Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stalker Doppelganger?

Newspaper page with a photo at top and ad at bottomYou know that story about the Hollywood screenwriter who supposedly had her pit bull cloned?

Well, according to an Associated Press story in today's paper, the same woman was convicted of stalking, kidnapping and sexual assault 31 years ago in London. She was recognized from file photos at several British tabloids. I saw the story in the Star Tribune, but I imagine it ran in many other papers as well -- but not the Pioneer Press, which managed to stay out of this piece of tabloid trash.

I'm not writing about this topic for its intrinsic merit. Rather, I wanted to point out an unintentionally funny juxtaposition I noted on the Strib page.

At right is the whole page, with the story, called "Her photo looked strangely familiar," at the top. At the bottom of the page is an ad for Mills Fleet Farm, selling carbon monoxide detectors. It's hard to see what caught my attention from this small image, so here are close-ups of the photo and the ad:

Photo showing a woman in the back of a car who looks like she's hugging the person to the left of her. The woman's eyes are closed, and her head is canted toward the person she's hugging.
The woman, Joyce McKinney (looking blissful for some reason), as she is taken away by police in 1977.

Ad with photo showing a young girl who is asleep on the shoulder of her mother, who is to the left of her. The girl's eyes are closed, and her head is canted toward her mother.
The carbon monoxide detector ad, with a child blissfully sleeping on her mother's shoulder.

I'd say that gives new meaning to the headline, "Her photo looked strangely familiar."

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