Friday, July 26, 2019

A Postcard from the Past

Have I mentioned I'm cleaning my office?

One of my (many) weaknesses is a love for postcards. They're not usually ones from a place, but more likely to be an image of a work of art, a photo of some type, or a cartoon. I have a small pile I'm going to be giving away soon because I'll never mail them to anyone, but I also don't have room to post them on a bulletin board somewhere.

In some cases, I no longer feel the strong connection to them I did when I acquired them, and it will be easy to let them go. But there are others I will miss and will always want to remember, like this one:

(I guess that tells you something about my sense of humor.)

It's by J.C. Duffy, a fairly frequent New Yorker contributor. I think I picked it up in Washington, D.C. in the mid-1980s.

Everything about it still make me laugh.

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