Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Midsummer Tweets, July 2019

July 2019 on Twitter. Let's see... There's this election in 16 months or so, a planet with parts on fire and other parts melting, and an orange demagogue with nuclear weapons and no one to tell him no. Here we go.

The election and the Democratic primary candidates:

Debates should have opening statements but no closing statements. You can think of the opening statement as simply a first question: "Why should you be president?" You've asked it at the top, you don't need to ask it again at the end, when they'll regurgitate substantially the same answer.
Josh Barro

Marrianne Williamson reminds me of white women who were with the Black Panthers in the late 60's and early 70's

If I can name one bad thing POLITICAL WOMAN did then my completely disproportionate reaction to it cannot be called sexist. Check mate, feminists. Like how does email protocol get elevated to the level of BAD CHARACTER. Irredeemable! Because it's just a pretense. It's not rational. Meanwhile outright fraud/rape etc. from alpha males... is a big old, *yawn* "how will it play in Michigan if anyone complains?"
Angie Schmitt

As you listen to Joe Biden, watch for a "tell" that his mind and mouth are no longer working in sync. He exclaims in frustration: "Come on, man!"
Langdon Winner

By the way, if you find self-righteous liberals annoying (and who doesn't?) one good strategy is not to elect someone president who gives them constant opportunity to be righteous.
Josh Barro

The math is stunning. White evangelicals are now just 15% of the population. But because they vote so regularly, they are HALF of a potential electoral majority:

Ronald Klain

It would be sweet justice if, after 70 years of screaming “socialism!” the GOP has to figure out how to deal with the real thing.
Scott Renshaw

Joe Biden, three weeks ago: "There's not a racist bone in my body." PSA to old white men: racism is not a body part.
Eric Holthaus

My new hot take is that the Democratic Party is less an opposition party than a junior coalition partner, whose role is to sand off the ruling party's rough edges and ensure that society stays more or less on an even keel no matter how far right our politics lurch.
derek davison

90,000 Michigan voters left the top of the ticket blank, meaning they didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton. He won Michigan by only 10k votes. Let that sink in. This election will ONLY be won by convincing more people like me to vote for you.
Rashida Tlaib

An interesting thing in reactions to Harris’ [first] debate performance is how completely her Indian background gets erased. Contrast to every discussion of Obama having an obligatory mention of his white family. Nobody attributed her cogency to her Indian mother, for example.
Anil Dash
Our dear leader, his racist tweets, and Mueller's testimony on Russian interference and obstruction of justice:
Mitch McConnell blocked Obama from making a bipartisan statement about Russian election interference in advance of the 2016 election. His record hasn’t improved in the least since then. Democrats aren’t exploiting anything. His record speaks for itself.

The Russian intelligence operation against America had a clear purpose: to cut between our mutual embrace as citizens, to make us focus on everything that separates us. The president, in the open light of day, is the finest operative this campaign could ever desire.
Anand Giridharadas

Funny how, when there was a different president, Trump saw Baltimore's perceived problems as a sign of presidential ineptitude and believed that if he was president he would "fix it fast"
Robert Maguire

Here's your Monday morning radical proposition: the knowing, intentional, and serial stoking of racial tensions is an impeachable offense.
Benjamin Wittes

”LOL your city is poor? I lived in a gold house with my name on it and cheated on my model wife with my model mistress! Your city that I’m constitutionally sworn to defend and protect SUCKS! LOL take that people I’m elected to serve!” *airhorn* - Cool Prez who loves America
Alex Hirsch

There's no real justification for 45 having a personal Twitter account. It's not necessary for national security -- it's arguably a danger to national security, if anything. It's not an account the public needs for vital information -- he spews lies. It's just a tool for inciting hate. There is an endless list of conservative commentators I vehemently disagree with but who I wouldn't say deserve to be suspended. That realdonaldtrump twitter account needs to be shut down for the same reason Alex Jones was. It's a racist, conspiracy theory account inciting hatred. If Trump wants to hold his modern klan rallies around the nation inciting violence against nonwhite elected officials MONTHS AFTER A TERRORIST MAILED FAULTY PIPE BOMBS TO TRUMP'S TARGETS, Twitter can't do anything about that. But they can stop letting him use twitter as fuel.
Bree Newsome Bass

They aren't afraid of being beaten by police
They aren't afraid of being run out of their communities
They aren't afraid of white supremacists in their places of worship
They aren't afraid of travel bans
They're afraid of criticism for supporting all that.
They should have it.

They aren't afraid of losing their children.
They aren't afraid of being packed into camps.
They aren't afraid of being asked for their papers.
They aren't afraid of bathroom laws
They're afraid of criticism for supporting all that.
They should have it.

They aren't afraid of losing bodily autonomy
They aren't afraid of losing their homes
They aren't afraid of not having clean water for years
They aren't afraid of climate change emergencies
They're afraid of criticism for insulating themselves from all that
They should have it
A.R. Moxon (Julius Goat) (replying to people who still support Donald Trump after all of the above and more)

Chris Wallace: "Infested. It sounds like vermin. It sounds subhuman and these are all six members of Congress who are people of color."
Mulvaney says he's "spending too much time reading between the lines."
Wallace: "I'm not reading between the lines. I'm reading the lines."
Kyle Griffin

I'm going to say this one time and never again. White people who talk about 45's misogyny, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia etc... as *distractions* are unintelligent and dangerous. These are not distractions because they are about the power to oppress and harm through policy.

It’s not just racism, it’s presidential racism. This means that at this key point in U.S. history, we are seeing a convergence of presidential power and white racism. Equally relevant, this use of political power is not undercutting his support within the GOP.

It’s insane when you think about it. The most powerful man in the world literally sits on his phone all weekend and tweets crap
Cray Craig

For the record, when Donald Trump calls one of America’s cities a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and a “dangerous and filthy place” as a way to attack an honored and honorable US congressman, there shouldn’t be any confusion over who hates America.
Steven Beschloss

Trump has mentioned variations of the word "infest" 7 times in his many tweets only with.
1. Elijah Cummings
2. Ilhan Omar
3. Mexicans
4. Mexicans
5. Mexicans
6. John Lewis
7. Barack Obama
Trump is a stone cold racist and it couldn't be any more obvious.
Alex Cole @acnewsitics

At an event by Turning Point USA — Charlie Kirk’s Trumpian group — the Presidential seal had an eagle with golf clubs and money instead of olive branches, a two-headed Russian eagle, hammer-and-sickles on the shield, and “45 is a Puppet” in Spanish instead of “e pluribus....” Daaaamn:

John Pfaff

HE SOLD OUT HIS COUNTRY FOR A BUILDING IN MOSCOW. Take that in, America. Let it sink in, that you have elected a mobster who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you.
Bette Midler

Today in summary.
Trump: I was totally exonerated.
Mueller: Nope.
Trump: This is a witchhunt & hoax.
Mueller: Nope
Trump: Twelve angry Dems put together this report.
Mueller: Nope.
Trump: Mueller interviewed for FBI director job.
Mueller: Nope.
Yamiche Alcindor

If there's one thing we've learned -- and it's really the theme of our era entire -- it's that when you're a star (or powerful or wealthy or well-connected or the president) they let you do it.
Chris Hayes

Pelosi: Impeacment would tear the country apart.
Meanwhile, Trump: *tears country apart*
Charles M. Blow

If everyone went back to where they came from, I.e. their true ancestral homeland, all 7.5 billion of us would be crammed shoulder to shoulder in central Africa.
Barbara Ehrenreich

Trump is allowed to criticize this country as much as he likes. That is his right as a white man. People of color, he suggests, do not have any such rights. Because they are present at the sufferance of the white majority, they can love it or leave it.
Max Boot

