Thursday, January 30, 2020

And She Works for the Wall Street Journal

Just now, an hour or so after the Senate adjourned for the night and it's becoming clearer than ever that Republicans will not be voting to hear witnesses in the impeachment trial tomorrow, Mara Gay, political reporter for the Wall Street Journal, had this to say on MSNBC:

For the majority of Americans who have watched this and are living in reality... what we're witnessing is a total collapse of faith in American institutions.... As somebody who grew up with a father who grew up in the Jim Crow South and Jim Crow Detroit, a lot of what this has looked like from the Republican side — the farcical nature, the lack of good-faith argument — sounds very familiar. I think we're in a very scary moment.
Clearly, these Republicans would not have voted to convict Richard Nixon, either, or told him to resign in threat of their votes against him. Mafia Mulligan's acts, as I've said before, are 10 or 100 times worse than Watergate.

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