Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Thank You, Kanye

Cover of West's book with him superimposed over the coverA friend sent me a link to this article on Reuters, telling us that rapper Kanye West has a new book out -- despite the fact that he doesn't read books, doesn't like them, and is on record as saying "I would never want a book's autograph." (No duh.)

Much has been written about the book already, so I won't add to it much. But I will point out one thing I haven't seen mentioned in other posts on the subject: Did West really need to work with a co-author (J. Sakiya Sandifer) to create this brief volume?

After all, according to Reuters, the book is:

52 pages -- some blank, others with just a few words -- and offers his optimistic philosophy on life. One two-page section reads, "Life is 5% what happens and 95% how you react!" Another page reads "I hate the word hate!"
Wow, it sure seems like a guy who's written some fairly compelling lyrics could have come up with those nuggets on his own.


David Steinlicht said...

I went over to the linked Reuters article and it contains one of the saddest sentences I've ever read.

It's in reference to Kanye West's mom, Donda West:

"She died in 2007 of complications following cosmetic surgery."

elena said...

..yes, that's a long story, and it is very sad. She was an English professor, and I'd have to guess that she wouldn't have been impressed with this book.