Sunday, November 5, 2017

Four Photos, November 5, 2017

It's been a long day of driving back from Wisconsin, so I have just a few photos related to type and printing:

As seen in the gift shop at the Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan.

From the wall of posters printed at Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum.

One of the people attending the 2017 Wayzgoose at Hamilton. I feel compelled to explain his joke only partially: It requires knowledge of both Game of Thrones and letterpress printing.

These prints by the Itinerant Printer were on display during the print swap and sale that ends the Wayzgoose. I'm trying not to acquire posters any more (my backlog far exceeds my wall space), but I just had to take a photo because this Neil deGrasse Tyson quote reminds me of a Stephen Crane poem I identified with in high school.

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