Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Thought on Immigration

From Twitter user kar nels:

News segment on increasing enrollment in schools in outstate Minnesota (more immigrants). A Baby Boomer comments they don't want to pay for this, fails to see irony given they likely went to school in "portables" because they were a sudden huge increase of kids, and older people paid for it.

I'll say it again: if you say you're deciding immigration is bad because "more people in the country is bad" and it's not because of racism, please tell me where you wrote about the sudden surge of population due to the Baby Boom, which was so hard on government services and so bad for the economy.

I mean, Baby Boomers came to the country at 0 years of age and took at least 18 years to get a job, and they massively used government services like free public education, cheap colleges and through unions, demanded, felt entitled to high wages for all sorts of blue-collar jobs.

Personally, I spent third grade in a rented Sunday School classroom housed in a Baptist church and fourth grade in a hastily built, free-standing "annex" building that held four classrooms across the street from the main school. The years were 1967–69.

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