Monday, December 15, 2008

Bristol Palin to Be Grandmother Soon!

I challenge you to comprehend this headline on first read.

Photos of Sarah, Bristol and Sarah's dad Chuck Heath under a headline Sarah Palin's dad: She's going to be a great grandmother

The Huffington Post was in fine form today! I think I read that headline at least four times before I realized they were reporting that Sarah Palin's father had said Sarah would make a wonderful grandmother. (Not that Sarah was about to become a great grandmother. Or that he, himself, was actually a she and was about to become a great grandmother, rather than a great grandfather. Those were my two alternate readings.)

To be completely fair, it's basically a slightly newsier version of the headline from the People story HuffPo was linking to: "Sarah Palin's Dad Says She'll Be a Great Grandmother." Which is slightly less unclear than the HuffPo version, but why not say she'll make a great grandmother, which would be even clearer? It doesn't matter that Sarah's father is quoted in the story as saying she'll "be a great grandmother" -- the headline isn't in quotes, so why not think a little harder and help the reader out?

1 comment:

elena said...

!! One for the "textbooks" – thanks!