Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Feral Garage

No, that's not the name of an indie rock band.

I saw this feral garage in St. Paul last weekend:

Garage completely covered in green cascading vines
The vines are even swallowing the trash can:

Different angle on the garage completely covered in green cascading vines
Thanks to Sweet Juniper for the applying the term "feral" to structures.


  1. This summer is turning everything feral. I am afraid to go in the garden. I heard Susan muttering something about needing a hard frost...

  2. Funny--my post today is on "kudzu." A nasty invasive vine is choking out a small part of my garden...looks like this is a different kind of vine, but nasty in any case.

  3. BlOG, I saw your kudzu/bindweed post just after I had posted about the feral garages. Comparing a map of kudzu distribution to the USDA zone map, it looks like it doesn't go past the warmer part of Zone 6, so hopefully Minnesota is safe until global warming gets really bad!

    This doesn't help us with the bindweed problem.


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