Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Before I Forget

I'm a long-time fan of education writer and policy-thinker Diane Ravitch, as evidenced by some of my past posts. I've been following her on Twitter since my earliest days there as well.

But recently someone must have talked her into including eye-bleeding graphics with the tweets that promote posts from her blog. These images make me ignore everything she posts because not only can I not read what they say, I have to scroll them out of my feed before they injure me.

I keep forgetting to mention it here.

Stop. Please stop.

You don't believe me? Here are three of them.

I'm sorry to inflict these on you, but someone else needs to know about this.


  1. Yikes. But are they from her, or from the Twitter user linking to her posts, Coopmike48?

  2. Oh, gee, you're right. She's retweeting them, that's why they're showing up to me. Ouch.


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