? Not appropriate!

Christine Passey-Spencer

As the official COVID-19 death toll creeps past 120,000 in the USA, there is another important comparison to make. In a normal year, the combined impact of all infectious diseases in the USA will only kill about 120,000. COVID-19 alone has killed that many in four months.
Robert Rohde

Hot-yoga domes could be the new social-distancing fitness craze:

New York Post

When we look back on the pandemic, I think the small conspiracy among the WHO, the CDC and so many other organizations to tell everyone masks don’t work back in January in order to preserve stockpiles for health workers will be the worst mistake of the countless mistakes made.

Oh no:


BREAKING: US hits single day high of reported Coronavirus cases. Federal government silent.
Andy Slavitt
It's overwhelming and it's not ending. "Reopening" in this country is a sick joke. As journalist Lyz Lenzl summarized a piece she wrote for the Cedar Rapids Gazette, "Die for your job, is the message from the University of Iowa to instructors."

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