Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Study Reinforces My Bias, Therefore Must Be Correct

Did you hear about the recent study that found participation in organized sports is inversely correlated with creativity?

...in spite of an overtly conservative analysis, the results were stark: time spent playing informal sports was significantly and positively related to overall creativity, while time spent playing organized sports was significantly and negatively related to overall creativity....

What could account for such...results? On a theoretical (and, frankly, intuitive) level, informal sports played in unstructured, unsupervised environments capture many of the elements that are linked with the developmental benefits of play for children. These environments offer children the freedom to self-govern, create rules, problem-solve and resolve social conflicts on their own terms.

Organized sports, on the other hand, tend to replicate hierarchical and militaristic models aimed at obedience, replication, adherence to authority, and a number of other qualities that, on a theoretical level, would be unlikely to be conducive to creative development. (emphasis added)
No mention is made of the creativity levels of people who rarely participated in any kind of sports at all. I suppose the authors weren't creative enough to imagine such people exist. Or maybe they don't exist among the largely Millennial-age graduate students who were the subjects of the study.

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