Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Viva Geraldo!

Geraldo RiveraI woke up this morning to Geraldo Rivera, of all people, being interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition. He has a new book out, His Panic, in which he takes on the anti-immigration point of view so prevalent in our country today.

It was a thought-provoking interview, and it sounds like a good book to read, so I've added it to my list. At some much earlier point in my life, I thought G.R. was pretty cool, and so it was interesting to hear some of the background on his life. And funny to hear that he has a hard time getting his teenagers interested in speaking Spanish with him, even just to make sure they're bilingual.

The interview closed with a quote from his father, which was given in Spanish, but the translation was more or less, "When you speak two languages, you have two souls."

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