The president is fomenting racism, publicly, at rallies. He is smugly allowing his rally supporters to share racist chants. If you aren't terrified, you really aren't paying attention. I cannot believe this is happening. I cannot believe our elected leaders are doing nothing.
roxane gay

Also after Trump's racist Klan rally tonight, start treating every faith leader who licks his boots with disgust. These are not people who care for the outcast or widow. They care for power and white supremacy.
ProfB @AntheaButler

Sometimes it really just feels like It Can't Happen Here is just an optimistic way of saying No One Has Really Been Serious About Trying It Here. Trump is dumb as shit and deathly afraid of Lou Dobbs calling him a pussy on TV. He'd kill many poor people to avoid that.
David Roth

If you don’t agree with every policy of our government or every stance of our culture you should LEAVE and go someplace where they don’t love FREEDOM as much as WE do

It’s a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal, and the question of whether any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure comes up over and over again and Trump is on the side that says it can’t and shouldn’t.
Matthew Yglesias

Just for context: Remember that Obama was basically accused of being a racist black nationalist for saying officers who arrested Skip Gate in his own home (!!!) behaved “stupidly” and saying that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin.
Charles M. Blow

I think when they say “Go back to [your non-white country]”, they want you to get defensive and put down the country you or your people came from to prove you’re an “American”. Never done that and I won’t. You shouldn’t have to call your other home a piece of sh*t to live here.
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD

For what it's worth, the only people to ever try to leave America en mass because they did not love it were White Southerners.
Jonathan Ladd

Trump’s campaign chairman and his National Security Advisor were quite literally secretly working for other countries. So save me the “America First” takes.
Scott Stedman

You’re right, Mr. President - you don’t have a racist bone in your body. You have a racist mind in your head, and a racist heart in your chest. That’s why you violate the rights of children and tell the Congresswoman who represents your home borough, to “go back to my country.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

If there was a metal detector for racism, it would shriek every time someone said, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” Especially if they capitalized “racist.”
Anand Giridharadas

Growing up in Northern Virginia, I used to get the occasional "go back to China" while playing sports. (I was actually born in Germany, on an American military base because my Japanese-American dad spent 20+ years in Army after being jailed 4 years in WWII internment camp in Utah.)
David Nakamura

Weird how Obama came into power with a commanding popular mandate and changed virtually nothing, while Trump was swept into power with a 3-million-vote loss and is actively restructuring state structures in ways that may prove irreversible.
Adam Kotsko

today the vulgar racist who runs concentration camps melted straight the fuck down and threw a shit fit because people are calling him a vulgar racist who runs concentration camps, but yes please tell me again how it's the people who oppose this vulgar racist who are unpatriotic
Jeff Tiedrich

How can a white person tell someone else to “go back to your country” when their own ancestors came here as immigrants or colonizers? It’s because they are 1) Disconnected from their own history and/or 2) Believe Europeans were “entitled” to the land taken from Indigenous people.
Hari Kondabolu

FUN FACT: Ilhan Omar has been an American citizen longer than Melania Trump.
Tea Pain

just thinking about all the people who have built their families via international adoption (or know and laud others who have) who still don't see a problem with telling other people to go back to where they came from
Nicole Chung

America 2019, where the president's sexual assault victim gets pushed out of the news by the president's concentration camps for children, which gets pushed out of the news by the president's child-sex-trafficking bestie which gets pushed out of the news by the president's racism
Jeff Tiedrich

If it walks like a racist duck, builds walls like a racist duck, bans Muslim ducks, calls Mexican ducks rapists, calls other ducks’ ponds shitholes, takes out an ad in The Pond Times accusing black ducks of a crime they didn’t commit, it is a racist duck.
Anand Giridharadas

As we rightly call the POTUS racist for attacking four Congresswomen of color this morning, we should not be calling ourselves “not-racist” as Trump calls himself. If we don’t want to be like the #RacistInChief, then we should be striving to be antiracist.
Ibram X. Kendi

I don’t know about you but I think the President telling a member of Congress to basically “Go back to Africa” ought to be considered an impeachable offense.
Waleed Shahid

I would actually love to go back to where my ancestors came from, but they're not there anymore. They disappeared in an attempt to Make Eastern Europe Great Again.
Peter Sagal

I was repeatedly told as a kid/teen that if I didn't like it here, I could and should leave. This was generally by white Democrats (some Republicans). Since these adults generally knew my family (mixed race, not passing), I don't know how race played in. This wasn't unprompted, but in response to my distaste for the US' history/politics. It stopped almost entirely (except for a few Republicans) once I was in college and out of the house talking to people who didn't know my race/my family.

People keep calling this a “new low,” but Trump was screaming that Obama was born in Kenya more than a decade ago. This is who he is, this is how he rose to power, we don’t need another smoking gun showing he espouses white supremacy, we need to destroy white supremacy.
Liliana Segura

Today’s Headline: Trump fires another country’s ambassador for telling the truth.
Jesse Eisinger

In 2004 when we were making convention film for President Bush, we were explicitly prohibited from using official White House shot video. Now the Trump White House is not only using video but paying for full production. This is probably $500,000 of your tax dollars.
@stuartpstevens (referring to the July 4 "celebration" footage, remember that?!)

It really is a lot to ask Washington, DC, a city with no representation in Congress, to put up with tanks rolling through without question.
Dara Lind (in reference to the July 4 "parade")

“You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics ..." — Erma Bombeck
David Priess

Remember when the president started a fake school & issued fake degrees in exchange for money from gullible working people & then got busted for fraud & had to pay a settlement & that whole episode of his history basically vanished from public discussion?
David Roberts
There were three tweets about Ivanka Trump particularly, so let's group them. (And that's not including the huge number of memes about Ivanka inserting herself where she's not welcome or prepared):
Ivanka says AOC doesn’t understand the Americans like she does. Yes, you read that right. Daughter of a billionaire, who’s never even been to a grocery store, thinks she knows people better than a Latina who put herself through college/worked paycheck to paycheck just 2 yrs ago

The whitest dog on the planet roams free around Ivanka's palace, while brown children are crammed into cages without soap, toothpaste or parents:

Jen Fitzgerald

I hold no small amount of animus towards the reporters and other cultural arbiters who enabled the false BS of Ivanka as feminist role model before Trump became president. It was always such an obvious BS fraud.
Helaine Olen
Contrast that with the Squad (omitting Mulligan's tweets about them):
The Squad as a concept is so genius. It’s a new paradigm of leadership moving our country forward. No single hero/savior. Everybody in. Come for one of us, come for all. That’s what women of color leadership looks like. That’s what movement is.
Mitra Jalali Nelson

For those of you sick of hearing about 'The Squad' I would like to remind you we've lived through YEARS of this and you can just sit right down:

jess mcintosh

If you remember that elites experience criticism as violence then the conservative treatment of AOC comes into focus.
Alexander Chee

Stop asking people who don’t even remotely share your morality to be answerable to it and start out-organizing them with everything you have in your soul.
Mitra Jalali Nelson
The Jeffrey Epstein travesty only had a few, probably because it makes me so sick I couldn't "like" the tweets in order to save them:
Your daily reminder that the proper response to the Epstein case isn't just locking him up. It's also ending the culture of plutocratic impunity, special privileges, power access and college-giver drive-through reputation laundering that made it possible, made it happen.
Anand Giridharadas

A man I represent is jailed on Rikers right now, unable to afford bail, after successfully doing check-ins for last 9 years bc he failed to update his new address when he recently became homeless. Faces up to 4 years prison. Epstein didn’t check in once since 2011.
Scott Hechinger

