Monday, August 16, 2010

Summary of Univeral Media Syndicate Posts

In case you've just arrived from MinnPost, here's a list of all my past writing on the Universal Media Syndicate:

March 24, 2014 - Senior Mobile Phones — $97 Is Not Free

March 6, 2012 - Clear-Cast, Another Waste of Your Money from UMS

Ocober 24, 2011 - Even More Heat Surge Absurdity

December 2, 2011 - BBB Denounces the Scammers from Canton, Ohio

June 16, 2011 - ArcticPro Air Conditioners -- Not Free, and Not the Best Choice

January 30, 2011 - Find Out More About SmartLean and Flucoxanthin

December 7, 2010 - Uncut $2 Bills Cost 6 Times Their Face Value

September 11, 2010 - More Puffery from the Amish Heater Company

June 17, 2010 - Mira-Cool -- Repackaged Cool Surge?

February 20, 2010 - Apatrim -- Scam or Science?

August 30, 2009 - World Reserve Monetary Exchange Exploits Ted Kennedy

June 12, 2009 - Overpriced CompTek Laptops from Universal Media Syndicate

May 20, 2009 - Cool Surge -- Another Scam from Canton, Ohio

March 25, 2009 - Call the Papers When You See the Ads

January 21, 2009 - Obama Mania -- at a Price

January 10, 2009 - Universal Media Syndicate -- Half-Truths, Puffery and Outright Lies

December 6, 2008 - Universal Health Card Scam, Update 2

November 21, 2008 - Update on the Universal Health Card Scam

November 19, 2008 - Universal Health Card -- Money for Nothing (The post that started it all)

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