Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sexy Halloween Post

It's almost too much, the critiques of sexy Halloween costumes. But I must pile on just a little bit. Nothing like Kristen Schaal's ultimate sexy costume from last week's Daily Show. No, just these few bits of goodness from the interwebs.

First, this one for the men: Edgar Allan Ho.

Then there's the one that compares costumes for men (or -- is it possible!? -- for any gender) with similarly themed, women's/sexy versions:

Lots more where that came from (via Sociological Images).

And finally, this from the unsinkable Tom Tomorrow.

(As always, click to enlarge.)

If you don't know what the last panel refers to, here's a bit of background.

(Oh, and hey, you can subscribe to Tom's cartoons early by sending $9.99 to him via his Sparky's List. You'll get the cartoon and a note from Tom by email every Friday, days before the it appears on Daily Kos. And you'll know you're keeping an independent cartoonist and his family fed.)

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