If you have more contempt for the poor than for the rich criminals who run this country, you're the problem. I literally do not want to hear anyone say anything to me about the moral decay of the poor when I'm witnessing all this crime at the highest levels of power and wealth. The wealthy and powerful are engaging in wide-scale crimes from human sex trafficking to rigging college admissions to fleecing tax payers while most of the court system's focus is on policing and jailing people for the crime of being poor. Folks love to moralize about what the poor need to do to improve their situation, meanwhile rich folks are out here committing the biggest crimes and robbing y'all left and right... But let's keep demonizing and criminalizing poor folks because the worship of money is everything.
Bree Newsome Bass
I didn't save nearly enough tweets about gerrymandering and voter suppression:
"The Russians didn't invent voter suppression. The Russians didn't gut the Voting Rights Act. The Russians didn't draw heavily gerrymandered maps in the last redistricting cycle. The Russians didn't add a citizenship question to the census." - @AriBerman

If gerrymandering is now legal, and a state sets up its electoral system such that a minority of ethnically conscious white partisans can maintain power over the state apparatus even if they are a numerical minority, then isn't that state basically an non-democratic ethnostate?
Joseph N. Cohen
Immigration got more attention:
Did you know that you, a US citizen, do not have the right to an attorney provided for you when detained by immigration? So they can hold you indefinitely and ignore your presentation of citizenship proof as long as it takes, and run out the statute of limitations on any lawsuit.

White People: "My ancestors did not illegally immigrate for a better life just so your parents could illegally immigrate for a better life"
StanceGrounded @_SJPeace_

"The term 'ungrateful refugee'[...] is uttered most often by those who have never had or will ever have anything to do with anyone’s rescue — these are, in fact, the very people who wish to shut the door and throw away the key."

White people insisting their European ancestors came “legally” during a period where the US had open borders and didnt even require immigrants to learn english is one of the dumbest and most harmful myths guiding our current politics.
Adam Serwer

Yet...[Trump] tells people fleeing the troubles of their homeland and seeking asylum the USA to stay put and fix things in their own country. Which is it - stay and fix what you think is wrong with your country or flee to another country??
Bee Gutjahr @pixiemenace

Mike Pence doing exactly what Jesus would do, folding his arms and looking over the prisoners’ heads like they’re not there.
Paul F. Tompkins

Funny how "our" ancestors were always the good ones in every decade.
A) There were very few ways to come "illegally," but some still did.
B) Many retained deep cultural ties.
C) Many received free government land and availed themselves of public services.
D) Demanded nothing? FFS.
Jennifer Mendelsohn @CleverTitleTK

Government data prove: immigrants participate in the US labor force more and are unemployed less than native born. They contribute to our economy more and draw on government services less than the native-born. Trump/GOP falsely, cruelly scapegoat immigrants.
Richard D. Wolff

Seen in the Cartoon Museum:

Jack Klaff @jackshebang

My dad just received a letter saying he could begin the process to try to get my uncle papers. My dad filed the petition 23 years ago. My uncle just passed away. For all the “why don’t you just cross legally” headass people
Edson @e_cmch

Why I'm not invited to Fireworks with the fam:
"Wow Cousin Joe! Did you get a license for those? Oh dang that's a Class A misdemeanor. You broke the law! Exactly at the same level asylum seekers do! The ones you said 'deserve to have their kids taken away for breaking the law.'"

Reminder: most of the people in cages are Indigenous to the Americas. Many of the people with the keys are immigrants.
Lakota Law Project

Again, there is no immigration crisis. It's only a crisis for people who don't want Black and brown people immigrating to the United States. People keep screaming about legal vs. illegal immigration, ignoring that people are being denied a process for legal immigration because RACISM.
Bree Newsome Bass

“Our prison for stolen children isn’t a concentration camp because we’re only killing them accidentally” is not the winning argument you think it is
Jake Maccoby

There are 20,000 TOTAL Customs and Border Patrol agents in the US. 9,500 - almost HALF that number - are in a racist and sexually violent secret CBP Facebook group. They’re threatening violence on members of Congress. How do you think they’re treating caged children + families?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

95 years ago today, in accordance with the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924, immigrants were first required to have visas. If your European immigrant ancestor arrived prior to 7/1/24, they did not need a visa for entry to the US. They just showed up.
Jennifer Mendelsohn @CleverTitleTK

After I forced myself into a cell with women and began speaking to them, one of them described their treatment at the hands of officers as “psychological warfare” - waking them at odd hours for no reason, calling them wh*res, etc. Tell me what about that is due to a “lack of funding?”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
White supremacy, racism, and police brutality:
Discussing racism isn’t divisive. What IS divisive, dehumanizing and destructive? RACISM. Racism is not dislike. It’s power’s use of language, policies and systems to prevent progress; promote and facilitate discrimination; and portray a race as inhuman in order to attain/keep power.

Whenever Trump does a racism pundits say “omfg this is brilliant” and every time black people ask not to be shot by armed agents of the state the same people call them divisive. Pretty interesting!
Adam Serwer

PSA don’t use the word Caucasian it comes from race science. This tweet brought to you by the horrifying conversation three benches down in the train.
Dr. Katherine Crocker @cricketcrocker

If the majority of white Americans weren’t racist and didn’t support racism, Trump wouldn’t have a path to re-election. He’d lose every single state without 50%+ of the white vote. The fact there’s still uncertainty over 2020 speaks volumes.
Samuel Sinyangwe

When racists criticize America — namely people of color + our spaces — racists call it preaching facts. When antiracists criticize America — namely racist policies and ideas — racists call it preaching hate. They say, “love it or leave it,” as they refuse to love us or leave us alone.
Ibram X. Kendi

One of the most frustrating things about being a black woman writing in most newsroom is telling the truth and knowing whether or not it’s published depends on a white man’s standards and approvals somewhere down the line.
Ashley C. Ford @iSmashFizzle

"Woke" went from being a term used to raise awareness around police brutality and the rate at which police are killing unarmed Black ppl to being a term of derision used by the white establishment to mock the notion of social consciousness. Coincidence? No, just regular racism.
Bree Newsome Bass

You all really need to stop viewing the South as an overwhelmingly racist and white region and start viewing it as vast communities of color and leftist organizations being held hostage by right-wing state governments.
michael @ReadAndAct_

White America inhabits stolen land that was acquired through genocide and the forced removal of Native American civilizations as well as squatting on and stealing land from Mexico. Folks have no moral basis to tell anyone to "go back" or to immigrate "legally." LOL Just stop. Y'all don't really want a fair process or y'all would also be required to leave and reapply The level of moral indignation people summon in telling others to "go back" or "come legally." Even most of the folks who came "legally"--after European colonizers used violence to steal the land and establish their "white" nation--were only able to squeeze in because of racist immigration quotas that permitted Europeans and excluded most Asians and Africans. Know your history.
Bree Newsome Bass

8 years ago today Anders Breivik massacred 77 people, mostly children, in the name of a revolution against “Cultural Marxism,” Islamic and non-White immigration, and ethno-nationalism. 8 years later, his once extremist views have become mainstream.
Jason Stanley

And the harder truth is that a lot white folks emotionally want the safety that comes from white dominance even if they intellectually understand how morally repugnant that is. And that’s why they refuse to see Donald Trump as being as terrible as he is.
Brittney Cooper @ProfessorCrunk

In this case I'm going to repeat a Fred Hampton Quote: You Don't Fight Racism with Racism. You Fight it with Solidarity
keith hunter @heru41

Can we stop using the term "racial tensions" when we really mean "black people standing up and fighting years of white supremacy and, in doing so, making white people angry because white people like white supremacy?"
Mangy Jay

The real enemies of this country are white supremacy and economic oppression.
David Hogg

i think it’s strange/ironic that the same audience loves “make america great again” when the phrase suggests america isn’t currently great? of course we know what they’re really saying is “go back to the days when the blacks browns gays and womens knew their place”
Franchesca Ramsey @chescaleigh

I’ve heard some Republicans suggest that the Democrats have been crying racism for so long that when *actual* racism comes it falls on deaf ears. Here’s a new narrative: It’s been racism this whole damn time and we’ve been warning you and it’s exactly what led to this ugly moment.
Max Weiss @maxthegirl

The Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii, the racist attacks on Ilhan Omar and other racially minoritized women, concentration camps, police brutality, and the climate crisis all stem from the same thing: The idea that white people should have as much as they want of everything they want.
Dr. Katherine Crocker @cricketcrocker

“There is this idea that most blacks were lynched because they did something untoward to a young woman. That’s not true. Most black men were lynched between 1890 and 1920 because whites wanted their land.”
Lainna Fader

If white characters were written the way white authors describe POC in novels:
Karen wrapped her mayonnaise-colored hands around the ceramic mug and lifted it to her nonexistent lips. Her Tide Pod-hued eyes narrowed when she realized she'd forgotten to ask for a manager.

