Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bradley Scholzman, Poster Boy for Bad Government

Bradley Scholzman's official photographThis just in from my latest blog discovery, Syndicate & Hague.

Writer Sara recounts a series of documented quotes from Bradley J. Schlozman (former assistant attorney general, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice under George W. Bush), who went out of his way to fire and prevent the hiring of anyone further to the left than Alberto Gonzalez. This was during the same timeframe as the U.S. Attorneys scandal.

As Sara said,"Sometimes when I read tales of the Bush Administration, I think I’m accidentally reading McSweeney’s. Then I pause and check the domain and think -- no, no, this is actually real."

To add insult to injury after all of Scholzman's overt discrimination and politicization of the DOJ, he was promoted to become the U.S. Attorney for western Missouri in 2006. But he couldn't hold onto it (knowing he wouldn't be confirmed by the Senate, which had been taken over by "pinkos" and "commies" in the 2006 election) and finally left the DOJ in late 2007. He's now in private practice in Kansas City.

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