Saturday, March 23, 2019

Land Doesn't Vote

As the election approaches and you see the ubiquitous red-blue maps that look something like this (though hopefully higher resolution):

Remember, this is what the map actually looks like when the colors are used to represent votes instead of land:

People vote. Land doesn't.


An addendum from Angus Johnston:

One other thing that’s been bugging me since this tweet surfaced: This is a fake map. It’s been intentionally blurred and distorted to expand the red areas and eliminate some blue islands. [Here's the real map.]

What leaps out here is that you don't need to photoshop a map like this to erase millions of Democrats—you just need to make it so blurry that all the cities in the heartland disappear.

"You liberals don't care about the people of the flyover states! Not like me, who just evaporated every Democrat between Dallas and Chicago!"

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