If people are this freaked out about having Muslim women in Congress, then I hope many more sisters run for office. Flip every fucking table in that place.

Dear racists: If you don’t like living in an America that your ancestors stole, colonized, raped and now have to share with millions of people of color that will soon outnumber you, a return to the frigid Caucasus Mountains would be a genius corrective.
Stacey Patton

For hundreds of years rich people have used racism and xenophobia to convince poor people that rich people are not the problem.
David Hogg

How can someone be both a communist and a supporter of Al Qaeda? That makes no sense. When the right uses these terms against someone like Ilhan Omar today or as they did with Obama, they aren't using them with any real meaning beyond "n-er".
Bree Newsome Bass

What he said:

Patrick Gaspard

LOL I've seen so many iterations of "racism is losing its meaning because y'all use the term so much." If it's losing its meaning why are y'all more upset about being labeled racist than literally anything else?
Bree Newsome Bass

A lot of the received wisdom out there says: Trump’s overt racism is terrible, but it’s political suicide. Won’t grow his base. I disagree. What he is doing is starting a race war, shifting the dominant topic of conversation from economics to identity. This will benefit him. The conventional logic focuses on levels of support for racist ideas. But there is the more basic issue of what conversation we are having at any given moment. His racist actions force reactions, which gets the word “whiteness” printed in the paper more often, which helps him. And there is no choice but to react to his racist demagogy. We have to have these conversations. And yet having them makes the terrain more hospitable to him and tickles the reptile brain of his supporters in a way Medicare struggles to rival.
Anand Giridharadas

The beauty of anti-racism is that you don't have to pretend to be free of racism to be an anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it's the only way forward.
Ijeoma Oluo

1,200 people killed by police/year
985,300 ppl police use force on/year
10,500,000 arrested by police/year
$5,000,000,000 “seized” by police/year
Samuel Sinyangwe

Just sit back and think of how many lives police officers have ruined.
Kondwani Fidel

The bipartisan white power establishment is united on three key points:
1) Protecting the interests of large corporations and the financial industry
2) Preserving the status quo of white domination
3) Supporting the military and prison industrial complexes
Bree Newsome Bass

I’m working on an essay for a big project and let me tell you, that black people are not Americans nor citizens no matter how many generations their family has been here IS one of our founding ideals.
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Quick reminder that racism isn’t about “how you feel” or “what’s in your bones.” It’s about how you act. You don’t have to be cognizant of it. And you sure as hell don’t need to admit it. Racist is as racist does. Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You. The president keeps baring his ass, and the people talking about his clothing as he does so are part of the problem.
Mary Annaïse Heglar

Gotta keep in mind this nation began as a conglomerate of slave plantations producing raw goods for the wealth of Europe. And it has been that way far longer than it has been a pseudo-democracy. Whether folks are conscious of it or not, that history informs everything.
Bree Newsome Bass

Instead of asking, "is X person a racist or sexist or homophobe?" the question should be framed: "The society we inhabit is racist, sexist and homophobic. Given that fact, how do recent events or actions of a particular person fit within that context and what does it mean?" ...But I know folks don't want to do that because they don't want to deal in systems or shared blame. So it's easier to ask the reductive question of "is X person racist?" and focus on the taboo of being labeled racist instead of how society normalizes the brutality of racism.
Bree Newsome Bass

People can turn a different page from their ancestors. The descendant of racist slaveholders can be an antiracist advocate of reparations. But not Sen. McConnell. Same old racist tree. Newer apple. Then and now subjugating Black people for their own gain.
Ibram X. Kendi

“White” is not a race, it’s a club.
Hari Kondabolu

white folks calling the police on Black people sitting, standing, breathing, talking. Brown and Black folks dying in concentration camps. So many missing Black and Native girls and zero media attention. I haven't made everything about race. America has.
saira rao

Being a bigot is a lifestyle choice that bigots constantly try to blame on everyone else. Nobody is making you hateful. That comes from within.
Bree Newsome Bass

A lot of white Americans want to think of history as being like fiction: you close the book and it goes away. It doesn't have to have an impact on your life. In reality, history is more like physics. Your world is made of it.
Sandra Newman

Imagine believing Jesus is white but believing a fictional mermaid can’t be Black.
Brittany Packnett @MsPackyetti

It's almost as if policing agencies in the US are a magnet for sadistic, racist personalities for some reason.
Bree Newsome Bass

White People: "Black people need to stop living in the past."
Andre Henry
Sexism, misogyny and toxic masculinity:
I am not here to defend everything Hillary Clinton ever did. I really don't care that much about her. What interests me more was the absolutely unhinged reaction to her. Part of the point of misogyny is to punish women who try to enter spheres that were once reserved for men.
Angie Schmitt

Feminism is a politic based on ending domination and resisting oppression. At bottom, that’s it. The rest is noise.

A female is a "person" from conception until birth, a "young woman" as an underaged child sexualized and assaulted by old men, and a "girl" as a grown professional trying to command respect. got it.
Megan Amram

Wearily chiming in to state the obvious: the idea that rape is about sex, not power, involves privileging the perspective of the rapist over that of his victim. For reasons I make clear in my book, I believe a victim-centered understanding here is vastly superior. #Feminism
Kate Manne

People seem to be debating which underage women are okay to have sex with. It’s none of them. Not the ones who “look older.” Not the ones who seem “flirty.” None of them. We have laws to help you understand that, but thanks for outing yourselves as creeps and would-be rapists.
Jennifer Wright

Just saw a CNN segment about men refusing to work with women because of fear of impropriety or being falsely accused. Nobody points out that women can't make a similar refusal to work with men or we'd have no jobs.
Bree Newsome Bass

When did we start using the term "scientist"? In 1834 "scientist" was used to describe Mary Somerville in an article (instead of "man of science"). She was:
+ a mathematician
+ tutor/friend to Ada Lovelace
Alyssa Funk

Some days I remember that 2 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices, the Lt. Governor of Virginia, and the President of the United States have all been credibly accused of serious sexual misconduct, up to and including forcible rape. And the public just... moved on.
Susan Hennessey

90% of female tipped workers have experienced sexual harassment. Relying on the approval of strangers just to eke out a living leaves millions of women vulnerable - but at $2.13/hr, they're forced into silence. The #RaiseTheWage Act could end it.
Patriotic Millionaires

Do you ever think about how the "girls mature faster" argument is used to 1) excuse bad behavior from boys, 2) hold girls to a higher standard, and 3) excuse grown men's sexual interest in young girls, but never to give girls respect or positions of responsibility and influence?
Sabrina Granger

