Monday, December 27, 2021

Mystery Actor as a Child

Inspired mostly by Orange Crate Art's mystery-actor posts, here's a similar one from me. 

My version is perhaps more difficult and really more of a trick, since it's a well-known actor when she was a child:


The photo is from a compilation book published to commemorate Life magazine's 75th anniversary. It came out sometime during the George W. Bush presidency, judging by the latest photos within, but the photos began with Life's earliest years.

I'll post a photo of the actor's father and brother (who were included in the uncropped version of the photo) below as a hint. They are both also actors, though her brother is a child in the photo as well. 














Here's her dad and brother:

Any guesses as to who she is for the comments? 

I have no idea how difficult this is, but I think it's pretty hard.


Update: The mystery is answered by commenter Barbara ... she got it in one, as they say. 


  1. It is indeed. I wasn't sure how identifiable Henry was in that photo... some other people who saw it (who were old enough to know) didn't recognize him.

  2. I guessed Jane Fonda last night, even before seeing Henry (it’s the cheekbones), but Blogger must have eaten my comment (it happens all the time). Seeing Henry made me second-guess myself — he seems to have an awful lot of hair in that picture.


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