Sunday, January 16, 2022

Now that's Slow

When Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in 2008, Parade magazine ran an out-of-date cover story asking if she was America's best hope against al-Quaeda.

Now it's Sunday, January 16, 2021, and guess who was on the cover of Parade in celebration of her 100th birthday, which she famously missed because she died more than two weeks ago on December 31, 2021?

The editors didn't even try to hedge their bets in what they published, either. This is part of the lead, quoting the author of a retrospective book about White: "the fact that she's made it to 100 makes her a true legend."

Does that mean she isn't a legend because she died just short of 100?

The story ends with promotion of a simulcast event scheduled for 900 movie theaters tomorrow night. It looks like it's going ahead despite the death of the guest of honor.

Maybe there's something in there about the show must go on. Or the last laugh. Or something.

But I still find it hard to believe that Parade magazine's production and distribution schedule is more than two weeks long.

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