I have really complicated feelings about the world proving in such explicit ways that what I knew as a teenage girl, that my intended social role was to be preyed upon like an animal for sport, was 100% correct, while people around me told me how "crazy" and hypersensitive I was. The weird thing is, what messed me up the most wasn't even the experiences, as bad and unjust and dehumanizing as they were. I think the longest-lasting damage was caused by everyone in my world telling me directly and indirectly that this was the order of things, this was fine.
Michelle Allison @fatnutritionist

My body survived decades of trauma, socially-approved attempts at starvation, was told its very existence was not valid. It came through all that, survived, kept me alive, and ended up fat. And the only part people feel anger or pity for is the last part? Here's my middle finger.
Michelle Allison @fatnutritionist
Our general political morass:
Corporate spending on lobbying in DC is almost $3 billion a year, more than 60X what all of labor spends. In case you're wondering why GOP lawmakers enacted >$1 trillion in tax cuts for business while doing zilch to raise the minimum wage.
Steve Greenhouse

I realize this may be a dumb idea, but since the country's oligarchs have systematically bought the American political system during the past 4 decades, we might ask them how much they'd charge for us to buy it back at this point? That's a question they might understand.
Langdon Winner

i'm so tired of people calling progressive policy "aspirational." all policy is aspirational until it's passed.
Rhiana Gunn-Wright

No wonder so many prefer philanthropy over taxation. In philanthropy, you can do whatever you want, no matter how misguided you are, no matter what other people think. Taxation, unfortunately for certain rich people, is a collective enterprise in which we make decisions together.
Anand Giridharadas

BuT iF wE GeT riD oF tHe ELeCtOrAL CoLLeGe jUsT a HaNdFuL oF StAtEs WiLL GeT tO piCk ThE PrEsiDenT:

Parker Molloy

If a Democrat wins the presidency in 2020, I predict there will be an explosion of chin stroking, sternly worded op-eds, and endless Fox News segments about how we suddenly need to cut spending and take deficits seriously.
Dan Rather

Only way for Republicans to criticize racist President is to leave party or be thrown out. Sure sign an authoritarian has captured your party and it's no longer a democracy. Democrats get grief for infighting but the alternate is cowering to authority regardless of how much you disagree.
kar nels

We joke that this is the darkest timeline, but there's worse ones. A world where Richard Spencer never got punched and now he has his own Fox News talk show after Tucker. Where nobody protested Charlottesville and now Charlottesville happens every month, every week. Show up.
Kit O'Connell

We already have solutions for racism, poverty, immigration, etc. It's not about a lack of solutions, it's that *not everyone wants solutions*. A powerful segment doesn't think it's a problem. They are actively opposed to equality and democracy for all. That's the issue. We have to stop acting like the issue is a lack of solutions and not an ideological battle over white supremacy vs. multiracial democracy. This is the fundamental ideological battle that has existed since USA's founding, when they debated but opted against abolishing slavery.
Bree Newsome Bass

the worst thing about working near politics is seeing how much people worship strategy. doesn't matter what you do, who you hurt, how much (or little) sense your plans make as long as they are "strategic." it's like living in a low-rent game of thrones.
Rhiana Gunn-Wright

Any objective political compass would place politicians like Sanders or Warren barely left of center. A real far-leftist movement would be advocating for forced property seizure by the working-class. Instead our far-left is like “don’t let people die in medical poverty, please”
Jules Suzdaltsev

Seems like a good day to remind folks both that 100 million eligible voters did not vote in 2016 and that the nonvoting population is left of the current electorate on both economic and social issues.
Osita Nwanevu

A couple friendly reminders:
1. The GOP has won the popular vote *once* this century.
2. They have appointed 15 of the last 19 Supreme Court Justices.
They have stolen the court. And there is zero recognition here that we even have a problem.
Leah Greenberg

Almost anyone objecting to “identity politics” is a person whose identity is politically well represented.
feminist next door @emrazz
Climate change and clean energy:
Sad to say, much of what passes as exciting technological "progress" these days is covertly premised on utter denial of Earth's climate crisis. "Good news! Our gadgets are improving!"
Langdon Winner

The US is about to advance a five-year transport bill that will massively increase funding — particularly for highways — with essentially no acknowledgement of transport’s climate-change impacts.
Yonah Freemark

I know this is something you're not supposed to say out loud, but: Recycling isn't actually worth much. We've got to use less in the first place.
Sean D. Sweat @PhxDowntowner

and also to all the #plasticfreefriday folks, if you boycott plastic, shouldn't you boycott pipelines?? fossil fuel industry = plastics crisis
maia wikler

Just a reminder: ecology subsumes economy.
Dr. Katharine Wilkinson

Remember when Barack Obama won the presidency in a landslide, then won reelection by a healthy margin, and conservatives disagreed with the direction he tried to take the country, but they all withheld criticism, because, you know, love it or leave it?
Brian Beutler

I’m so sick of the right wing mantra “If you don’t like it here, leave.” No, motherfucker. We want to fix it and make it better. If the roof of your house is leaking, you don’t move out, you put in the work and money to fix it. And we don’t dislike it. We confront its flaws.
Allison Floyd

Stop viewing right-wing arguments as attempts to navigate a logically consistent framework and start viewing them as ad hoc attempts to sanitize their bigotry.
Emily of the State @EmilyGorcenski

Democrats are advocating for a raise in the minimum wage, Republicans are telling Black congressmembers to go back to Africa. LOL This isn't about populism. And the threat to our safety isn't coming from the "radical left."
Bree Newsome Bass

People need to understand, on aviation CO2:
1. Offsets are a con. They don't cut carbon
2. Aviation technology can only cut a tiny bit
3. We don't have technologies to remove CO2 from the air (other than natural ones)
4. Biofuels cannot happen without huge environmental harm

Nearly 30 years after every country on Earth agreed we must reduce CO2, emissions have doubled. More fossil fuel is being burnt than ever before. Scientists say the utter devastation of human life is in view. To XR’s critics, 1 question: what’s your plan?
XR Cambridge

Re: climate change etc., IMO we should: Lower standards for personal hygiene (sweat won't kill you). We should also lower our standards for food safety (rinsing off plastic reusing, eating past expiration won't kill you either). Another thought: A lot of this plastic/paper waste just eliminates labor (of cleaning dishes or whatever). (But also creates this labor in hauling, dumping.) In the past this labor was largely done for free by women.
Angie Schmitt

One of the biggest sources of micro-plastics in our oceans comes from car tires. When you drive tiny plastic particles to rub off onto the road and create a dust that contributes to air pollution or is washed away by rain into our waterways.
Dr Michelle Dickinson

If you thought this 100 degree day was shit maybe worth considering that you could help dismantle the fabulously wealthy fossil fuel corporations whose business model is premised on creating more of them
Kate Aronoff

Do we enjoy causing disruption? No.
Will we continue to disrupt? Yes.
Why? Everything else has failed.
This is a climate and ecological emergency.
Join us
Extinction Rebellion

rich people literally do the most individual damage to the environment but somehow people are convinced that ordinary people using plastic straws is the problem

Is this where we are headed? We’re sending a million other species that way.... Let’s be less stupid. #ExtinctionRebellion:

Rupert Read @GreenRupertRead

We’re testing more autonomous vehicles than ever and traffic deaths keep going up. We’re making more electric vehicles than ever and emissions keep going up. Just a hunch here but maybe automakers aren’t going to solve these problems for us.
Alissa Walker @awalkerinLA

Out of curiosity, where were you all thinking of moving after you're done destroying the Earth? Because I assume you've thought that through.

