Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just Say Yes

Nancy Reagan at a podium labeled Just Say NoI was trolling through Google images for possible models to use in my anti-purse campaign, and I ran across this amusing example of graphic ineptness.

Not only is the Just Say No symbol printed in green (which usually means "go" rather than "stop" in American culture), but the designers felt the need to rotate the usual circle with a slash so that it no longer is the same symbol, but has rather become something more like an earth symbol or something related to environmentalism.

And then they put the words in the typeface Gill Kayo, which is heavy and bold, yes, but is also kind of friendly, rather than stern or no-nonsense.

Finally, I am I wrong to think that the TM symbol should be on the right side of the mark? I may just be succumbing to convention, but it looks really wrong on the left side.

Guess all the graphic designers were Democrats, so they had to make do.

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