Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Set of Facts for Today

I've heard that the teen birth rate in the U.S. is much lower than it was, but I don't think I had quite absorbed how much lower:

Some highlights:

  • The Black teen birth rate dropped below the (so-called) Hispanic rate in 1995 and has stayed below it. 
  • Since 2012 or so, the Black rate has been lower than the white rate in the early years of these stats.
  • The Black rate has gone from 273% of the white rate to 216% of the white rate.
  • The Black rate in the final year is about two-thirds of what the white rate was in the first year (the final white rate is about a third of what it was in the first year).
  • That average number of teen births is the lowest it's ever been since the government began collecting this data.
This Pew Research article gives some of the possible reasons for the decline. It's notable that the pregnancy and abortion rates for teens have also declined in similar ways over the same time period (graphs in the linked Pew article).


A side note: I had a minor shock when viewing this data, noting "almost-30-year decline," and then seeing that the time period started in 1990. My, I am old.

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