Friday, January 28, 2022

Two Eyes and a Mouth = Male

I've lost count of how many times I've posted about pareidolia (the human tendency to see faces in inanimate objects). Yesterday I learned that Americans tend to assume those faces are male.

Looking back through the photos in my posts, I see some where I do read the face as male, but in the majority I see it as ungendered or sometimes as an animal. I don't see any of them as female, I don't think. 

It doesn't mention in the write-up of the research whether ungendered was a choice allowed, which makes me suspect that it was not — that the research subjects were forced to choose one or the other, female or male. 

I don't know what I would have done in that case if I were part of the study, since I really don't see it in many of the cases, such as this one from the researchers' slides


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