Saturday, September 14, 2019

2050, a Way Forward

I'm always looking for a way through the climate crisis we're in. A while ago, I wrote about Jonathon Porritt's The World We Made, a book written as if looking back from 2050, describing how the world had made progress on global warming.

Today, writing about 10 years later, Bill McKibben has a much shorter piece in Time magazine called Hello from the Year 2050, part of their special issue on climate. He describes both technological and political changes that took place to make it possible to begin turning the corner on the crisis, but the part that resonated with me the most was this:

What’s changed most of all is the mood. The defiant notion that we would forever overcome nature has given way to pride of a different kind: increasingly we celebrate our ability to bend without breaking, to adapt as gracefully as possible to a natural world whose temper we’ve come to respect.
Give it a look. I intend to find a paper copy of the magazine if I can.

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