Sunday, April 7, 2019

American Empire on the Radio

I happened to catch about a third of On the Media this afternoon. The whole show is dedicated to one topic and called Empire State of Mind. Brooke Gladstone talks with Daniel Immerwahr, a historian at Northwestern University and author of How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States.

I came in after they had gotten to the 20th century, so I will have to go back to hear the rest, but the part I heard... well, I highly recommend listening to it yourself for some facts you probably didn't learn in school. It ties in directly with our current situation in many ways and makes world geopolitics a bit less opaque.

I especially (dis)liked the part about Cornelius Rhoads, a racist mass murderer I had never heard of who probably also contributed to saving the lives of people I know and care about.

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