Monday, February 21, 2022

Bad Investment

This was the top half of a full-page ad on page 3 of my daily newspaper today:

I know it's not any worse than spending tax dollars on highways, but somehow this headline makes it worse. Invest in highways. It's straightforward income. 

The creators of this ad (and the bond fund it promotes) don't care that highways (their expansion, especially) are the exact opposite of what is needed as we drive our human habitat into unlivability. As the cartoon says, the planet got destroyed but they created a lot of value for the shareholders along the way.

There are so many other things that municipal bonds could be used for. One item that comes to mind is the recent news that the St. Paul Port Authority's plan to build a net-zero housing and light industry development on the former Hillcrest golf course may be held up for lack of capital. 

Do I see full-page ads selling bonds for that?


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