Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Naomi Novik

Once again, I've been escaping into fiction. 

Right now I'm reading an alternate history where a meteorite wiped out most of the East Coast in 1953, causing rapid climate change. (Mary Robinette Kowal's The Calculating Stars.) So I take that back: it's not exactly escapist, I guess. But it's different from our problems!

Before that, I read Naomi Novik's most recent novels. Like her earlier books, they're excellent. This pair, A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate, turn the now-typical wizarding boarding school story on its head while also exploring global politics and structural power relationships. And they're funny, too.

I'm not sure if a third book is planned or if two is it. I'm happy either way.

I'm happy to have found Naomi Novik. 

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