We know finance and budget isn’t your forte MTA, but if a person doesn’t have $2.75, they also don’t have $100. Stop punishing and exacerbating poverty:


“Population control - two words that should never be uttered together, especially by white men.” @GlobalEcoGuy (Jonathan Foley)
Michelle Chang

Climate change usually doesn't "cause" extreme weather any more than doping "caused" Lance Armstrong to win races. But we know what doping does, and we know what climate change does.
Kate Marvel

We're talking about how civilization itself might collapse due to climate change and the reckless actions of multinational corporations and some of y'all want to use this moment to talk about how socialism is horrible because of a range of hypothetical scenarios.
Bree Newsome Bass

Looking at this graphic. It makes me think that 2000 really was a pivotal year and it was probably a bad idea to let the GOP steal the presidential election:

David Roberts

In other words, most of the particulate matter emissions from cars isn't from burning gas, it's from brake and tire wear. Another data point in the "electric vehicles won't save us" anthology.
Shane Phillips

transitioning every country in the world to 80%+ clean energy by 2030 costs less than not doing it and paying the climate consequences
Chris Bolman

I think the idea that what we do as individuals doesn't matter, that only collective action matters, is actually depressing and disempowering. Also a fallacy because we'd never get that collective action that we absolutely need if we didn't make it happen, as individuals!
Peter Kalmus

"The implications are striking: To limit warming to 1.5°C., not only should no new fossil-fuel-using infrastructure be built, ever again, some existing power plants need to shut down early—and yet today many new power plants are under construction."
Rupert Read @GreenRupertRead
Sustainable cities, which includes housing and transportation:
Why do drivers, 90% of which by my observation are on their phones while driving their SUV, think it’s their job to render judgement on bicyclists and pedestrians? Status in a hierarchical system. Same reason men on twitter think it’s their job to correct me if I express political views that differ from their own.
Angie Schmitt

Pretty cool design. Wheelchair accessible stairs:

Angie Schmitt

It’s interesting that while European cities are older, the vast majority of their development happened in tandem with North American cities. Copenhagen and Buffalo (attached) were the same size in 1900. Pre-car American cities were similar in form to European. What happened?
Brent Bellamy

Historic is horse and buggy. Your Jeep Grand Cherokee isn't historic. Your going 40+ mph on the parkway isn't historic. Hell, the pavement isn't even historic. Knock it off and stop putting your car above safety, enjoyment, and the damn planet.

I love when people who object to triplexes next to their 3-story single family homes on the basis of blocked sunshine also talk about how much they love the mature urban tree canopy we have.
erica mauter

Driver runs red light and kills person on e-scooter = scooters are dangerous.
Driver doors cyclist and kills them = cycling is dangerous.
Driver runs over pedestrian in marked crosswalk in broad daylight = pedestrians are distracted.
I think we know who the real danger is.

Thing about vehicles parking in bike lanes - they see it as akin to double parking - it's okay, we're block traffic but it's just for a few minutes - but thing is double parking likely makes the road safer as it slows down car traffic, but blocking a bike lane makes things less safe.

Bicycles listed along with floors and walls as dangerous consumer products for traumatic brain injuries in children. Meanwhile, leading cause of death for children is cars. But let's blame it on cell phones.
Eric Saathoff

Today I learned that stopping a car at 30mph produces twice the air pollution (toxic brake and tire dust) as stopping from 20mph. Another reason drivers should slow down.
Scott Feeney @graue

If other engineering disciplines were treated like transportation—structural edition:
"Building collapses, killing 17"
"What were those people doing in the building anyway? Buildings and building occupants share equal responsibility for not being killed by collapsing buildings"
Will, P.E. @wjfarr

It’s weird. It’s like every city has to go through the Seven Stages of Bike Infrastructure:
1. “Share the lane“ signs
2. ”Bike can use full lane” signs
3. Sharrows
4. Painted bike lane
5. Painted buffered bike lane
6. Plastic bollards
7. Fully grade separated bike lane
Lou Miranda

Show this photo next time an angry member of your community tells you that your ask for more bike lanes, road diets, speed reductions, congestion pricing, or elimination of free parking is a despicable attempt at “social engineering”... #CarCulture:

Martyn Schmoll

- A bicyclist has to be going 113 mph to have the same impact on a pedestrian as a passenger vehicle going 30 mph
- A bicyclist has to be going 140 mph to have the same impact on a pedestrian as a large truck or SUV going 30 mph
Grow some perspective, @BilldeBlasio
Don Kostelec

Have a think on this: More Americans have died in car crashes since 2000 than in both World Wars.
James Gross

I mean, I get the "no potholes" thing, but it's a tired political shtick that just flat out sucks. Roads are really expensive and cars are very heavy and drivers don't pay nearly enough. But politicians will never just say that.

If a street is called “residential” when it’s lined with single family houses but not when it’s lined with multi-family housing/mixed use, what does that say about who matters to decision-makers?

Literally half my Facebook feed: “progressive” suburban boomers burning massive amounts of fossil fuel to fly to Europe and experience walkable, transit-oriented cities, the likes of which they’d oppose back home.
John Lloyd @boyonabike62

Just so I'm clear: EVERY taxpayer, regardless of how they get around, pays for public streets. Why are we allowing public streets to be used for storage of private property? Property that sits empty and pollutes when in use.
Courtney C. @PurpleFemmedigo

Love this - data shows the explosion in colorful crosswalks also benefits neighborhood safety, increases car-free transit, and gets more kids playing outside. "The way an urban area is constructed speaks volumes about how people will navigate it":

Patrick Sisson

Logical conclusion of 80 years of zoning laws that aim for ample cheap housing for cars and expensive housing for people: People living in cars
Benjamin Ross @BenRossTransit

What kind of values govern our transportation system/culture? I would say, speed, individuality, "freedom," ie leniency. We would be a lot better off if safety and responsibility to others were more central to our thinking about transport/esp. driving. And fatalities are just the tip of the iceberg. For every fatality there's like 200 injuries, 8 pretty serious. Like we're all spending all this money every year on deaths and injuries and wrecks but we freak out about $100 tickets for unsafe driving. It's perverse. In 2015 (when traffic fatalities were lower BTW) the annual cost of them was $50 billion. That's more than we spend on highways (construction, maintenance etc) annually at the federal level (about $40 billion).
Angie Schmitt

“Climate Leaders Don’t Expand Freeways” — Beautiful civil disobedience projected on an Oregon DOT office building (photo via @ambrown):

Nate Hood
We talk about “removing” parking spaces but instead maybe we should say “upgrading” them to bus lanes, bike lanes, parklets, or other higher value uses
David Alpert

Raising kids under white supremacy responsible for rapidly collapsing ecosystems isn't ideal--and nuclear-family, single family houses are absolutely an integral part of that.

To residents of single-family homes: please stop saying things like "raising kids in an apartment isn't ideal." All around the world, kids grow up just fine in apartments. Your message erases them.
Ethan Fawley

Wide one-way streets in your downtown are about getting through downtown to someplace else as quickly as possible. They are not about supporting the downtown itself. It’s usually pretty hard to stop or backtrack if you DID want to actually support a downtown store or service:

Brent Toderian

We have low transit rider turnout at public meetings, but imagine how awful it feels to be a minority, or disabled, or low-income transit dependent person attending a meeting where one privileged white person after another says you are a problem and don’t belong in “our community”
Bill Schultheiss

2010: J.D. Power and Associates predicted that within a decade, global hybrid and EV annual sales would top five million units. They weren't entirely wrong, but they did overestimate the numbers of wheels those EVs would have by a factor of two. 37m e-bikes were sold in 2018.
Doug van den Ham

“By adding the money saved [by going to one 1 car instead of 2] to their investments, the retired couple’s net worth would increase by a future value of $678,000 at age 95. When they saw the difference, they said, oh my god.” #CityMakingMath
Brent Toderian

We should talk more about growing the tax base with new developments to decrease the burden on single family houses. People don’t understand the connections between low density, high taxes, and potholes.
Dan Marshall

Can we please acknowledge the insanity of tasking macho, car bro cops who spend all day in an SUV with enforcing road safety?

