Thursday, February 24, 2022

The One and Only

This isn't news to me exactly, but I don't remember hearing this exact stat, even though it's from 2019, before the election and before covid. 

The screen shot comes from a Vox explainer by Molly Joss Fong about why conservatives turned against vaccines, and the whole thing is worth watching, but this piece of information caught my attention the most:

The label at the top of the graphic reads, "News sources trusted by at least 40% of..." As you can see, there are 11 mainstream journalism sources trusted by at least 40% of Democrats or people who lean Democratic. There's only one "news" source (I couldn't bring myself to refer to it without the quotes) by Republicans and people who lean Republican: Fox News.

The source is a survey from the Pew Research Center in November 2019.

As Tucker Carlson and others on Fox pander to Vladimir Putin, this seems even more terrible than ever.

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