Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rally to Free Koua Fong Lee: Monday Morning

Koua Fong Lee will finally get an evidentiary hearing this Monday. I hope this is just the first step on the way to a new trial, with him freed on his own recognizance in the meantime... or even better, that the county attorney will decide it's not in the interest of justice to refile charges against him.

Anyone interested in supporting Lee and his family is invited to a rally at 8:00 a.m. outside the courthouse, 15 W. Kellogg Street in downtown St. Paul. It's only an hour. Parking is available in the ramp across Wabasha (the Crowne Plaza Hotel).

The rally is organized by Trudy Baltazar, a Twin Cities woman who has been working to raise the profile of (and raise money for) Lee's case. She's got a hundred signs ready to share with anyone who wants one.

Baltazar doesn't know Lee. She's not a career organizer. She's just had enough of this clear example of unequal justice.

Earlier posts on the Lee case:

Let Koua Fong Lee Go

Koua Fong Lee Update

Koua Fong Lee: Latest Sentence Shows Unequal Justice

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