My 4-year-old son standing in front of a lifted Ford F-150. #killergrilles:

Angie Schmitt

We should make the engineers who design these take this picture w/ their kids/grandkids and see if they'll still sign off of them.

Bikes - when the city is designed right, and they are not competing with cars - are excellent for accessibility. People who have mobility challenges can often bike. Electric bikes make this even more true. Bikes are excellent for seniors. Deterrent today is city design.
Jennifer Keesmaat

In a place like Minnesota, where there's a steep emissions cost in heating/cooling, we should be aggressively disincentivizing any choices that involve empty/barely inhabited interiors (especially with a high exterior area to interior volume ratio) to be heated. i.e. F'ING CABINS, MANSIONS, SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING.

Drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians all break rules but drivers are killing 40,000 per year in the US and maiming another 2 million per year. That's why I focus on driver safety. Focusing on cyclists and pedestrians is not a focus on safety. It's a focus on obsession with rules.

Conservative Boomer: Our country is full.
Progressive Boomer: Our neighborhood is full.
Ed Kohler

Just a thought but what if instead of subsidizing parking for $60,000 SUVs the city subsidized parking for $3,000 cargo bikes? Or would that be social engineering?
Doug Gordon @BrooklynSpoke

As the Dutch long ago discovered, the most important part of an effective bike plan is the car plan. If policy makers are serious about growing cycling, they must make driving indirect and inconvenient; restricting through traffic and slowing down local traffic in their cities.

bIkE LAneS aRe SocIAl eNGineEring:

Angie Schmitt

NOBODY should be surprised if a lot of millennials buy SUVs and move to the suburbs. We have practically zero real alternatives to suburban sprawl, and where we do we're having serious affordability/transit maintenance crises.
Angie Schmitt

The horn should be coupled with the brake pedal. If you want to honk, you must slow down.
David M. Levinson @trnsprtst

People shirk at the idea of free transit while viewing free parking as normal and acceptable. Parking should subsidize transit. If we continue to make driving "easy", we won't shift behaviour that creates danger on our streets and wreaks havoc on our environment.
Robin Mazumder

In a world where cities are strapped for cash AND plagued by speeding and dangerous drivers, automatic camera enforcement is a great policy solution.
William Lindeke

1.2 million people a year, 3.4K a day, are killed worldwide in traffic crashes, with another 20-50 million a year seriously injured. Imagine if we considered that important, and reconsidered our mobility, land-use, street design, traffic speeds, etc. #VisionZero
Brent Toderian

Singapore built homes for 400,000 people in five years. At the time, that was 25% of their population. American cities can build enough homes to keep their housing costs down. They just don't want to.

We've designed our whole transport system for a certain user. That user is the most privileged. The result is, it kills a lot of people that don't fit that profile. Traffic engineers make these calculations all the time where they trade lives of pedestrians for seconds of times savings for drivers. A key thing to understand is that the socioeconomic status of the drivers > than the pedestrians on average.
Angie Schmitt

To be completely non-pragmatic but also completely in line with climate-futurist planning: what would happen if we just *stopped* building accessory parking structures? Step-by-step, what would change? (No magic electric car solution either, please.)
Mary Morse Marti

They almost all use pedestrian-killing "bull bars" too which is an outrage. Kill pedestrians and vehicle occupants AND costs taxpayers hundreds of extra dollars. They're going to do an investigation in this case. But they aren't going to ask: Why was the officer driving an SUV in the first place? It's becoming standard, but it's just going to lead to police departments killing more people:

Angie Schmitt
Health care:
I would absolutely love to know the number of people on Medicare who say they would be opposed to a public option because they believe it would "lead to too much government involvement in health care."
Helaine Olen

from same KFF survey: how attitudes toward public option vary depending on how the policy is framed
Catherine Rampell

politicians keep saying I can keep my doctor like I haven't forcibly had my insurance change 4 times in the last several years and have any idea who my doctor even is
maura quint @behindyourback

The Supreme Court and Republican governors successfully murdered a football stadium full of human beings for corporate profit. We need to start framing these issues in this way.
A.R. Moxon (Julius Goat) (commenting on the states that didn't expand Medicaid under the ACA, resulting in 15,000 deaths)

Capitalism efficiently allocates resources according to our needs and wants. You can tell because people die of poverty for not being able to afford their insulin while we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making new Spiderman movies every year.
Existential Comics

It’s wild to me that I can marry a random man today and give him health insurance but I can’t provide my sister health insurance or my grandmother. The American idea of who is family and who do we care for doesn’t make sense to me. Also, everyone should have universal healthcare.

Imagine believing that everyone having health care is tyranny but tanks in the street is a celebration of freedom.

Guess what? If you like your health insurance, you don't get to keep it. You are at the mercy of your employer who can fire you at anytime & take it away or switch your plan every single year. #MedicareForAll ensures that no American loses their health insurance - ever again.
Warren Gunnels

$14,000? That’s not a deductible. That’s the price of a new car. People get loans to cover new cars. We expect Americans to take the on $14k in medical debt before the insurance pays for anything. In what kind of world is that okay? #MedicareForAll
Chris Richards, One of the Squad @EclecticRadical

I'm honestly trying to figure out what health insurance folks have that's so great they're fearful of trading it for universal healthcare because everybody I know including myself is paying a lot of money for monthly premiums on plans that barely cover anything
Bree Newsome Bass
I’m on the just erase student debt team... incentives that promise more vulnerability are not the solution we need.
Imani Perry

There's an enormous difference between:
(a) People ravaged by a system's oppressions discussing the resilience needed to survive and thrive in it, and
(b) People who uphold the system ignoring those oppressions and telling people ravaged by it they need more grit.
Paul Gorski

Large, new, year-long study finds that supporting students' self-efficacy is likely to have more impact on their academic performance than improving their "grit"
Alfie Kohn

After accounting for age, experience, and other factors, teachers were paid 21.4% LESS than other college graduates in 2018. In 1979, the gap was 7.3%, so it's got only worse. This is why U.S. teachers are striking and should continue to strike.
Tor Valenza @SolarFred
Capitalism, wealth and income inequality, wage theft, and a better way to do things:
The rich: "Poor people are just takers and moochers who love free money!"also the rich: "I will literally disown my own child to mooch some free money meant for needy people."
Lincoln Michel

This is America’s new servant economy—it’s “wealth workers:” 1 m housekeepers; 280,000 fitness trainers; 190,000 dogwalkers; 104,000 manicurists; 103,000 massage therapists; etc.
Mark Muro

Meritocracy is not an impartial ethic. It is a sport, in which the rich can afford better equipment, savvier coaches, and softer referees, while claiming that all outcomes are evidence of innate talent.
Derek Thompson

The Trump/GOP billionaires are cutting food stamps for 3 million poor people because they may not be poor enough. Back in 2017, they cut taxes on business and the rich because they were not rich enough. Isn't the logic of capitalism stunning?
Richard D. Wolff

An update on our "BOOMING" economy:
39% of Americans have $0 in savings
Families put up to 30% of their income toward child care
40% of Americans hold a second job
1 in 4 people make less than $10/hour
Meanwhile, CEO pay increased at 2x the rate of ordinary wages last year.
Public Citizen

Whether Uber and Lyft drivers and other gig workers should be treated as independent contractors or regular workers, with full rights, is now front and center, especially in California. Uber and Lyft say that their drivers run their own businesses. Give me a break. Uber unilaterally sets & repeatedly alters the fares passengers pay, what drivers are paid & the commissions it takes. Nor can drivers build a customer base. Uber and Lyft drivers run their own businesses? Give me a breakThe notion that Uber is a mosaic of 1000s of small businesses linked by a common 'platform' is faintly ridiculous....Uber talks of helping drivers grow their businesses, but no driver can do anything of the kind, unless growing his business means spending more hours at the wheel.
Steven Greenhouse

