Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Bit of Flocked Joy to You

The seemingly bottomless boxes of my childhood even had one item appropriate for Christmas:

The stickers are about one inch tall. I'd guess this packaging was designed in the 1950s, though I have no idea when my family bought them or why they were stashed away for so long.

The backs of the die-cut candy canes are gummed the way postage stamps used to be, so you would have to wet them (probably lick them) before applying.

Were they meant to put on the backs of Christmas card envelopes, maybe? I have no idea. But they're velvety, I can tell you that.


Bill Lindeke said...

A peck!

Daughter Number Three said...

I was trying to figure that out - does that mean the packages came 100 to a peck?