Sunday, February 9, 2020

Some Surprises at the Oscars

Well, it's been a long day for a Sunday (and we woke up to a good-sized snow storm to boot), so I wasn't sure I'd watch the Oscars tonight. But I did and now it's late, so I'll just say: Parasite is a very good movie and I'm glad it won.

I didn't see most of the best picture nominees but I am tired of male-centered stories about car races, Hollywood fetishization, wars, and bad guys who somehow represent something I'm supposed to care about.

As a result, the only ones from the Best Picture list I had seen were Little Women (okay), JoJo Rabbit (very good), and Parasite (fantastic). Thus, I am happy with the outcome of the night for the most part, plus there was some entertainment worth watching along the way.

And now to sleep.

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