Part of why I don't buy the argument for allowing unpaid internships is I'm skeptical of the educational value (as opposed to the signaling value) of an internship that's not productive enough for the company to keep it if pay is required. Yes, requiring pay will cause some internships to go away. Mostly the least valuable ones, though. There are a lot of make-work internships out there that add no value to firms and do little to educate interns. But they can be a necessary career stepping stone in the system we have now. Abolishing the most useless internships could make the economy more efficient.
Josh Barro

Capitalism is so great that it:
1. Creates homelessness while there are more vacant homes than homeless people.
2. Creates hunger while 40% of the food produced in the U.S. and Canada is wasted.
3. Poisons the environment and then shames you into buying "green" products.
Clara Sorrenti

When a transit fare evasion fine is $240 and a parking ticket is $25, it goes to show you who holds political clout.
Mike Boos
And the best of the rest:
[There was] a Game of Thrones thread from a medievalist a few years ago. They talked about the [limited]foods that were actually widely available in Europe pre-1500... perhaps the real reason for Western domination was better food. "Spice trade" and all... Humans from a small, cold continent wanting better seasonings and staple crops after emerging from a plague that wiped out nearly half of them: an epitaph for Homo sapiens.
Ebony Elizabeth

Do y’all remember, before the internet, that people thought the cause of stupidity was the lack of access to information? Yeah. It wasn’t that.

Next time someone claims that emancipation was a Republican idea: remind them that Lincoln read Karl Marx, kept a written correspondence with him, and was influenced to free the slaves because of him. They sure as shit excluded THAT from the textbooks.

There is no good reason to post a job ad without a salary range. There are only bad reasons:
1. To keep current employees from learning they’re underpaid
2. To keep candidates unaware of the budgeted range
3. To use candidates’ salary histories as free market research
Liz Ryan @humanworkplace

Modern day conservatives want the state to determine what women can do with their wombs, want the state to tell you who you're allowed to love and marry, and have strict ideas about how gender identity should be expressed. But progressives are the tyrannical scolds. Got it.
Seth Cotlar

Imagine feeling oppressed by the request that you address people by their chosen pronouns. Seems like half of public dialogue these days consists of people passionately defending their right to be inconsiderate assholes.
David Roberts

put an em dash button directly on the keyboard, you cowards
Nicole Carpenter @sweetpotatoes

why does this dog look like richard gere:


Everyone thinks they know how they’d handle abuse better than the victim.
Alexander Chee

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." —Arthur Ashe

You're more likely to drive over your own kid in an SUV than a pile of boulders.
Show this thread. Would not recommend driving over a pile of boulders in a vehicle with such bad stability either tho. Will probably roll over.
Angie Schmitt

"But I don’t believe that Jews were the chosen people. I don’t even believe that people are the chosen species.” My 2012 interview with the late Paul Krassner... RIP
Rex Weiner

Your fun fact of the night: the black population of South Bend, Indiana is well over half the size of the black population of San Francisco. (27K/45K)
Alec MacGillis

Far right violence has killed and injured and terrorized so many, but Ted Cruz isn't sponsoring a resolution to call far right activists "domestic terrorists." They have literally murdered people from coast to coast, and celebrated and lionized the murderers. What have antifascists done? We have IDd planners of far right violence. We have punched some Nazis. We have deplatformed their celebrities to make it more difficult for them to recruit. The far right is a lethal, cancerous virus in the body of a society. Antifascists are part of the immune system. Ask yourself why any elected official is trying to suppress the social immune system and court the votes of violent fascists.

We produce enough food to feed everyone — 17% more per person than 30 years ago — and when you ask how we can arrange our society such that everyone can have access, people with money and power and extra food are literally like: eat maggots. It’s incredible, watching our elites pay lip service to food justice while steering the arc of history from “let them eat cake” to “let them eat maggots."
Kristin Reed @ternary_logic

I shouldn’t have to say this again but this thing about the left being anti-Semitic for criticizing Israeli apartheid while rightwingers massacre actual Jews in synagogues is so viciously and cynically dumb that it makes my actual brain hurt.
Ben Ehrenreich

I think creativity can do a lot but I’m realizing that I won’t ever like watching shows about teenage girls that are written by 30-something-men.
Julieanne Smolinski @BoobsRadley

Criticizing America means you hate America. If you really loved your country and saw it rotting from within you’d patriotically shut up and let it happen

"Texas today incarcerates nearly one-quarter of a million people in its jails and prisons—more than the total number of prisoners in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom combined." —The Prisoner Dilemma | Marie Gottschalk
Chris Harris

saw someone complaining that “millennials aren’t writing enough great novels” and like, I’m sorry that books about wizards and kickass orphans don’t *interest* you, guy whose generation only wrote books about sad-eyed cheating professors.

If kids got raped by clowns as often as they get raped by preachers it would be against the last to take your kids to the circus, part eleventy billion.
Dan Savage

Sometimes the grass looks greener but when you sit down on it's just wet. Now ya just got a wet butt
Not Bob @rawales2

Too easily we generalize one understanding to another. The label “Green house gasses” e.g. means “gasses capturing heat.” Our generalization instinct makes us see a thin layer of special gasses. But it’s more like a 20 km deep turbulent porridge of mainly water vapor + some CO2.

This is a blast. Highly recommend:

Franklin Hardy

Sometimes sentences are just so beautiful one has to share. This comes from the original Holmes "The Five Orange Pips": "All day the wind had screamed and the rain had beaten against the windows, so that even here in the heart of great, hand-made London we were forced to raise our minds for the instant from the routine of life and to recognise the presence of those great elemental forces which shriek at mankind through the bars of his civilisation, like untamed beasts in a cage." Doyle, 1892
Ada Palmer

The top Federal wage and hour regulator under Obama says Uber and Lyft are wrong. He says it's clear that their drivers should be treated as employees and not as independent contractors. "Uber and Lyft insist that they cannot survive if they no longer can treat their drivers as independent contractors. Such a change would mean that they would have to factor in the real costs of drivers into their business model. They would have to figure out how to comply with workplace laws like the minimum wag, provide certain baseline protections like unemployment insurance and workers compensation, and collect and pay state and federal payroll taxes. In other words, they would have to do what millions of other businesses do every day."
Steven Greenhouse

Don't know what they're talking about in church these days, but it sure as hell ain't Jesus:


I'm uninterested in remakes. Ready-made audience, the veneer of doing something new without the work and risk of actually creating something new, ready-made template, oh i get why THEY do it.
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD

If your response to injustice is 'that's just how things are,' I'm going to suggest that oppression has put a ceiling on your imagination and you need to work to remove it.

Conservative public intellectuals are among the laziest thinkers... Conservative academics who do public intellectual work almost always begin their commentaries by misunderstanding, misrepresenting concepts, situations that any academic would understand complexly.
Paul Thomas

also periodic PSA as Flint gets one more moment of attention: the crisis did not happen "to save money". the crisis happened because of a huge state-condoned suburban resource grab while Flint and Detroit were under emergency management, which the state initiated
Louise Seamster

I just typed copmuter instead of computer and can't stop giggling.
Amity Foster

if there's anything that reading British literature has taught me, it's that brutally repressing your emotions always leads to rational decisions that work out great for everyone. if Heathcliff had access to a good therapist Wuthering Heights would be like three pages long. USE YOUR WORDS, MR DARCY
Kate Marvel

Your phone is the adult marshmallow test you fail 250 times a day.
Jason Kottke

Yum, cables:

Faces in Things

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